if i tune a box to 26 with a slot or round port, wouldn't it sound the same? why do some boxes have slot ports and some have round ports? is it just for looks or what.
Posted on
great question !
I'll bump it up 4 him
Posted on
& i used to think that we on this forum thrash talk & talk crap
Slot ports tend to have no whistling or howling in terms of how the air comes out of the box but with a round port u can usually hear the air coming out
Port noise..... you can hear it on any type of port. Usually when the edges of a port are sharp, or have well defined edges, it makes a whistle kind of noise, but if you sand down the edges to where the are smooth and well-rounded, then ye should not have any port noise
If you haven't enough port area you will get port noise. It doesn't matter if your port is square, round, triangular, pentanganal, octaganal or even a rectangular slot if it's to small it will make a noise.