Ported or sealed?


Bronze Member
Username: Alpineduder

Post Number: 42
Registered: Dec-05
I have dual 10' type-s's and there in a sealed box right now, they aer loud but not amazing. I know there only type-s's but thats all i can afford. If i put it in a ported box and tune it to 33-38 hz will it be louder at all???. Also wat u reccomend i tune the box too...THX

Silver Member
Username: Stnorris

Eldridge, IA US

Post Number: 718
Registered: Apr-06
ya they will be louder in a ported box. tune the box to 35-36 and make it like 1.3 cube feet per sub or something around that

Silver Member
Username: Logan__tille

Hamilton, Indiana United states

Post Number: 412
Registered: Feb-06
what do you like better, sq or spl?....if sq tune it to 28-34 if spl 38-45
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