Ok imma lay this out nice, Im runnin 2 Power Acoustik FUBR 12" 700watt rms with one Rockford p8002going to each of the subs. I will have 2 other amps for my 6 door speakers and 2 5 fared capacitors. Besides wiring does that look like its gonna work or what else do i need to go get?
As long as your sub's are 4 ohm svc, or 2 ohm dvc, they will work. That amp is only stable at 4 ohm's bridged at 800 watt's. Other than that that should work fine!
You don't need 2 5F capacitor. Waste of money. The rule is 1F for every 1000W of peak power. RF aren't the best kind of amps. PPI's PCX 2200/2400 is a much better choice for power and SQ. Why do you need 2 more amps for your 6 speakers? One 4 channel amp would do just fine, probably waste less power too. Lets say an amp at idle, uses up 2 amps, so with 3, that's 6 amps being used up for nothing. Unless you have power to spare, try not to get so many.