Can i do 2 12s vented& 2 12s sealed


Unregistered guest
can you get the best of both worlds
as far as vented or sealed enclosures?

I have a 12 in PEN!S

Gold Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 1254
Registered: Jul-04
it'd be a gross waste of space and just sound like a bunch of ambient noise...

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 7840
Registered: Dec-03
collins, in reality you'll get the worst of both worlds. the benefits of one box would be cancelled out by the drawbacks of the other kind of box, both ways.

what are you after here? SQ? SPL? There are a lot of enclosure types, and I'm sure one would fit your needs just fine if it's done properly.

best rule EVAR in the car audio world:
keep it simple, stupid.
the less you complicate things, the less chance you'll have of running into problems. simple,, clean, and elegant will just about always work out better in the end compared to overly complicated and flashy.

Gold Member
Username: Fishy

Tamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA

Post Number: 1130
Registered: Sep-04
K.I.S.S. me baby!



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