Taking into consideration what you get for each dollar spent... please vote to indicate YOUR CHOICE for BEST SPL SUB FOR THE PRICE. Your expertise, knowledge, first hand experience, and opinions are greatly valued and appreciated. First hand experience is, without a doubt, the most accurate vote - however all input is welcome. An explanation for your vote is not required, but encouraged.
We thank you very much for participating. Voting results will be revealed within 1 week.
i have had no experience with the RE MT but from many great things ive heard and results ive seen i think something like 500 shipped for the 15 i think it was is an insanely good price for an SPL monster. DD audio is awesome but there flagship woofer is over 1000. so my vote is the resonant engineering MT
no actually i read somehwere i think on soundillusions that the MT will get louder than any other sub they make with any said amount of power i.e SX 1000wmrs<MT 1000wrms
stroker pros my choice i dont have one yet but i have a 2005 stroker needs fine tuning and a cap but it hits hard and the strokerpro 15 was just tested in car audio and electronics mag and he said it was the best large format sub hes tested in along time ill have one or two some day lol Look Ma no cap
That puts Resonant Engineering subwoofers taking credit for over half the votes thus far... There's only been 7 votes mention, however... PLEASE, keep voting, everyone! Thanks.
I love DD, but not there price so I'd have to go with RE MT. A guy with 4 MT's, with 4 Rockford 1500BD's hit like 151 DB's at 29HZ... pretty impressive if you ask me.