yo i know 90 percent of you guys dont even live close to here but i was wondering if anyone knew if there was a dealer close to me that can fix their amps? i talked to them and they are given me the run around, and not telling me, so i was just wondering if you guys knew of any
you a.ssholes suck! its been 10 minutes and no replies, im mad! nobody? well from now on im going to tell everyone to buy audiobahn, and it will outperform everything on the market. dont test me F*CKERS im F*CKIN crazy.
just make me feel better and reply that you have no idea
guys, I F*CKING LOVE YOU BOTH i dont know what i would do if i didnt have the thought of you guys to comfort me at night, when i lay in bed with nothing but my manthong on.
HA. Go f*ck your self. Nobody'd take any of your sh*tty advice anways. What's wrong with your f*cking amp anways
"Go f*ck your self". i always do that, lets just say im a one handed typer. Nobody'd take any of your sh*tty advice anways. good.... (really?) that kind of hurts....... What's wrong with your f*cking amp anways the f*cking motherf*ckers f*cking power light is f*cking coming on red. it powers up but no f*cking power to the subs. its not the f*cking protection light though, its the power light. said it was an easy fix but i to find someone that can f*cking fix it. F*CCCCCCCCCCK me?
Anybody you know that knows a little about fixing electronics? Our local tech center teaches the students has an advanced electrical class, and you can have them look at your amps and stuff. Don't know if I'd trust them. Maybe there's somebody near you that culd figure out what's wrong if it's minor.
(P.S. You have very good one-handed typing skills)
thank you. sometimes whrn i feeling good, i alternate hands. nothing here that is even close to helping me fix it myself or anyone here that knows how. if someone came here that good they would have the market cornered