Need some clarification


Bronze Member
Username: Bigjay

Post Number: 35
Registered: Sep-04
Ok, as suggested by many people, I went into a store today to listen to some subs to see what I liked. I stopped by Circuit City as all I have on my side of town is that and best Buy. I stepped into the sound room and I listened to the following: Alpine E series, Infinity, Audiobahn, MTX, Bazooka and there was an off brand. The ones that I thought sounded the best and were clear and very good sound were the Alpine, Audiobahn and Infinity. I quickly dismissed the Alpine as it started to get really bad distortion and sounded like crap. I started to talk to the sales rep. I questioned why the infinity sub was not as prominant as the others and he claimed that it was because it was in the wrong box. My question to you all is I told him I was concidering putting 2 Infinity Kappa Perfect 12.1d subs in my system. Each sub is 4 ohm, 350RMS with a max RMS of 1400W, 12" DVC. My plan is to wire them each in parallel with the DVC and run them to a Mono amp at 2 ohms. The sales rep told me that those subs are not marked correctly and that I had to have an amp that would hit at almost the peak RMS in order to get a good sound out of them. My plan was to run them with a RF T10001b sub which puts out 750RMS x 1 @ 2 ohms. Can anyone tell me if this guy was correct and I would need a bigger amp to power these subs and make them sound as great and I have been told they sound and as good as that one almost sounded in the store?

Juggalo Jeff
Unregistered guest
they will sound pretty good the alpine type e r crappy kind of but i have type r and they r decent. There is no such thing as peak rms its rms wattage and then the peak. That should be decent tho for wattage overpowing just a little aint bad. Just try to match the amp rms with the sub rms dont worry about peak.

Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 2113
Registered: May-04
The Perfects are the only really good sub you mentioned. That guy is an idiot, ALWAYS go by the RMS rating. The manufacturer of the speaker knows a lot more about the sub than some inferiorly trained Circuit City employee, being the designer of the sub they know what the sub can and can't handle. Your amp will work well. If you haven't bought it yet and want a cheaper solution, an MTX 801D would work well.

Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 2114
Registered: May-04
That 1400W RMS is a peak rating, not a maximum RMS rating.

Bronze Member
Username: Bigjay

Post Number: 36
Registered: Sep-04
Thank you for the info. I figured that guy was an idiot. I just wanted to make sure of it by posting here. He had a SVC Infinity Reference sub and it didn't sound as good as the Audiobahn they had there but he also came back on that as they had it in a ported box and they had it in the wrong box. He didn't sound too bright. I have a hard time judging a persons opinion if they only deal in a couple of products and Circuit City sales idiots only know what is put in front of them by the higher ups that pay thier crappy wage.

ok, enough rant. Thanks for the info guys. It has been great help.

Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 2123
Registered: May-04
They never have subs in the right box, b/c if they did they wouldn't be able to show off all the crappy prefabs they have to offer :-)
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