4 Adire Audio Koda 8"


Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 117
Registered: Jul-04
How do you all think 4 8" kodas would sound with the proper power in the back of a monte carlo?

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 118
Registered: Jul-04
How do you all think it would sound? Do you think it would be better the 2 Koda 10" subs?

Silver Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 454
Registered: Dec-04
it all depends given the right enclosure and power I have heard 4-8's sound like 2-12's. If you do it right it should punch you in the back of the head nicely. The only thing you would be lacking is notes below 35htz. Ported would help you there a little bit but sealed would punch really hard.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 119
Registered: Jul-04
do you think that 2 koda 10" would be better? Also, i have only had stock systems so far. Would there be a huge difference if i use either 4 8's or 2 10's? I listen to music from country to rap and i do not want to miss out on the notes. I would also only used sealed boxes with a 500 1 ohm hifonics amp giving 125 to each eight or 250 to each 10 with a more powerful am that i can do at two ohms giving 250 watts.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 120
Registered: Jul-04

Silver Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 480
Registered: Dec-04
well the 8's will be very punchy but the 10's will hit the deeper notes on country and Rap. As far as which will be louder I would have to say the 8's. Deeper 10's.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 122
Registered: Jul-04
I noticed that the 8's get to 32hz, What kind of notes would i miss with the eights? I would not get less with them then i do with my stock equip would i?

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 123
Registered: Jul-04

Silver Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 501
Registered: Dec-04
what? with your stock equipment? Your stock eqipment coudnt even touch 1-koda 8.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 124
Registered: Jul-04
I think that i am going to go with eights. Overall it is cheaper to go with 4 eights then 2 10's, and i think the idea of using 4 eights sounds interesting. I plan on powering them with a hifonics amp. Also, what kinds of notes would i miss with eights, i am just curious because chances are i probobally have never head the notes anyway.

Silver Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 527
Registered: Dec-04
thats true. I woudnt worry about missing notes. It should sound very good. I would go with a different amp personally but go wiht thatever floats your boat.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 125
Registered: Jul-04
What amp would you suggest. I want something good that is not overly expensive because i just bought the car and that set me back A LOT. Please suggest an amp that is of reasonable price that will work with the eights, I think that i need a 1 ohm amp because it would be cheaper to get the 500 watts then if i do it at 4 ohms. Any ideas would help me out alot. Also, have any idea when the 8's will be available on acoustic-visions?

Silver Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 537
Registered: Dec-04
JBL BP 600.1. I have heard that they will be available sometime this month. Who knows though.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 127
Registered: Jul-04
it only puts out 600 watts at 2 ohms and only 300 at 4, it will not work. Any other suggestions?

Silver Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 556
Registered: Dec-04
it puts out 600 @ 1ohm also. it will work.

Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 3157
Registered: May-04
The 2 Koda 10s would be both louder and deeper than the 4 8" Kodas. There is a substantial difference in surface area between a 10" and an 8". Remember that subwoofer displacement and size doesn't work in terms of diameter, it works in surface area (square inches). Think of it like a rolled up water hose, when you look at the inside ring of that hose, the circumference of that inside ring won't be as long as that of the outside ring will have. 2 10" subs wouldn't be equivalent to a 20" sub, they actually have less combined surface area than a single 15". That's just how surface area works. The Koda 10" also has a longer throw than the 8" does.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 128
Registered: Jul-04
It is cheaper to go with the eights then it is to go with the tens. How much difference are we talking about?

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 129
Registered: Jul-04
Also, there is more displacement with the eights combined then with the tens. Do you think that I should scrap the whole idea and get a 12" brahma instead? I will be using a 500 watt amp as well.

Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 3158
Registered: May-04
I'm telling you, there is more displacement with the 10s.

Adire Koda 10"
Sd (surface area)-53.32 in^2
Xmax (excursion) - 0.71", so it would be 1.42" two ways.
53.32 x 1.42 = 75.71 in^3 displacement
2 10" Kodas would displace 151.4 in^3

Adire Koda 8"
SD- 29.45 in^2
Xmax- .47, so .94" two ways
29.45 x .94 = 27.68
4 8" Kodas would displace 110.73

2 10" Kodas displace more air than 4 8" Kodas. Whether the price difference is worth it is up to you, but personally I'd do either the Koda 10s or a 12" Brahma.
12" Brahma:
Sd- 67.58 in^2
Xmax- 1.10", so 2 ways it is 2.2"
67.58 x 2.2" = 148.676 in^3. 12" Brahma would be close to the SPL of the two 10" Kodas.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 130
Registered: Jul-04
You much better with figuring stuff then I am. What kind of displacement would i get with a brahma 15? Would their still be good sq? I listen to music from country to rap. I would be using a sealed box as it would be much simpler. Also, how big of a box would i need for a 500 watt amp? I have a 2003 monte carlo and would be open to using a more powerful amp if it would not strain my alt.
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