Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1829
Registered: Jun-07
So I got two Dual 1019's with Shure cartridges. After greasing them up and getting them in tip top form, the needle just wants to skate right across the record. Does the Scale?have to be set to.....//...lol Whats going on here?

Also- I know its probably crap, because its Hitachi...whats this look like to you TT experts out there.

http://kingston.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-electronics-VINTAGE-HITACHI-DIRECT-DRIV E-TURNTABLE-W0QQAdIdZ61044574

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 12963
Registered: May-04

The Hitachi doesn't look like crap. That's the point. The mass market tables out of Japan were good looking tables that promised good specifications. They were generally not very good but they weren't terrible either. Between the Dual and the Hitachi, I would take the Dual even with the older style arm on a 1019.

Arms skating across records usually sounds like there's no stylus in the cartridge. If that's not the case, you do not have the arms balanced correctly if the antiskating is capable of exerting a higher force on the arm than the counterweight and VTF spring.

Where did you get your information on how to balance a Dual arm?


Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1830
Registered: Jun-07
Jan- I have no information. I actually have TWO mint Dual 1019's from the 60's. The one was actually purchased in Germany and has only German writing on it. My problem lies in the fact that I am a total newb when it comes to TT's. I mean, I literally know nothing what so ever.

It appears that both Cartridges have Stylus's. The two cartridges are :

1.) Shure Supertrack V15 Type II
2.) Shure ED D100

Now, when the skating happens, I do hear the sound come out of the speaker, and sometimes it will kinda stay, playing the music but seems like it is still skating only a bit as the music sounds like a skipping cd. So it must be that the arm is not balanced correctly as you say. I see now that I look at it, there is a weight measure on the actual tone arm, another one numbered to 6 on the bottom of the tone arm, and ANOTHER numbered dial that turns up and down on the arm part as well.

Again, you'll have to talk to me about TT's like I am clueless.lol

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10741
Registered: Dec-04
Nick, if there is indeed a stylus there, it is improperly mounted.
Pull it out and straighten it out.
And have a pill, this is hard to get right.
Thats why there are cd's

Gold Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 7714
Registered: Feb-05
Forget the pill have a scotch...

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 12977
Registered: May-04

Sorry, I'm late getting back to you. See if this site has any answers for you.


If not, or you still have questions, let me know. Balancing a Dual arm is slightly different than a typical Japanese arm but still fairly straight forward once you understand what you are adjusting with each knob and control.

I have a 1009 that I use for 78's and they are more or less the same table when it comes to set up.


Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1847
Registered: Jun-07
Thanks guys.

Jan- great site, got both arms balanced to what I believe is proper. Also, I noticed last night that the stylus in the cartridge looked to be broken off at the end. Well, that would explain why it was skating.lol

So, I went into JustHiFi today and picked up a Ortofon 2M Bronze cartridge which was going for 149.99 but I talked the guy down to 100 bucks plus taxes. Brought it home, wired it up and mounted it and wa-la - I have music, and no skating.lol.

So now the one turntable works well, and the other one, which is in the better shape physically of the two, will not quite spin the platter by itself. I see the motor coming on, but I have to align the motor wheel so its got more friction against the platter wheel. Sorry if my terminology is way off, I am just saying it how I see it when I take it apart. Problem is, the platter on the better shaped TT, will not just pull off. Jan- whats the trick to your 1009?


Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1850
Registered: Jun-07
Sorry, my bad, the cartridge I got was a Ortofon 2M RED!! not Bronze.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 12979
Registered: May-04

Dual's have a "C" clip at the spindle/platter joint. You really should have a tool meant to remove this clip as anything else is just a frustration to use. Most harware stores carry such a tool for a few dollars.

Be very careful removing the clip as it wants to fly away under some piece of furniture that will not allow it to ever be seen again until you move - if at all.

After the clip is removed the platter is free to lift off but might not if the spindle and platter have been in a close relationship for a long time. You can get a Supreme Court Justice to declare the relationship unconstitutional or you can use a bit of penetrating oil on the spindle. Either route is about as successful as the other. Some times you just have to keep working at it until the platter breaks loose from the spindle.

Once that is accomplished you should try cleaning the underside of the platter and the rubber puck that drives it with isopropyl alchohol and see if that resolves the speed issue. It probably won't after all these years but you'll need a clean platter for the replacement puck anyway.

