nobody's answered my question in amps, so I figured I would try it here What, if any, is the difference betweent the audiobahn A8000T, audiobahn A8000V, and the audiobahn DUB4001. The only difference I can see is that the A8000T is last years model, and the A8000V is the new model, but what about the DUB4001? All 3 are Mono 800 watt amps that put out 800 watts, so why shouldn't I buy the Dub ($75), instead of one of the others ($110)?
WHOOPS My bad, I saw it on, and they say its a 800 watt amp, but I didnt look close enough, its 800watts MAX not yah, its crap.but now what is the difference between the other 2?
the only differences are cosemtic, like there is a voltmeter on the A8000V which needs to be purchased and mounted under the dash/on dash for the A8000T, but other then cosmetics then are not too different...i talked to and audiobahn representative before purchasing my A8002t and he said it was the same (inside/power) as the 8002V so i would figure that the mono amps would also be the same...