

Unregistered guest
Which RECEIVER do you recommend to push a pair of JBL L7 series speakers. I also great video output.

Silver Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 500
Registered: Dec-03
what is your budget?
Video output is very dependent on your source video and not the receiver. Although some can up-convert a signal, the innate quality of the source material is important.

Unregistered guest
my budget is about $700.

Silver Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 512
Registered: Dec-03
One thing I can say about those expensive during their day speakers, is that they can handle a lot of power. Now that I have that out of the way...these things can really bump, but they are not for extended listening, as they tend to be on the bright side. And with their 6ohm impedance, they tend to heat up a few receivers without ample power. Although it possesses an excellent to fair sensitivity, if being driven hard their actual impedances tend to go down to 2-3 ohms, extended, not just spikes. These are based on my own experience as I was a fan of the older JBLs. You're mileage may vary!

So you may want to go with a more mellow receiver, and with a budget like that you can with a few receivers. NAD is the first one that comes to mind you can get the T742 or the T751, ample power and enough headroom to really drive those bad boys. It has enough strength to handle the spikes of the L7.
Then there's the Marantz SR-7400, the HK AVR-525, Pioneer Elite VSX-43TX and Onkyo TX SR600. I am not too sure about the Pioneer Elite if it can handle the spikes of this particular speaker, but it does have ample power, ask therealelitefan...he's more knowledgeble of its capabilities.
good luck and happy hunting!

Silver Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 513
Registered: Dec-03
you know i didn't even ask if you were looking for stereo only or HT!
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