Hmm.. whats the best freq. to tune a ported with, if the lowest my sub can go is 26hz? Can i tune it to anything lower than 26hz or do i have to stay above it? I wanna tune it to 20hz..dunno if i shuld tho.. Also, my kicker's subsonic filter is @25hz, is it safe to be loud without the filter turned on?
Ported enclosures require you set your subsonic filter (HPF) right around where your enclosure is tuned at so that your sub doesn't bottom out like mad.
Yeah, you need a filter when your going ported. You'll want it to be a little lower than your port tune, but I wouldn't go any lower than say 3 or 5 hz. I wouldn't have the filter set exactly at the port tune either, because that kinda defeats the purpose of a ported box. They sound the best right around the port tune, and you usually reach the loudest volumes around the port tune. You don't want to start reducing the volume at the point where the box is the most effecient.
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So the filter's @ 25hz, then i shuld prolly tune it to something like 26-29hz?