you should be fine those arent anythign you already have them?
Posted on
no not yet, was gona head out tomorrow to get them. not too much money to put out at the moment, is there something not too expensive that would be better?
Yeah, I'd hold off on getting those subs if it were me. Do what you want, but I'm sure we could find you something better than the 3 10" MTX's. I don't think you'd be satisfied with them. Honestly though, you don't have to do what we tell you. What amp were you thinking about running those subs with though?
Posted on
wasnt quite sure on that, i prob would have asked you guys that question too.. im pretty new at the subwoofer selecting and matching it to amps, but i can waire up a system pretty quick. I want a hard hitting not so pricy system, but like i said i only have ~500 to spend.