Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 201 Registered: Jul-04 | On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate my setup. Nakamichi CD-400 HU Focal Polyglass Slims for front doors. Only really good 6.5 that is not too deep. Zapco Reference 200.2 for the focals 2 Adire Audio Shivas Zapco Reference 500.1 for the Sivas MDF and Fiberglass Enclosure with 1.5 cubic feet per sub with polyfill. Symbilink cables for both amps. |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 208 Registered: Jul-04 | I changed it up a little bit. Instead of the focals i am going with the DLS UR36S 3-way component set. I am the only one that will be in the car so i will be mounting the tweets and 2.5" mids on the dash/a pillar, and the 6.5 in the door. I will not be using the fiberglass enclosure, but i will be using the same specs on the box. I will be using the same amps, cables, and HU. What would you rate my setup?? I am going for good SPL with Extreme SQ. All for around 1775. | |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3279 Registered: May-04 | All the equipment is great. As far as the subs, for extreme SQ, I'd recommend the Image Dynamics IDQ driver in that price range. Even Dan Wiggins (president, founder of Adire Audio) admits the IDQ is a better SQ subwoofer. 2 of them would still get loud too, and they work better in smaller enclosures. You could also consider a single sub such as the Eclipse Titanium, JL Audio W6v2 or W7 (although pricy), Image Dynamics ID Max, Resonant Engineering X.X.X., Adire Audio Brahma, etc. You'll get great output and SQ to match it. I know slim components are hard to find, those DLS will be great. The Morel Hybrid series are great and slim as well if you want another option to look at. About those 3-ways, while they're great components, the way you are going to install those 3-ways won't result in the best sound quality. Mids are the most crucial speaker to get the pathlengths right, and mounting them in the dash will result in a soundstage that is inferior. The imaging will pretty much fall apart, especially if you were to use factory locations. 3 ways aren't really better for sound quality, especially if they aren't in an optimum install (which is VERY hard to do in most cars), most competitors stick to conventional 2 ways in kick panels. 3 ways with the mids and tweets in the dash and midbasses in doors (without processing at least) will result in what is called a "layered" soundstage, where certain frequencies such as highs will be at eye level, mids will be lower, and midbass will be at your feet. It doesn't work well and it doesn't image well. The only time tweeters work VERY well in A pillars is when you have the crossover to do so or the processing to make it work. Typically, higher order (such as 24db/oct) works best for this, and generally tweets need to be crossed over around 6k. Doesn't sound like a problem, but it is hard to find midbass drivers that will play that high, plus most factory door locations are so off axis that they don't allow good frequency response past around 2-3khz. I really can't make a recommendation until I know what kind of vehicle you have. The equipment you've chosen is all top notch, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will work best in your application. In most vehicles 2 ways give better results than 3 ways do simply because they have fewer crossover points and less pathlength differences, plus you have more room to get the install right. Since you are willing to work with fiberglass (or I think) you could make a killer kick panel setup. Install is 90% of how a system sounds, the best drivers in the world won't work their magic unless they are installed well. They may sound good, but the imaging will seem to just come from the door locations and won't have any definition or life to it. Sounding good and having an accurate system are totally different, it's easier to have a system that sounds good than one that images well. Imaging brings the system to life. |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 210 Registered: Jul-04 | it is in a 2003 monte carlo. I allready ordered the shivas, and i really want those. As far as the comps, i am getting a really good deal on them. They guy i am buying from i met on ebay and owns a shope and is giving me everything at really low prices. At the moment he said he would make kicks custom for my car, but they would cost 200 dollars, i dont want to nor do i know how to make them. He said he would fab holders for the 2.5"'s for me for free so i figured i would try it out, and if it doesnt sound right, i would have him make me the kicks. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 211 Registered: Jul-04 | I am allready way over what i planned on spending an do not really want to spend that 200 dollars on them just yet. At first i was going to spend 600, i am now at 1775 without the kicks. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 212 Registered: Jul-04 | This was posted on an SQ champions own forumn, so i dont know who is more correct on this topic. I am totally confused. "If you want your car to image properly from both seats (with a defined center image and located in the correct location), the midrange drivers MUST go as far away from your ears as possible. So, sit in your car with a tape measure, and measure the distances from the possible locations available for mounting the mids, and your ears. Try all combhinations that are in front of you. In most cars, the kick panel is the furthest away. In some wierd instances, the dashboard is equidistant, but rarely father away than the kick panels. So, the answer the question, put them as far away from you as possible, even to the point of cutting metal and welding enclosures and whatnot into place. Now, if you want a car that images good from only one seat, put them at eye level on the a-pillars. Then use time alignment to bring it all together. This is what we are doing in Brett's Rodeo. He will compete in Pro Street, which is only judged from one seat. So, we will be placing the mids and tweeters at near eye level, and using electrical manipulation to make the imaging right." Scott _________________ President, Buwalda Hybrids Atlanta, GA, USA |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 213 Registered: Jul-04 | This was posted by a SQ champ. I am not totally confused as to why there is a difference of opinion. "If you want your car to image properly from both seats (with a defined center image and located in the correct location), the midrange