I just got a brand new 12" kicker solo baric L5 and was wondering if a Power Acoustik TS980-2 2-channel car amplifier 220 watts RMS x 2 amp would be strong enough to push the hell out of this sub?
That amp is 560 rms Bridged right ? WEll even if thats the Case its still power acoustik so who really knows ..but it might be enough to make the sub sound ok
Ummm...Power Acoustik alone is crappy, and Solobarics, break easily. So if anything, you're going to CLIP that hoe to death in under 10 minutes hehehe.
so what do ya'll suggest i'm debating between rockford and mtx which one would be better to power this sub? Oh and Tyler your wrong about this solobaric i tested at circuit city for about 10 min and that sh*t was pounding.