I finally received "permission" to purchase an entry level A\V receiver, CD changer speakers and have been given a budget of 1200USD. After doing a fair amount of research, I'm seriously considering purchasing the Denon 2105 receiver, a Marantz cc2300 and a pair of Axiom m22i speakers. I'm also looking at the Denon 2805, but for my current needs, which are 80/20 in favor of music and Multi-zone functionality, I really don't know if I can justify spending an additional 200USD. I also plan to purchase additional speakers in the future to round out a surround sound package. What are the real benefits to the 2805 over the 2105? Should I be looking at a different combination? I haven't had a chance to listen to the Axioms, but I did do a side-by-side comparison between B&W DM 602 S3, Paradigm Atoms and Paradigm Focus. How do the M22is compare?