drivers MUST go as far away from your ears as possible. So, sit in your car with a tape measure, and measure the distances from the possible locations available for mounting the mids, and your ears. Try all combhinations that are in front of you. In most cars, the kick panel is the furthest away. In some wierd instances, the dashboard is equidistant, but rarely father away than the kick panels. So, the answer the question, put them as far away from you as possible, even to the point of cutting metal and welding enclosures and whatnot into place. Now, if you want a car that images good from only one seat, put them at eye level on the a-pillars. Then use time alignment to bring it all together. This is what we are doing in Brett's Rodeo. He will compete in Pro Street, which is only judged from one seat. So, we will be placing the mids and tweeters at near eye level, and using electrical manipulation to make the imaging right." Scott _________________ President, Buwalda Hybrids Atlanta, GA, USA |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3280 Registered: May-04 | Same thing I said, basically. You can make it work with processing (time alignment). Without time alignment imaging won't be good at all. It's just that you don't have a head unit that will provide time alignment, the Eclipse 8454 and Alpine 9835 will do that for you. The Eclipse 8454 is the only head unit that will allow you to do that with a 3-way setup, and they have a fixed out that you can use on the subs. You can also buy processors such as those from Alpine that will let you do that. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 214 Registered: Jul-04 | Are they expensive??? | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 215 Registered: Jul-04 | I think i have made a decision, i am going to go with DlS's highest end 2 way 6.5" set, the Iridium 6.2's. Simpler to install and overall it will be cheaper as i can put them in the factory locations in the door. | |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3291 Registered: May-04 | Those Iridiums will give better results with the way you plan to install them. Great set of speakers. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 218 Registered: Jul-04 | I am getting a really good deal on them, before i tell you, what do you think is a good deal to pay for them??? | |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3292 Registered: May-04 | Can't remember the exact retail on those, I'd say you'd do good to find the 2 ways for around $500, cause I believe (may be wrong) you can get them around $600 shipped. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 219 Registered: Jul-04 | I am getting them for around 400-425 shipped. | |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3293 Registered: May-04 | hehe sweet ![]() |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 222 Registered: Jul-04 | Ok, i canceled the order on the shivas, because they are on backorder for a while. Anyways, for $350, what sub or subs can i get that will give me the best sound quality and still get really loud that will work best with the amp tha i chose?? | |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3295 Registered: May-04 | I really like the Image Dynamics subwoofers for SQ purposes, with 500 watts an ID Max can get loud and sound excellent. It's a very efficient subwoofer. The Adire Audio Brahma is a great sub, and also the JL Audio 13W6v2. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 223 Registered: Jul-04 | Will any of those be as loud as 2 shivas??? | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 224 Registered: Jul-04 | How about one ID Max v.3 for 290 dollars in a 1.5 cubic foot enclosure?? | |
Silver Member Username: James1115Wilton, Ct Post Number: 925 Registered: Dec-04 | that is a very nice sub you cant go wrong wiht it. I am sure Jonathan will say the same since thats what he runs in his own car. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 225 Registered: Jul-04 | All i have left to order is the Sub and my comps, which i will order as soon as my credit card arrives this week. the only premaid box that i can find is 1.2 cubic feet by subzone, will that be allright with some polyfill??? | |
Silver Member Username: James1115Wilton, Ct Post Number: 932 Registered: Dec-04 | I dont know. I would think that you need something a little bit bigger. Remember that with that sub it has to be 1in mdf not 3/4in. The only time I have tested this sub it was in a 1.5 cu/ft sealed and it sounded truely amazing. Maybe Jonathan has tested his in more then one enclosure. | |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3296 Registered: May-04 | Mine is in a 1.3 cu ft sealed enclosure (it's the 12 inch) with about a lb. of polyfill, give or take. It is an excellent balance of SQ/SPL. The sub will offer similar performance to those Shivas, SQ of them is fantastic as well. Low tuned ported (25hz) will offer great results and higher SPL. The good thing about that sub is it is extremely versatile, has a low resonant frequency and offers good results in a variety of enclosures. It's also very efficient and works well even with lower power. I run a JL 1000/1 and really I don't need near what that amp can put out, although the sub will take it. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 226 Registered: Jul-04 | Do i really need to use 1 inch mdf Jonathan??? If you have any suggestions on a cheap box that is premaid that would work well, let me know. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 227 Registered: Jul-04 | Would you take one DLS UR12 Sub over the ID MAX?? I can get the DLS UR12 for $15 over dealer price for only 250 dollars. They guy i am going through is giving me a lot of deals. | |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3303 Registered: May-04 | 3/4" will be enough IF it's built well. A little difference won't hurt, a 1.25 cu ft box would be fine. This enclosure would work: They make good boxes, I'd stuff it with a little polyfill. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3304 Registered: May-04 | BTW, optimally you'd build your own and brace it well. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 228 Registered: Jul-04 | What do you think about the DLS?? He would give me a good deal on the ARC Audio Flat Line Piston and the Diamond TDX. Which would you take between the 4 subs discussed?? They are more expensive, so i could only do one sub. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 229 Registered: Jul-04 | Would this enclosure be even better???
