Amp overheating


Silver Member
Username: Mr_kebo

Albertville, Al USA

Post Number: 212
Registered: Nov-04
Well my buddy got his 2 12" kicker CompVR sub in today. They are both dvc2 and i wired them for a 2 ohm load. His amp is rated for 900 watts@2ohm and the sub are rated for 800. I bought some prefab ported sub enclosure from ebay. Well when he is bumping it pretty hard the amp will get up to like 210F and go into protect mode. Im sure i have this wired up correctly. What else could be causing the amp to overheat?

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 2736
Registered: Nov-04
Get a DMM and measure the subs. Make sure it's really 4ohms to start with, then measure the overall resistance for 2ohms.
Also check your gain/level setting on the amp. Be certain that it matches your HU's preout voltage.
When an amp overheats like that, it's usually caused by low ohms.

Gold Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 1253
Registered: Jul-04
sounds like too low of an ohm may want to just double check your could be down to 1 ohm...

Also his gains and whatnot may be way off causing the amp to clip and overheat...

Silver Member
Username: Mr_kebo

Albertville, Al USA

Post Number: 213
Registered: Nov-04
How excatly would i test with the DMM. I just got back from radio shack picking one up and iver never used one before.
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