Speaker Hook-up to TV


New member
Username: Jono

Post Number: 1
Registered: Aug-11
I have a set of Bose Companion 2 speakers that I would love to hook up to my Samsung UN46C6500VF. I can hook the speakers to the audio out jack on the TV, but I cannot control the volume with the TV remote. Is there an adapter available to hook these speakers to the Digital Audio Out (optical) jack on the TV? Will this allow the TV remote to control the Bose speaker volume?

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 16528
Registered: May-04

"Audio out" is meant to be run into a receiver or amplifier of some sort. As you have found out, it alone will not power speakers. You need a receiver/amplifier.

New member
Username: Jono

Post Number: 3
Registered: Aug-11
Thank you to whoever put the link to Gefen Digital Audio Coverters @ www.ramelectronics.net This will solve my problem.

The only solution to America's Ever-growing Debt is to throw every politician out of office! The only reason we're in this deep is because of POLITICIANS! I never voted for any of these absurd budgets or the outrageous spending by both parties. The politicians themselves have changed the name of the game. America now has a government by the government for the government and not a government by the people for the people. ALL of these politicians DO NOT CARE about the people except to get re-elected. They will do ANYTHING to get your vote! Lie, cheat, steal, beg, borrow, perjure, flip-flop, commit felonies, even murder are not beneath any of them. I'm tired as hell of all this Dem. vs Rep., Lib vs Conserv., BS of blaming each other. THE POLITICIANS ARE ALL TO BLAME!!! Certainly, the only blame you can pin on the American people is that they have bought into all the BS and voted for one party or another.

It is time for a revolution by Americans for an American government for Americans. We need a third party. I suggest the "American Party". First order of government is to gain super majorities in both the Senate and the House and the Presidency. Second order of government is to have term limits on Senate, House and Superior Court seats. Third is to limit campaign spending. Fourth is NO earmarks in ANY Bill. Fifth, all legislation must be passed by 100% of the Senate. (If we can't get a mere hundred people to agree, then it isn't in the best interest of the American people). Sixth, all politicians (town, state, and federal) must be licensed to run for office and any of them caught lieing, cheating, stealing, guilty of perjury, committing a felony, or murder, will have their licenses revoked permanently and must step down from office immediately. Seventh, anytime the deficit exceeds three percent of GDP, all members of Congress shall have their licenses revoked permanently and step down from office immediately. Eight, all members of Congress and the President shall have a nominal medical plan paid by the taxpayers during their time in office only. Nine, Congress and the President may not exclude themselves from any laws. Ten, Congess and the President are not entitled to a pension plan and must pay into their own retirement as other Americans. Eleven,...............the list goes on!

We (Americans) need to take back our country. We absolutely need to hold these politicians accountable for the crap THEY'VE made of this country. The government didn't make this country great, the American people made it great through hard work (not handouts), love of your neighbor (not piss on him before he pisses on you), and a willingness to serve others and make the ultimate sacrifice to protect the freedoms of other Americans (not take away freedoms from one and give to another).

Sounds like a tall order! Perhaps we could be a little less agressive, but what the hell. If we (Americans) are serious about taking back our government and changing the direction of this great country, why not make sure that the weasels don't somehow find a way to screw it up all over again.
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