Based largely on the info from this board I've purchased the MA Silver S6s and SLCR. Its now time to get serious about a receiver and of course I need help again. Narrowed the field to three based on posts:
Harmon Kardon 525 NAD T752 Elite 53TX
My room is 13x26. My primary concern is stereo music rather than 5.1 HT or music. I want 6.1 and 7.1 compatability but only need 5 speaker amplification. I will be adding a HD plasma, Directv HD Receiver, Progressive DVD, HSU VTF-12 sub and $300-500 wall hanging rears.
I'd love to hear some opinions on sound and feature differences between these 3 receivers. I'm willing to put aside my concerns with the NAD bugs if the sound quality far outperforms the other 2. I auditioned the MAs with NAD separates and they sounded great.
Fab 5
Posted on
Enjoy your new speakers! I have the same. My opinion would be the Elite or go with Integra. I have the later. Very pleased with the sound.
I have an old HK receiver right now and am looking for a new receiver myself. I have listened to all of the above and think I would go with the NAD T752(or T753 if you can wait til it comes out next month) given those three... I listened to the T752 today and was really impressed with the neutrality of the receiver. I am torn between waiting for the T753 or getting the T762 right now....
Posted on
Thanks for the input. I am going to try to audition the NAD but I'm having trouble finding a dealer. Did your dealer mention anything about the NAD issues that are posted on this board (humming, popping, reliability)?
Fab5, which Interga model do you have?
Posted on
I've had a T752 for a couple weeks and I really love it. There is no humming at all, but I do get a little snapping sound when switching DTV stations and when surround modes change. It's not a big deal as the sound isn't very loud on my system. You can avoid the DTV issue if you get a HD receiver with digital coax out instead of (or in addition to) optical out.
I don't think the hum some people have reported is a problem with the receiver, but rather it's related to having other appliances with uncontrolled EMF nearby and/or improperly shielded or routed cables. The T752 manual actually has a section on hum and how to eliminate it, but as mentioned above, my receiver is dead silent. In contrast my old Carver receiver produced a steady low-level hiss through the surrounds that I never could eliminate.
Fab 5
Posted on
I have the Integra 7.3 receiver. It retails for about thirteen hundred, but I happen to know a home theater contracter/dealer that gave me a great deal knocking off some major money. it is a 7 channel, but if you want a 5 or 6, you could get the receiver cheaper. I hear the 6.4 is awesome as well. there is a 5.4 also I think. well, it's a 5. something that also kicks butt. I can't say much about the NAD. there isn't a dealer near me.
Posted on
You are choosing among three receivers which all will be great match's with your Monitors. I have Monitor's with a Elite 45 as I have mentioned to you in another post. I would carefully audition all three and pick the one you personally like the best. There is no wrong answer among your choices. Good luck.
Posted on
Thanks for the input. It appears that the NAD is not problematic if you get a new firmare version. Anyone know a good place in Philly, Allentown or near to audition the Elite, NAD and HK? I'm off to see the White Stripes on Monday. Wooohooo.
Ann H
Posted on
Try Surround Sounds in Exton. I know for sure that they carry NAD, not positive of Elite and HK.It is near intersection of 30 and 100.
Posted on
Thanks Ann. I will give them a call today. I will be trying to audition the NAD T762 (899), the HK 7200 (899) and the Elite VSX-53tx (650).