I know they arent considered a car audio heavyweight but how are their caps does anyone have any experience with them -- I was thinking of adding one mostly bc they light up blue and look cool lol (atleast i know they dont really do much) but i figured for like 60 bucks tossing one in might give me a bit tighter bass and I just wanted to know what their reputation was and if there are better ones?
yeah man I dont know much about caps if one is better then the other. I would say that it would have to do its job but then again you can say the same thing about amps. wish I could help you out man.
well I put my cap in the same time I did my alternator just because I had boughten it a few years back and never used it so I had it laying around wasting space so I figured what the hell. I cant tell you if it helped or not I just liked the way it fit into my install. I figured it couldnt hurt ya know. I am sorry man I have no good advice for you bro.
Rob is right on that one, of course there are always a couple of higher end brands that are exceptions, though. Capacitors are about as simple of a device as it gets, you'd be doing really good if you severely screwed up the engineering for a capacitor.
my bro uses a 2.4 farad power acoustic cap and it seems to do the job, he has a 2000w rms amp and an 800w rms with a 120amp alt. and his lights dimmed horribly but he couldnt afford a new alt. so his friend gave him the cap for free so he is using it until he can but a new alt. and it seems to help the light dimming, but he still is going to buy a new alt. jus my input