Changing the puck is ratehr straight forward, you'll just have to locate one. Try the website I sent you to. If they can't help, let me know. One of the techs I used to work with still repairs Duals.


Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1854
Registered: Jun-07
Awesome. Thanks Jan, I will try that tonight and let you know how I make out. Cheers.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1857
Registered: Jun-07
So, I found that C-Clamp, got it off and didn't lose it.lol It is tiny though. I noticed the wheel was not getting enough friction on the main gear. Luckily, I have a new wheel, sealed, that I got with the TT. Installation was very easy. Got it installed, and the friction is much better. I let it run constantly over night to get the oil worked in, and the friction was even better this morning. I will be cleaning the platter tonight and we will see what happens. I have a good feeling though.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10767
Registered: Dec-04
Atta boy Nick!

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1858
Registered: Jun-07
Thanks Nuck. I am itching to work on it right now, but Im scrubbing down all the hardwood in my house today(80 percent of the house) and cutting the grass and ....and .....lol my day is screwed.lol.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1880
Registered: Jun-07
Alright. So I finally got around to working with the TT tonight. Got it all back together, put the platter back on. Started it up, everything seemed to function perfectly. Took it upstairs into the two channel system, hooked it up, put on a Led Zeppelin album, and wa-la, music. I also, put in a new stylus into the Shure cartridge. Needless to say, I wont be using the Shure. The Shure has way too high of a floor noise for my liking. Then I put the Ortofon back in its dead quite and sounds nice and smooth. I am really liking this TT stuff. A lot of work though for some music. I guess that is the fun part. One thing I will be playing with is the scale and weight adjustment as when I change it the sound changes. Need to find that perfect setting. My dealer said to bring it in next time I am in town and he will do it all for me as he has the proper tools for it. Free of charge of course. I only listened to two albums, one was dirty but still sounded nice (Phil Collins). More to come. I also took some pics of it apart and me replacing the wheel and such. I will post some later. Any info you guys can share on making this thing sound as good as it can please share.lol. It sounds pretty damn good right now though. I guess I am on my way.

Silver Member
Username: Wattsssup

Barrie, ON Canada

Post Number: 282
Registered: Aug-06
Good stuff Nick. Enjoy the new hobby. And clean those records!

Bronze Member
Username: Soundgame

Richmond Hill Toronto ..., Ontario Canada

Post Number: 99
Registered: Jun-08
Good to hear your setup and playing. All the best. It just gets more fun as you go along.
One of the main things to TT sound is placement. Have you got it sitting on your rack. How is it supported? Lot's of experimentation here, from hockey pucks to squash balls to high-end platforms.
Cables, mats, platter upgrades - there's lots of choice.
Looking forward to seeing your pics.
Happy listening - will be looking for you putting your titles up on Art's "Music Selections for the Speaker Guys" thread.
Have you tried any 180gram vinyl? The stuff is quiet and rich.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10781
Registered: Dec-04
Now go out to the yard sales, estate sales and used bookstores and collect up some vinyl Nick!
have fun.

Silver Member
Username: Stryvn


Post Number: 816
Registered: Dec-06
Welcome to vinyl, Nick. Glad you got em up and running. I find it to be much more rewarding than cd's in most cases but not all.

Nuck's right about the yard sales, estate sales and used bookstores. Remember to ASK at the yard and estate sales...even if they don't have the stuff out- ask!

The Half Price Books by me has some nice stuff for a song. Always being re-stocked with used gems. And if the price ain't right leave it there. If it sits on the shelf long enough, they'll bring the price down.

Also, for new stuff, musicdirect.com has a good selection.

Enjoy your new (old) tt!

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1887
Registered: Jun-07
Hey guys, thanks for the comments.

George- I just had it sitting on a stool and out of its box casing. I am positive it will improve greatly once I get it mounted in its wood case again and onto the actual audio rack. I will let you know.

Stryvn/Nuck- You want to hear something funny.lol. My neighbor who I just fixed his computer for, said for saving him a few hundred dollars in repairs to come over sometime soon and go through his record collection that was left to him(over 600 records) and take whatever I want. For free. lol. ummmm I think I will hit him up on that very soon. He has everything. He plays in a band and has a very large variety of music. Sweet.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1888
Registered: Jun-07
Also, here in Kingston, two stores up from Just Hi Fi is a little store called Brians Records, which has roughly 11,000 records in there. Mainly used, and some new, and he will order whatever you want. I picked up all the Led Zeppelin albums for 21 dollars. Not bad for a store. Not a cheap as my neighbor or a yard sale. lol Also, on Kijiji, there is a nice old lady selling her husbands record collection of around 300 records. FOR 50 DOLLARS!! I just emailed her. I want them.

