Bronze Member Username: C12698Oklahoma Post Number: 11 Registered: Nov-04 | I just bought a pair of Alpine 12" SWR-1221d's. I Have one amp per sub. The subs have a + and - connection on both sides of each sub, I'm guessing because they are dual voice cones (2ohm) I need to know how to correctly connect the + and - wires coming from my amp, to the sub?? If I read the diagram right, it said to put the + wire to a + input and the - wire to the - input on the opposite side of the sub and then run a wire from the remaining + input to the remaining - input on the opposite side of the sub. Is this how it go's, or can I split the + and - speaker wire coming form the amp and run the + to both +'s and the - to both -'s??? Please help, thanks. |
Help2 Unregistered guest | what kind of amps are you using? |
Bronze Member Username: C12698Oklahoma Post Number: 13 Registered: Nov-04 | I lost my book for the amps, but if it helps ya any, my two amps are both kenwoods (kac-929) Also, I don't know if I mentioned it before, but each one of my subs are dual (2ohm) + (2ohm) |
Help2 Unregistered guest | Helps a lot ![]() That amp does 460wRMS x1 bridged into 4 ohms. So... You should wire the subs to the bridged channels (far left speaker output, and far right speaker output, not (Im not sure which is + and which is - on that amp) on each amp respectively... Dual+Voice+Coil+-+2+ohms+x+2&image.x=15&image.y=5&image=Submit use wiring option #2 one sub per amp.. remember, youll be overpowering those subs! so make SURE the gains are properly set(if you dont know how...make sure you learn, or have someone who KNOWS set them) bass boost off. crossover set to LPF and the dial around 80hz |
Bronze Member Username: C12698Oklahoma Post Number: 14 Registered: Nov-04 | Thanks alot, I will use your method because thats what my sub booklet shows, I just didn't quite understand it, because I wasn't sure if running a wire from a positive to a negative would hurt anything. I've never heard of that method before. I guess it doesn't matter which side of the sub I hook up the + and - wire from the amp to, as long as it is hooked up the way it shows??? |
Help2 Unregistered guest | wont matter, as long as you wire it like the pic shows... that "method" is called series wiring. |
TVScustomsNY Unregistered guest | alpine type r's are made for abuse. those subs are nuts when it comes to power handling. i had the 15's and there rms was 500watts..i was pushing 1000watts to each sub!i was hitting in the 150's..(didnt have time to keep messin with the settings)but it first hit 149db's then i hit 151db' i think if your over powering the 12's youll be suggest 2 mrd-m501 amps. ive heard that in a 1995 neon and it f*ckin rumbled. but thats just my opinion and yes i know thats alot more power than they say they can handle but they are a kick a$$ woofer. |