I am looking to buy the IDQ12 V.2 D4 series Image Dynamic subs. Does anyone know why some of the subs have a blacked out loge on the cone and some have the logo in color? The website has the IDQ12 V.2 D4 subs with color. But I believe I have seen them with the logo blacked out. Can anyone explain please so I do not purchase something I really diidn't want. Thanks.
From what I've read on this forum, ID's are one of the best subs for sound quality. Your first question has me stumped though. I've wondered the same thing. I figuered the color versions were newer, but that's just a guess. With out going to look right now, maybe the 10's are black and the 12's are color. Maybe the black ones are bad news....who knows?
maybe some sites that are selling the subs cant take there own pics of the subs and so they use like photo shop of id's subs on there websites and touch them up so they dont get sued by copy right laws...im def pulling this one out of my a$$
Alex or anyone who knows, how do you know the colored cones are the newer models. I am wondering because a friend of mine is selling an IDQ12 V.2 D4 sub so he says. The cone has blacked out letters. He said he bought the sub neww three months ago. Is he blowing smoke up my a$$? I want to be sure I am buying the V.2 D4 version.
samething. same sub, but just color letters. Same price. I personally would buy the blacked out letteres; they look more classy. thats pretty much I know about iD's. there just a little to expensive for me, so I don't know much, just that color letters are a little newer, but exactly the same as blacked out.