Silver Member
Username: Stryvn


Post Number: 817
Registered: Dec-06
Sounds like you're doing fine finding vinyl! Nice work. Post some of your findings, huh?

Silver Member
Username: Wattsssup

Barrie, ON Canada

Post Number: 283
Registered: Aug-06

Along with the suggestions above, you should also check out the travelling record shows when they come to Town. There's one going to Kingston Sept 25-27. Huge selection, and very cheap.

Here's the link:


Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 12986
Registered: May-04

You will damage a disc faster and more permanently by tracking the cartridge too lightly than too heavily. Always adjust VTF to the high end of the manufacturer's recommended tracking force.

Did you get a stylus alignment guage with the tables? Duals are almost impossible to set up properly without their specific guage.


Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10783
Registered: Dec-04

Silver Member
Username: Stryvn


Post Number: 818
Registered: Dec-06
Oh, and forward all doubles and lp's you don't want directly to me. PM me for shipping address. Thanks.


Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10785
Registered: Dec-04

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1890
Registered: Jun-07
Marc- I had no clue there was such a thing, looks very neat. Thanks man.

Stryvn- lol will do bud. Im not kidding either. If I get some, a PM is coming your way.

Nuck- Oh hell yeah, that is what I am talking about. I will give steps 3 and on a good reading after I fill my guts.*NOM NOM NOM I am hungry*

Jan- My dealer does in fact have the kit used for the 1000 series Duals. He refurbishes old Duals and Thorens, and sells the Rega/NAD for new. The good thing about my dealer is that he just wont do it, he will actually show me so I wont have to bug him again.lol. Then he will give me the kit. Great guy.

Still lots of work to do to it. I am sanding the wood down, and putting a nic finish on it to make it totally new, then re-mount it back into the case. Fun fun. I will keep you posted on it and the records I get. Cheers.

Silver Member
Username: Soundgame

Richmond Hill Toronto ..., Ontario Canada

Post Number: 104
Registered: Jun-08
Ay Nick,

Can ya send me the leftovers of what doesn't get sent to Stryvn? I'm just getting my vinyl collection going here. ha ha.

Silver Member
Username: Wattsssup

Barrie, ON Canada

Post Number: 284
Registered: Aug-06
No problem man, have fun.

Silver Member
Username: Stryvn


Post Number: 831
Registered: Dec-06
Lol...I was kidding, Nick. Enjoy your new obsession.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10806
Registered: Dec-04
I seem to pick up some vinyl when I visit friends in the south.
Maybe I am due for another visit?

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 13001
Registered: May-04

You seem to pick up whole turntables when you visit friends in the South.

Silver Member
Username: Stryvn


Post Number: 835
Registered: Dec-06
Now if he could just find a way to use them.

I got more.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10823
Registered: Dec-04
I will find a way to run the table again, just kinda stuck for the moment.
The table is packed away in its box, warm and dry.

Sniff...I just need a minute here...

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1915
Registered: Jun-07

Nuck, just checked your profile. I didn't know you had a VPI tt. Very nice man.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 3015
Registered: May-05

I was at the mall yesterday and stumbled into Hot Topic, for reasons unbeknownced to me. Not my typical type of store. Anyway, they have a bunch of new metal, punk, and rap vinyl. Metallica, Tool, Slayer, Wu-Tang Clan, and a bunch more that I can't recall right now. They don't have a ton of stuff, but they've got a pretty decent selection at pretty good prices. Most stuff is about $15.

Don't know if they have that store in your neck of the woods or not. Their website didn't have a bunch of the stuff I saw either.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1917
Registered: Jun-07
Awesome Stu- I will check it out for sure. See if they are near by.

Platinum Member
Username: Nuck

Post Number: 10856
Registered: Dec-04
Nick, Jan gave me the vpi when a new Scout came in, and sent it post to my home.
I added a rb300 arm and a cart from JV as well.
the cart worked for a bit, then, of course, everything got packed up and stored.
I have limited space for the table right now, but I will get a house with more room for all the gear soon.

Nice friends, eh?

