I purchased the RX V 1400 on line a couple of months ago. My Main speakers are ADS M12 towers(manuafactured in the late 1980's and early 90's) a wonderful musical speaker that sounded warm, detailed, and beautiful with my old Technics reciever. I have been awfully disappointed with the sound of the Yamaha for music. It's incredble with DVD in the surround mode - concerts sound like you are in the hall. But 2 channel CD's sound almost harsh and strident. I never believed that the amp had that level of influence on the sound - I always thought it had to do more with the speaker and room acoustics. Am I wrong? I can't return the unit because I bought it on the web and now have to contemplate selling it at a loss. I enjoy home theatre but music is my main love. I'd be happier with my old Technics.
Does anyone know if there is a fix for this? I've tried every kind of adjustment with the EQ to no avail. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks much.
I remember the glory days of ADS in the mid to late70's and they were the best speakers in my area for the money at that time. I would love to hear them today. My only suggestion is to change to mellower receiver. Yamaha can be a bit bright as you have found out. I know that's not what you want to hear but it's the only honest answer I can give you.