i was screwing my sub back into the box and the bit slpied and i put a lil rip the size of like a pin its in the outside rubeer anlong the edge will thios affect anyhting that much thanks.
You ripped the surround to your sub. Do you know exactly what material your surround is made out of? Or the make/model of your sub? Anyway, generally clear nail polish works well for sealing up small holes. It's really tough when it dries and it can move a whole lot and not break. Make sure you don't play your sub much or at all until you fix that cause it'll probably just make a larger tear.
exactly hunter! if you go sealed and start getting towar peak x-max it will start to open up more and more over time, but in a ported enclosure as long as you dont go below tuning you will never reach full x-max anyway so it should be fine.