I have just recently purchased an SW9152 and have a question as to what size box I should be putting these into. I have about 825-1100 watts rms going to push this one sub in an impala trunk with lots of cabin space.
I've heard sealed boxes are the way to go if I want a really linear/flat response. I have had some problems with some one note wonder subs in the past and don't want to mess around anymore.
Don't get me wrong I still want some major output but like I said I want some sound quality and high output at various frequencies.
I called and talked to eclipse and they say 1.5-2.5 for sealed. Very vague! Does anyone have any experience.
i made a ported box for my ti and it still has good sq and has a decently flat response. i made mine 4.2 cu ft with a port that is 3" wide x 15" tall x 18" long. it is tuned to 35 Hz with that design.
i would look into upgrading your amp because when i first got my sub i had a 800wrms amp and it pushed okay, but i wanted a bigger amp. so i got a 1100wrms amp and it pushed it better but not to its potential. right now i have a rf X7 that puts out 1600wrms and i am very happy with it. there is a huge difference between the the 1100 and the 1600. now i cant listen to it for more that a couple minutes before i have to turn it down because my ears hurt so bad and it still doesnt distort
SW9152, when you built your ported box, was the port in yours just an opening or did it extend back into the box? i dont really konw how to explain what im asking but i hope that does it.
ok. thanks. does the 3" extend all the way through the tunnel. i gues what im trying to say is that is the "tunnel" 3" wide. sry i suck as explaining things. thanks