Dare I say: Pyramid.


Bronze Member
Username: Crasslogic

Post Number: 13
Registered: Dec-06
Greets all.
Truly, I don't know what to say.
People love to bash Pyramid all day, afterall, they are the fathers of the $20 subwoofer right?

Most of us know this.
I hate to say it, because I know i'm about to get pissed on, but I heard some Pyramid stuff in action and was impressed! I really wouldn't have believed it.

A co-worker has a pair of the Pyramid Hyper Pro 12"s in his Ford Taurus, backed by a Pyramid Super Blue 2000 amp. Don't know if his door speakers are Pyramid as well or not. Nonetheless, I looked at Teptronics.com (the first site I found online that dealt Pyramid) and found his setup.

It's....just wrong. His system f*cking slammed. I brought in the CD "Bassgasm" by Techmaster P.E.B. and gave it a spin. I thought for sure i'd fry his sh*t on the spot. His subs actually had my chest rattling. He said he's been rolling with them for a couple years now too.

I realize how asanine this sounds, but I had to bring it up to hear others responses. You couldn't have convinced me with drugs that any Pyramid equipment would sound good but the Hyper Pros really appear to be some wicked subs. They have a huge surround and cone is real deep. For being a budget company, is it possible that they make one or two good products? Really? May not be SPL competition material, but holy sh*t.

I'm completely dumbfounded at hearing myself say anything from Pyramid sounded good, let alone great.

Gold Member
Username: Tatonka

-[Team Audible Insanity]-

Post Number: 2896
Registered: Mar-07
Anything can be "loud" and sound ok, but you could always put up a little more money and sound 1000x better.

Gold Member
Username: Loc_out


Post Number: 2837
Registered: Feb-05
SONY all the way....

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 20286
Registered: Jun-06
Wow did that sound like an ad.

You on their payroll?

Pyramid, Pyle, Visonik, all have their purpose, but it shouldn't be compared to or praised as a quality product. If you're looking for some cheap fun a $20 sub does provide an amusing time. Briefly. A sub is like any other engineered product. Like Yugo was years back.

Bottom line is you get what you pay for and the best you can do about it is learn from it.

Bronze Member
Username: Mpinto19k

Dallas/Fort Hood, Tx

Post Number: 68
Registered: Feb-09
That's very true what Nick said. Put it next to other subs of some quality and maybe even with less power can probably do the same but sound A LOT better. But I get what you're saying there Q I'd never buy that stuff but yeah point taken.

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 4780
Registered: Mar-06
hey DJ, If I wanna get hooked up, should I email you at Teptronics.com ?

Bronze Member
Username: Liveyman

Indianapolis, IN

Post Number: 12
Registered: Apr-09
Come on guys...I really don't think he was insinuating that we all rush out and buy Pyramid products, but tell me it wouldn't surprise the crap out of you if you got into a car that sounded decent and found out that his whole system cost less than your head unit did! We don't all have to buy the flavor of the month brands to make us happy. If this guy likes his Pyramid stuff, then that is all that matters.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 20290
Registered: Jun-06
True. It's his money and his choice. If he's truly happy then that's that.

Funky pups rule also.

Hey I'd buy them if they were still available. I would.

Like tonight.

Silver Member
Username: Wickedbass

Nashville, Tn

Post Number: 538
Registered: Jan-08


Hey I'd buy them if they were still available. I would.

x2 man!!!!

I have been searching for a while for some pups. I have something truely epic planned if I can get ahold of some them. Let me know if you find any.

Gold Member
Username: Hittin1


Post Number: 3016
Registered: May-07
pups>pyrmid>the rest

Silver Member
Username: Prozack52

Cincinnati, 2-audio puls...

Post Number: 514
Registered: Feb-08
x2 nick v anything and everything can get loud

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive

Www.stainles... .ecrater.com

Post Number: 20291
Registered: Jun-06
If I found a source I would buy 10, just for the nostalgia, and the resale value.

They are a legend you know.

Gold Member
Username: Hittin1


Post Number: 3027
Registered: May-07

Bronze Member
Username: Crasslogic

Post Number: 14
Registered: Dec-06
Nah, it was no AD nor was it an attempt to stir up aggrivation. I just wanted to see if anyone else would 1. belive it, and 2. if they've had similar experience. It's just the first time i've ever actually heard Pyramid stuff in use. That's all.

