thye are good and ill defend them........esp at 50 bucks for a 12 again ill say two of them have hit in the low 140s for a friend of mine and yes the sq is good i dont care what anyone says
Shut up with the Volfenhag.....F*CK!!! They are $hit. When's the last itme you saw one of them win a competition or any famous people have them, or anyone other than peoplewho are ignorant about soundsystems and only have a few bucks to spend!!! They suck @ss FACE IT!!!.
Posted on
i think you all should just drop the volfenhag stuff, and go with sony. i mean come on, sony is sooo popular, they sell alot of good stuff. as i said in a different post, itll whip the living hell out of volfenh00g and the XXX. go buy some dual sony's and show all of the RE fanboys what car audio really is, you can't go wrong. any sony products, subs, 6x9's, head units, they are top of the line, they NEVER break. hell, i threw my sony HU up against the wall because i got mad one time, and it still works!! i threw it up against a concrete wall. think of it, a multipurpose head unit.. head unit by day, stress ball by night! what more could you want? come on people..
darren, dont get me mad at you, i will defend him as well and if u want an argument ill argue with you over this as i believe sean will do the ame, for the price volfenheg is good stuff, it isnt terrible, what other sub can u get for 50 bucks for 1 12 that wont p00p out on you! There isnt anything. Freedom its your money and i support you, if u need any help i will help you
heres the post i made on the other thread on this........
sean Gold Member Username: Insearchofbass
Post Number: 1696 Registered: Jun-04 Posted on Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - 12:54 pm:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- look you guys can call the volfenhags junk ive heard plenty they arent junk and this guy wants 4 15s let him do it its his money plus he had the 12s already and apparently he likes them so let up will ya
And whats it matter about price. Throw price out the f*ckin window. And ask yourself, are they good subs??? umm.............NO...doesnt matter how much they are, we are talkin about the quality of the sub.
i will agree volfenag subs have really bad sq, they do get loud but quality is real bad, my friend had to return his subs 3 times before he got some that work, and he paid $90 a piece for his two 10's and for that price i would rather get kicker cvr's or alpine or the atlas
Posted on
Hang in there bro peoples dis on Audiobahn too. For the money you cant knock it. Honestly. Yeah they say save your money. I say listen to your own self and choose what you want.
You can argue SQ all you want to, everybody hears differently and has different preferences, and different goals for that matter. Arguing SQ is a dead end street. Somewhere their is a guy that thinks Sony sounds better than Rainbow (No, I HAVEN'T met him yet, but you know what I mean ). The main emphasis of this argument should be reliability and build quality, in which Volfenhag isn't the best or the worst at, for $50, you aren't getting much and your expectations shouldn't be sky high anyway. $50 is a drop in a bucket compared to what you could have in the audio world.