Installed my 10 inch Punch HX2's and have a question, help!
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Hi, I have just put two 10" HX2's in my car in a sealed box that is .75 for each chamber. I have a 1001bd amp sending 500 watts to each sub. My question is how loud should it be? Mine seems to be deciently loud but my friends one 12 W6 seems to be louder. Is there anything i could due to up the output? The subs will make the outside rear view mirrors move but the inside mirrors doesn't really move much. I am just curious if there is anything i could do to the sealed box or if a ported box wowuld have a lot more output? THanks for any input
a portde box i believe is a 3db increase each sub s youre looking at about a 6db increase. And has your frined had his sub longer than you?If so then his sub is broken in already. And once you break it in, itll be louder and cleaner at higher levels. Im not saying necessarliy that youre sub will be louder than your frineds once its broken in but itll b louder. But youre best bet to get closer is to port your box and iceguard or edead youre trunk. IT should get yuo close.
chanes are your sub isnt broken in, not to mention that box is rather tiny....also just a hunch but the 12W6 is probbaly a better built sub, also its probably in a better box, cabin gain? so many factors...