Mirage BPS400 Dual 12" Subwoofer


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Username: Rockdoctor

Post Number: 8
Registered: 01-2004
I have an opportunity to purchase a demo Mirage BPS400 Dual 12" Subwoofer, it still has the factory plastic on top and comes with full factory warranty, mint shape,, is at a large electronics dealer store,, half price.. $850.00 Canadian,,, it's still a lot of money for a sub,, it sounds awesome.. I think I might be able to do just as good for less money,, has anyone used this unit before?? Any advise would be very much appreciated.

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Username: Creed

Post Number: 1
Registered: 01-2004
i have Mirage BPS150 Dual 8' subwoofer, and i think its a great sub for music listening, while for home theatre, i think it lack a bit of umphh, but i suppose the BPS400 should be excel at both areas

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Username: Jrmetziii

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-04
Did you purchase the BPS400 subwoofer(s)? I own one that I purchased for $800(US) when Mirage discontinued them. I wouldn't trade it for anyother sub. Unless it was exceptionally better and free or came as an one-to-one trade for what I now use.

I wish I could find a 2nd BPS400, not that I've a need for a 2nd, just would like a backup or employ it behind our seating.

Unregistered guest
Does anyone know where I can purchase a demo or floor unit pbs-400
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