I am getting two 12 W7 Subs. My friend was telling me that this could break my glass. He says it happened to one of his friends. I didn't believe him, but now I am having second thoughts. I have a small suv. Is this possible it could break my glass or is just a myth?
Myth. Sometimes guys in competition can break their glass, but that's from like 160 db's. If you crank her up loud and have good boxes built and good amps running the 12w7's, you will probably see your windows seperating from the seal some. I don't think you'd blow them out though.
Unless your car has really, really crappy glass on it, no. Think about it in a practical manner, all the hail that falls on cars, stuff like that, most subs don't put out that much pressure (until you get into serious SPL comps, etc). Even if you look at people that trash cars and beat them with sledge hammers and such, it takes a pretty good whack to crack a windshield to the point of breaking.
yeah. I have seen windshields that already have a hairline crack in them have the crack shoot across the entire windshield but that about it I have never seen a window shatter live before. Or spider should I say cause they cant shatter.