Diamond CM3vs. Kicker Comp vs. Vega Vmax


Bronze Member
Username: Baasic

Michigan US

Post Number: 11
Registered: Jan-05
Hey guys im just wondering which one of the 3 subs would you recomend in a ported enclosure. I want to buy 3 15's and im wondering what will sound the best in my s10. The diamond audio cm3, the 05 kicker comp cvr, or the vega vmax. Please give me your opinions on the subs. They are all around 100 dollars a piece on ebay so if you have any other 15's for around 100 bucks im open for suggestions. thanks

Silver Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 910
Registered: Dec-04
what amp are you going to run them with?

Bronze Member
Username: Baasic

Michigan US

Post Number: 12
Registered: Jan-05
I was thinkin in I got the V-max's I would run a directed audio 1100d. Wired in paralell for 1.3 ohms. But if I got the kickers I would probably get an orion Hcca 250 G4. I see one on ebay for 300 BIN. I would also run the diamonds off of the directed amp.

Silver Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 966
Registered: Dec-04
ok I would run the diamonds or the Vega's but not off of the directed. Directed is not that great. Orion HCCA is a great amp and you have to remember it is rated at 12 volts so it will give you the 1000 watts that you need at 1 ohm, I would run either one of those subs with the 250 HCCA no doubt.
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