This top of the line Sub Zero sub box I saw at "Ultimate Electronics" has this fiberglass back, so I can look at my pretty Diamond M6 10D4.
The salesman at Ultimate Electronics said it was a POS. Then he tried to get me to have them build me a custom box for my Diamond...
I think he wanted to go that route because when they build them, the box is ALL profit...
Can the SubZero Box really be that bad?
there is a slight problem though, the box is 1.09 cubic feet, and my sub is supposed to take a .75 +/- 0.3 cubic foot box. So the largest my Diamond is supposed to take is 1.05 cu. ft.
I wonder if Diamond accounted for the space that the actual subwoofer takes up (which would bring the box I love within specs!
hi and normally i would say all premade over the counter boxes are without a doubt a POS and its almost impossible to build a box for any and all subwoofers ahead of time to work for them. but in your case its so close and if you like the box id say get it. as for the volume well the box will use its actual volume and you would have to account for the speakers volume in the box yourself which you can get an exact figure from the Diamonds website or most 10's fall into a range of .08-.12 of volume it takes up and i would use .10 as an average. if you want to get down closer to the .75 internal volume with the subwoofer you can attach something to the inside of the box to take up some more space (you can always fill more space alot easier than you can create more space which is why i hate premade boxes) in fact you can add some internal bracing which it may no doubt need and that would take up some space to get you to the .75 volume you want. a 2x2 from your local hardware store and some screws and a tape measure and a drill and you can stiffen up that Sub Zero box and adjust the volume to what you need. jay