I have an seal box with two jl audio 10 inch single voice coil subs, powered by an jl e-1400 amp, the subs are 8 ohmn, wired in parl. for an 4 ohmn load, they sound lousy, dont hit hard at all, if I turn the amp up the sit there & rumble! I have been told the only way I will get the hard hitting bass I want is to install two 6 inch mid woofers, what do you guys think?
h e c k no...go with a couple jl audio 6wv2's or sum id max's from imafge dynamics and give them the power they need, good quality and volume for both(try 2 port the boxes)
I think what they was saying was keep the sub box, but install two 6 1/4 midrange speakers to get the hard hitting midrange bass, i am currently looking at the 10w6v2 subs for my box, I am scard to drop the coin & not be satisfied!