am a newbie, but having read over a few posts I have seen that there are lot sof you on this board who out a lot or heart into the car audio world and know your stuff like nothing else. So I have a pretty dumb question for your all. I have been out of the loop on car audio for years so basically I am completely lost with the new stuff that is out. I want to upgrade my stereo in a VW Bus. I have been "borrowing" the system from my bug while I rebuild its motor, but since the motor is almost done, it's time to put the stuff back in the bug. So now I need stuff for the Bus.
I saw Audiobahn stuff online and gt cought up in the looks of them, but I have been told by some car stereo guys at a pretty reputable store that Audiobahn stuff is basically flea market stuff and that their sound quality is bad. They suggested Alumapro subs and Phoenix Gold amps.
I want a nice loud and clear sounding system that can hit hard when I play bass, can sound clean with trance and rock and can take me to The Shire if I am playing the Lord of the RIngs Soundtrack. I would like it to be felt a few cars away but not a block away. Any suggestions or opinions welcome. Thanks again!
Audiobahn is not bad equipment, I certainly wouldn't call it 'flea market stuff.'
Yes, for the price you can get more durable stuff but Audiobahn makes some killer-looking subs and amps...if appearance is the emphasis here and you like what you see, go for it.
My only experience with Audiobahn was with some 10" flame subs and they really impressed me. Being the honest effort from Mobile Authority makes them start off with a bad rap but those 10's really slammed in the right box.
Still, I think you would be more satisfied if you went with Alpine Type R subs. Price is pretty close but the function favors Alpine.