also what type of inclosure I havea jeep cherokee and listen to all types of music from Tim Mcgraw to Korn to Eminem to the Beatles. I want it to be punchy on the korn and deep on the eminem so if this is possable with only 600 watts let me know which route to go. thanks James
I think 600 rms might be able to cut it. On their website they list the rms as 1600 but apparently that is thermal only and the sub does not actually require that much to perform well. You could always run a brahma off the amp you have now for a while then when you get a chance upgrade to a 1000w + amp.
yeah I guess I could do that. I believe my amp is underrated also. Does anyone out there have a brahma with less than 800 watts going to it? If so how does it sound? Glass or Jonathan have you ever tested this sub with this kind of power? If it is not enough I think I would rather go with a sub that might be better matched up with my 600 watts that I can give it. well thanks for the help. James
a brahma will reach peak output with 600 watts. another option is an Eclipse Aluminum 15" or even a Ti 15" if you can find a real steal on one perhaps on ebay.
for an enclosure, I'd go slot-vented since you have the space.
what would be louder and sound better I am looking for the most SQL I can get. The brahma or the eclipse TI? My local shop carries Eclipse so I could hear one there but no one in my area carries Adire so I would have to go based on your advice. But I trust it. thanks James