Need Opinions: NAD 762 with Paradigm Ref Studio 60
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Mostly listen to two channel music while putting in an occasional dvd. Is this a good combo? Can't demo both together because can't find a dealer who sells both. Opinions needed.
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It is an awesome combo, for either music or movies. I have a local dealer who sells both and he sells a lot of that particular system. I have heard it and it is great--something I could listen to all day. I wish I could afford it myself. Enjoy!
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I am also planning on buying the Paradigm Ref Studio 60. I would like to try the NAD 762 with the speakers but no dealer who sells both locally for me as well.
Have you listened to the speakers with the Marantz SR-8300, Denon AVR 4802R, Yamaha 2400, NAD 762? Are any of them an excellent match, and more importantly, are any those BAD matches with the Paradigm Reference?
Sorry I don't have an answer for you Peter, but thought I'd throw in my similar question too and see what people have to say.
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I have heard the Yamaha with the Paradigm and it is a pretty good match as the Paradigm smoothes out most of the rough edges on the Yammie. My local Paradigm dealer sells both NAD and Yamaha, so I have heard both, alot. NAD is better sounding, IMHO. However, the x400s from Yamaha are a much needed improvement over the earlier x300s--not to be dismissed as lightly. I think the 2400 is pretty good.
I have not heard a Marantz 8300 yet--they have not yet arrived in my neck of the woods. I have heard the 8200 and it is nice with the Paradigms, but just a little too polite sounding for me. Too bad as I have had an 8200 offered to me for $1K, which is a great discount over the MSRP. It just isn't as sweet sounding as the 7300 and I haven't figured out why.
I have not heard the Denon 4802R with the Paradigms. Sorry. After my experience with my Denon I have not been auditioning them much (once burned, twice shy).
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Thanks Hawk. I have heard each component separately but not together, but have been impressed by them.
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Your concern whether the receiver and the speakers are compatible is a very intelligent question. Too often, people get great sounding components only to learn that they do not work well together (i.e., Pioneer Elite or H/K receivers with Paradigm speakers--individually great products, but not a good combo). However, the NAD is a superb receiver for the Studio line.
I only wish I had asked your question before some of the purchases I have made over the years!