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 230 Registered: Jul-04 | Crap, i just realized it was square. Forget the last post. LOL. | |
Silver Member Username: James1115Wilton, Ct Post Number: 942 Registered: Dec-04 | Hey Jonathan have you used Big dog before? I read something on them a while back that said dont ever do business with them because many people have paid for items and never recieved them. I have never dealt with them myself and the article I read was just a BS post so your opinion will mean more then what I read. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 231 Registered: Jul-04 | I am thinking that maybe my best bet would be to go with 2 IDQ's since they are suppose to have good SQ, and i imagine that there would be more displacement then the ID MAX. | |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3305 Registered: May-04 | 2 IDQs would be great too. SQ is excellent. James, I haven't personally, but I've had a lot of friends use them and they haven't had any trouble. Glasswolf recommends them often as well. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 232 Registered: Jul-04 | One more question, will they be nearly as loud as 2 shivas?? Was i right about 2 of them being louder then 1 ID MAX??? | |
Silver Member Username: James1115Wilton, Ct Post Number: 950 Registered: Dec-04 | alright I take that back then because I forget where it was but it was a post about bad companies and I believe I saw them on there but it could have been another company with dog in the name I am not sure. And Chris you cant go wrong with Image Dynamics they make great quality stuff. I recomend the IDQ's highly around here. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 233 Registered: Jul-04 | with the zapco refrence 500 amp, would you recommend the Big Dog enclosure that is .88 cubic feet or 1.25 cubic feet per sub. THe subs are 350 RMS, and my amp was checked by their tech like they do with their amps and it was rated at 543 rms. | |
Silver Member Username: James1115Wilton, Ct Post Number: 954 Registered: Dec-04 | was that test at 12 volts or 14? I would recomend going with the .88 sealed if you can find it. If you go ported go about 1.75 tuned to like 28 htz. Thats a very nice amp by the way. | |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 3311 Registered: May-04 | Zapco rates at 12V, and they underrate their products. I'd bet it was a 12-12.5V test. That amp would be plenty for one or two IDQs, SPL would be similar (a little less) than 2 Shivas, but would require MUCH less box, that .88 is better like James said. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 234 Registered: Jul-04 | Great!!! As soon as my credit card come this week i will order the comps, subs, and box. Then i will be set. Everything else i got through this guy i met on ebay. He gave me so many good deals. He gave me both zapco amps $20 over dealer prices, after shipping. he gets free memphis cable, amp kit stuff, and wiring so he gave me all memphis and metra installation items that i need for my head unit for only $100 including shipping. And of course those Iridiums that i am getting will be from him. He owns his own shop, i can give you his information if you want to get a hold of him. Just let me know. | |
Anonymous | Don't mean to threadjack but how would yall rate this? Sub- RE X.X.X 15" with ported box. Amp- ED nine.1. Front- Infinity Kappa 42.5i's and Rear- Infinit Kappa 52.5i's. Headunit- Pioneer Premier DEH-P8MP. How does this all sound for a first system? | |
Silver Member Username: James1115Wilton, Ct Post Number: 961 Registered: Dec-04 | are you running your kappa's off the deck? anyways all you need in my opinion is a nice 4 chanell amp for those mids and highs but other then that it looks great. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 235 Registered: Jul-04 | i am not getting kappas. I am getting the DLS 6.2 Iridium Components. I am using the Zapco Reference 200.2 amp for them. | |
Silver Member Username: James1115Wilton, Ct Post Number: 967 Registered: Dec-04 | I was answering anon's question Chris. Your system is going to be very nice when you are done bud. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 236 Registered: Jul-04 | oh, sorry bout that. | |
Anonymous | yeah, i have to save some money for an amp. i went way over my budget, with install prices and stuff. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 237 Registered: Jul-04 | Do the 15" IDQ's have good SQ??? I want my subs to get really loud with good sq. | |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsPost Number: 238 Registered: Jul-04 | I would really love to know because i would love to have 15's if they still have decent/good sound quality. |