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 3018
Registered: May-05
Nick or anyone else -

Do you have a good turntable mat? My Herbie's mat became obsolete when I upgraded to an acrylic platter.

Free to a good home. First come, first served.

Silver Member
Username: Soundgame

Richmond Hill Toronto ..., Ontario Canada

Post Number: 128
Registered: Jun-08
Hey there Stu. I have a Goldring GR1.2 and the mat that comes with it is rather pathetic. It's flimsy and lifts up when I flip the discs. I'd love to try out that Herbie's mat. Free is even better. I can PM you or you can PM me. Let me know. Thanks!!

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1923
Registered: Jun-07
Nuck- indeed Jan is the man/women.

Stu- thanks for the offer dude, I got one though. George its all yours my friend.lol. Ive seen it, its pretty.

Silver Member
Username: Soundgame

Richmond Hill Toronto ..., Ontario Canada

Post Number: 129
Registered: Jun-08
Nick, thanks for bowing out. How goes the record collection. Sound-wise, what's your favorite disk so far?

Stu a.k.a. Santa, I really appreciate it, and my vinyl will very much appreciate lying on it.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1926
Registered: Jun-07
lol NP bud. Hey, not sure really which is my favorite sonically. But for music enjoyment and one of my Led Zeppelin LP's take the cake at the moment. I love my Led Zeppelin. Overall one of my favorite bands.

Silver Member
Username: Soundgame

Richmond Hill Toronto ..., Ontario Canada

Post Number: 132
Registered: Jun-08
I'm good with that - Zepplin is classic.

Try any 180g stuff. For me, I find it very low noise, a good thing and I perceive more clarity and fullness of sound.

Still collecting the regular weight but am willing to pay for the 180g stuff.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1931
Registered: Jun-07
Will do George. Don't think I have any 180g stuff. I will check it out for sure. Thanks.

Silver Member
Username: Soundgame

Richmond Hill Toronto ..., Ontario Canada

Post Number: 144
Registered: Jun-08
Hey Nick,

If you got a Sunrise Records around so of their stores are around 50 titles on vinyl - a lot are of the 180 gram variety. Don't know if you're into Metric but they can be had on vinyl. I got my Viva La Vida - Cold Play, there. Prices are under around $20/title. Check it out.

Gold Member
Username: Nickelbut10

Post Number: 1980
Registered: Jun-07
Sweet stuff George. Will do man. Thanks.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 3043
Registered: May-05

I just remembered about the mat. Sorry. I'll get it out tomorrow.

Silver Member
Username: Soundgame

Richmond Hill Toronto ..., Ontario Canada

Post Number: 158
Registered: Jun-08
No problem Stu, really appreciate. Who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth. I am looking forward to trying it out.

One question for you, did you find a large overall improvement in going from the OEM platter and this mat to your Acylic-IT platter? Thanks.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 3044
Registered: May-05
From the stock platter and mat to the Herbie's mat was a very big difference.

From the Herbie's mat to the Acryl-it was a big difference, but not as much.

The stock platter and mat to Acryl-it is night and day.

Its hard to quantify. To my ears its always been an improvement top to bottom. What the mat and the Acryl-it are doing is dampening. Aluminum rings. Acrylic doesn't. The Herbie's mat is open celled foam. The basically absorb the vibrations better. Everything gets cleaned up. I stopped using the Herbie's mat after about 10 minutes of it on the Acryl-it. The sound was over damped and very dull to my ears. Too much of a good thing IMO.

Everyone's ears are different. It may deaden the sound in your system and/or to your ears. It may make no difference at all. Or it may make everything sound better. Only one way to find out.

If I'm correct, the Goldring table is a re-badged Rega. Older P2? If you find out which one, I'm sure there are a ton of upgrades available on line. The Acryl-it won't fit a Rega, but there are companies who make acrylic platters for Regas - Iron Audio is one off the top of my head.

Silver Member
Username: Soundgame

Richmond Hill Toronto ..., Ontario Canada

Post Number: 159
Registered: Jun-08
You're right Stu, the GR1.2 is very similar to the old P2 and is built by Rega. I did see that the Acrylic-it platter won't fit because of the difference in the spindle. Right now the platter is MDF but cheap. So I don't have a problem with ringing, like an aluminum platter might create but I'm sure ther is some motor vibration/rumble passing through and the Herbies mat may act as a dampening/shock absorber to clean that up. We'll see. Thanks for the info and I will let you know.
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