how are those 1600 W max amps on ebay? i already know that they are wayy overestimated cuz they only put out 40 rms per channel. But if i wanted only them kinda watts, would this amp be any good. specially since i can probably get one for less that 30 with shipping.
I haven't tried them. But Some people think their good, some people think their awful. Thats what I got from reading peoples feedback that were selling those amps since I almost bought one before.
hmm buddy like you said 40 watts rms... if your gonna try to be cheap but get an alright quality check out soundstorm amps they he a 1200 watt for 80 i believe on ebay. thats what brand im using on my audiobahn aw1251t sub. and it sounds great.
Why don't you try MTX6500D? On eBay, they start as low as $10. That amp actually performs well and it's cheap. I'm not too sure about the new MTX models, but the older ones, I couldn't make them fail. I overloaded it, used 2ohms when it said 4ohms, ran it hot, set the gain to almost 250mv, and it still keeps on working. The power is very underrated too.
I agree with Glass why ask these stupid questions if you really dont care about any of it???? I mean i may ask some stupid questions but i do like anwers and care bout what i want thats why i ask that way i aint gotta be like a whole buch of dumb @$$ people that Pis$ there money into the wind buying POS stuff in the first place.
I think we have a new winner. Someone who beats pyramid in overratting/overall crappyness. I would rather have Pyramid over this !@#$ -- But I am happy with my JBLs.
This stuff is pure crap, you can tell how crappy it is. The terminals scream cheap, and that one blue (15 amp) fuse can say something about the true power rating of this amplifier. It appears that it doesn't even support a 4 --> 1 bridge just 2 --> 1.