I've got a punch stage 2 15" sub in my Explorer. It's good enough for me, but I swear his subs might've just hit as hard if not harder. It was confusing enough to be worth posting I guess. No way in hell i'd buy Pyramid myself though. I've never once heard anyone say anything decent about their quality or longevity...except myself, just now :-(

By the by, I only mentioned that site because I wanted to see approx. what he paid for those subs. They go for $40 something. Eek.

Gold Member
Username: Rideredder

Cornell, IL USA

Post Number: 1594
Registered: Sep-05
I can't believe that company is still in business. I remember them from when I first started getting into car audio.

Anyone remember the amp they made that looked like an eagle? I almost bought one just because it looked cool.

http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo .com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Deagle%2Bamplifier%26fr%3Dyfp-t-501%26toggle%3D1%26c op%3Dmss%26ei%3DUTF-8%26rand%3D1240485529728&w=561&h=302&imgurl=www.wwwsales.net %2Famps%2Feagle.JPG&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wwwsales.net%2Famps%2Feagle.htm&size=3 5.2kB&name=eagle.JPG&p=eagle+amplifier&oid=6cfb7a8d627818c4&no=2&tt=144&sigr=116 09f804&sigi=10vin6sce&sigb=13o3kgrd4

Kinda hard to see but that's it.

Here's another one.

http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo .com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Deagle%2Bamplifier%26ni%3D20%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3Dyfp -t-501%26xargs%3D0%26pstart%3D1%26b%3D39&w=580&h=355&imgurl=www.wwwsales.net%2Fa mps%2FMvc-018f.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wwwsales.net%2Famps%2Feagle.htm&size=20 .3kB&name=Mvc-018f.jpg&p=eagle+amplifier&oid=690f09f14bab1318&no=39&tt=144&b=39& ni=20&sigr=11609f804&sigi=112faef9l&sigb=13gnlsok7

Gold Member
Username: Rideredder

Cornell, IL USA

Post Number: 1595
Registered: Sep-05
Whoops! I meant to post that in the thread that Brockman posted.

Bronze Member
Username: Crasslogic

Post Number: 15
Registered: Dec-06
Ah yeah, forgot about that Mark. My old Rockwood system was a trooper. I've also had a Sony system since then too. That didn't last long :-)

Still not as bad as Pyramid though, least I don't think so. We have more than one dealer around here where one can get lower priced gear. Still, Rockwood, from the American Hifi family, is one step up from Pyramid in my book. DHD is also available around here too.

Funky Pups were probably the best sub you could get.....you don't know excursion until you hear one of those badboys in action. Puts RE, Focal, Cerwin Vega, Elemental and all the others to shame don't it!


Gold Member
Username: Goodie_goop

Mid town, Texas U.S.

Post Number: 1152
Registered: Oct-06


you don't know excursion until you hear one of those badboys in action

you can hear excursion?

Bronze Member
Username: Liveyman

Indianapolis, IN

Post Number: 16
Registered: Apr-09
Aaahhh...to be young, dumb and only have $100 to put a system in your car again. I never owned any of Pyramid's products, but my buddy bought a ton of their stuff. The only local place that carried any car audio equipment (and I use that term loosely) was a CB and small engine repair shop...haha. Once, he bought these Pyramid 12's that had the see thru cone on them. I helped him build a box (plywood of course) for them. I had the idea to put a strobe light in the box hooked to a toggle switch. It sounded awful, but we thought it was awesome and it did look kinda cool with the strobe. He ended up getting a ticket for the strobe light because you know where we had the box...in the back seat facing forward! Just where $20 subs should be right?

Gold Member
Username: Snowball123

West Allis, WI

Post Number: 2592
Registered: Oct-07
oh well, Pyramid sucks.

Gold Member
Username: Drant19


Post Number: 1531
Registered: Aug-07
yeah sometimes crappy subs can beat hard...

i have 2 old pioneer 12's with 500rms going to them TOTAL. it moves a lot of air and what not but doesnt sound good whatsoever.

if you want to get loud n sound like sh1t then go for it, if you want to have any sound quality, well then thats where the expensive subs come to play.

you get what you pay for.

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 11374
Registered: Jun-04
I actually got the theil small specs for the hyper pro 12's before. They are absolute garbage and the cheapest pyramid sells I believe.

Gold Member
Username: Hittin1


Post Number: 3031
Registered: May-07

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 3746
Registered: Mar-07
LOL wtf

Gold Member
Username: Hittin1


Post Number: 3032
Registered: May-07

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, WI

Post Number: 3748
Registered: Mar-07
Those funky pups slam!
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