Peter | Please advise of any good 5.1/6.1 receiver in the price range of $250-$350 (I can stretch it to $400 but that's it ![]() DVD Player: Pioneer 563A Speakers: Bose 501 (Front) 141 (rear) Sub: SONY SA-WM500 Powered Center: JBL S-Center II Hopefully, I'll be able to upgrade my speakers later on but they'll do for now. Thank you for your inputs ... G'day... |
elitefan | I would recommend a Pioneer vsx912. Very nice receiver for the money and you should be able to find it for $350 or less. This unit has gotten very good reviews and you can read them on this site under the review section. One review actually liked this receiver better than a NAD742. |
elitefan | I forgot to mention that I think you should definetly upgrade your speakers ASAP. Bose are not very good and it's not a good idea to have different mains with a different center. All 3 fronts need to match sonically which is not possible under your present set up. Let us know what you decide on a reciever and then we can give you some recommendations on a good speaker package. Good luck and keep us posted. |
Peter | Elitefan - I aprreciate the quick reply. The Pioneer vsx-912 spec looks interesting and the price is appealing. I know my speakers are not up-to-par but it's kinda tough at this point ![]() ![]() Thanks for the help. |
Peter | I've noticed that the Pioneer Elite VSX-41 is in my range also. Is it a better receiver than the VSX-912 ? Thanks |
Peter | Hmm... I think I'll give the VSX-912 a shot ... Still welcome any thoughts on this subject and some decent budget speaker sets ... Are the JBL Northridge series any good ?? ![]() |
elitefan | If you like your JBL center then keep it and go with JBL's for your mains. The Elite 41 is a nice receiver but not much different than the 912 actually. Either one will do the job for you. |
Peter | Elitefan --Thanks for your help. I've ordered the VSX-D912. Now I'll have to look for speakers ... ![]() Good Day.. |
PeakMaster | Peter, if you replace your speakers, take a look at the following deal. It cannot be beat. The Pinnacle AC650's are outstanding and very highly rated. They list for $300-$400, the street price is about $199 and has them for $118 shipped 2nd day delivery. If you use this eCoustics link: |
Sam David | Hello Every one, This is mostly directed at elitefan, but any one can suggest. I have Mitsubishi 65511 HDTV, 10 year old Pioneer Receiver and various speakers, In few months (may be in Jan/Feb 2004) planning to upgrade receiver and speakers. Was thinking in the direction of pioneer 59txi and Bose Acoustimass 16 speakers. In the future when the price is right I will be replacing my Mitsubishi TV with a 1080P front projector. Wnat to be future proof thats why leaning towards 59txi. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks. |
Peter | PeakMaster - Thanks for a good suggestion. Looks like a very good deal but I've already purchased the JBL S38II for the front and the S36II as rear (still wating for the rear speakers' arrival)... So far, the JBL sounds quite nice with the Pioneer VSX-D912 (very clean output, good remote & very helpful MCACC function) ... For my low budget, this set up is very capable thus far. Now, I have to figure out how to give away my Bose speakers :D... |
elitefan | SamDavid, Please if you get a great receiver like the Elite59 or other do not even think about ruining that purchase by getting Bose speakers. I can't think of a worse speaker brand that I have ever heard, especially for how expensive they are. What is your speaker budget? If you have a Monitor Audio dealer nearby run to that store and you will find that there is no better match with a Elite receiver than Monitors. Listen to the Silver Series[like the 6 or 8]. Amazing clarity and perfect sonically with Elite or any other mellower brand like H/K, Marantz etc. Forget Bose. |
Sam David | elitefan Thanks for the suggestion, I have about 1700 to 2000 for the speaker budget. I can always wait, save if the speakers are good. Sam David |