Alright guys, i just got me a 2004 Pontiace Grand Am GT with a monsoon sound system. (it was a good deal ) I love the system, but it just doesn't produce that punch that i'm looking for. Now i'm not looking for some overly exertive rock your socks off bass, i'm just looking for a nice, clean crisp sound , but enough so that it shakes the rear view in the car next to me Price Range - $750 for everything. Cheaper if possible, i'm not the richest cat on the planet. Thanks for any help
Hah im almost in the same situation as you. Heres what ive come up with so far. RE SE sub (600 watts rms) with a kicker kx600.1 The sub will run you under 250 i believe and the kicker can be ebayed for around 250. And youll have money to spare for wiring/ box if your gona get it prebuilt. RE SX sub (1000 watts rms) will run you about 260 shipped and the ed.nine1 will run you 350 shipped. Total 610. Either one of those seem to come highly recommended by..everyone. Feel free to correct me if i messed up.