so, i have 2 audiobahn AWT1251T 12" 400watt RMS subs with a kenwood KAC7202 1000watt amp. i just got a third sub and probably need a bigger amp. can i run all three off of one amp? and if i can, which one would you suggest? also, i plan on making a custom fiberglass enclosure, would you recommend that i have a seperate chamber for each sub, or could i just leave it open for all three? oh, and Ported or Sealed? thanks in advance!
you can run all three off that amp, depending on how they are wired. i wouldn't worry about getting another amp for just 200 more watts.
fiberglass enclosures sound good if they are done right. its always best to run seperate chambers for each sub. that way, if one ever blows, you can still run the other without affecting the air space. it'll sound bad in double the reccomended air space.
ported or sealed is kinda personal preference. ported will be louder, sealed will give a little more SQ.
first off to run 3 of those subs your going to be at a 2.666 or a 6 ohm load, that amp is not stable for anything but 2 ohm stereo or 4ohm bridged. you are going to need a amp is is a mono amp with most power at 2ohm load.
the way i am going to hook them up is parallel, the subs are dual 4 ohm, so wired in parallel it would bring the ohm load down to 2.67. how big of an amp would i need? wattage i mean.
oh, and for the enclosure, i think i will go with sealed, the owners manual for the subs recommend the space for sealed is 1-2 cubic feet. if i had the enclosure at 2 cubic feet for all three would that work. i mean instead of making separate chambers for them.
youl1 need about a 3 cub ft box, it is 1cub per sub. also, youll need an amp that produces most power at 2 ohms. i would look for ane alpine 1005 opr a JL or maybe an older Orion XTR100 amp.Or look at Audiobahns a2502, 1500hct ot the 1600v