I was on another forum and heard that the Shivas run better as a pair and are not that great alone. If this is the case would you take a Vega over the Shiva? Has anyone else heard this about the Shiva? If so what other sub would you reccommend with a 300W PPI amp?
i have two shivas and they sound great. i think youll have a better system is you get two subs though. people seem to choose the shiva over the vega but it's up to you. they both 300w. i'd recomend two of what you get.
I think whoever told you that spefically shivas don't sound good alone is high on crack. Maybe they meant in general that "their" opinion is 2 subs are better than one. 1 Shiva would be fine IMO
Somebody help me! :-( I think I did something really stupid. I wanted to be all cool and do it myself, but I think that was a bad idea. Got the wiring harness all hooked up, but couldn't find any info on the ground wires. So I grounded them both seperately. The deck worked for 15 minutes and then stopped working the unit isn't seeming to get any power at all now. Did I blow it? :-(
i think whomever told you Shivas run better in pairs is refering more to the wiring options. i believe one Shiva runs @ 8ohms, and with alot of amps this wouldnt give nearly as much power as it could deliver. running two of the subs grants more power from the amp as it can be wired @ a lower ohm load (i think 4?)
They are dual 8ohm. So one would run at 4ohms and 2 would run at 2ohms. No wiring problem there. Matter of fact, makes it easy for someone to get a good cheap amp to power this one 12. So like I said Paul, the person that said just 1 Shiva is no good, isn't sharing the Hashish, Capiche?(sp)