Best matched Receiver for Def Tech BP2002TL's


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Username: Okkin


Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-04
Hi Experts. Yes I am a NOOB Bigtime. I find this 'hooby' so very interesting. I have read countless reviews and acrtciles and it is all very interesting. I have learned so much about Home Audio/Video. Believe me I had no idea that is was this intense and selective.

Well I need some advice. I love the way the Def Tech 2002tl sound. I like the Powered tower design. I heard that the Paradigm 90R had the same set-up towers but I have never listened to them. Now I here things like "warm' Natural" neatural" I have no idea' which is which for the Def Tech's, I just know that the sound blew me away. Now I need a 'matched' revceiver'.


Yamaha 1400
Yamaha 2400


Silver Member
Username: Rick_b

New york Usa

Post Number: 107
Registered: Dec-03

The Def/Tech 2002TL is a very fine speaker IMHO. The speaker line has a very forward sound, so it is best to match it with a warm sounding receiver.
The Yamaha and Denon are both on the bright side, so they are not a good match. My choice would be a model in the Marantz, Pioneer, or Harmon Kardon line.

You said you fell in love with the sound of the 2002TL's. What was powering them when you heard them?

New member
Username: Levike

Cathedral City, California USA

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-04
I would recommend Pionner or Harman Kardon.
I own a pair of DefTech BP8B and I am using the Pioneer Elite 43TX which is the best match I have found. It also depends how much power you need, the 43TX only has 100 Watts each channel, but I am satisfied all the way, but if you want more power the 49Txi and the new 59Txi are 160 watts.
I am really pleased with my Pioneer Elite receiver.

New member
Username: Okkin


Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-04
Thanks Guys...The store was running them using a SUNFIRE Receiver. I got a good deal on the 1400 for $500 bucks NEW. ANd I figured it was too good to pass up this deal. How much are the Pioneers going for? Is the Elite 43x or 49txi comparable in hook-ups? Power is one thing to me, I am a refining sound man, not power so much.

Also I would need to Bi Wire them to acheive the best sound output..correct? I saw some nice Bi Wire Cables (All In One from PS Audio or River Cable??)

Silver Member
Username: Elitefan1

Post Number: 340
Registered: Dec-03
Am I correct in understanding you already bought the 1400? If so I would look elsewhere for speakers. I also like DEF TECH's but IMO they do not match as well with Yamaha as others. My first choice with Yamaha would be Paradigm Monitor series. Listen to the Monitor 7, it'a a very good match with the 1400 and 2400 sonically and price wise. [$699pr]. The cc370 is a very good center and I prefer the direct radiating mini-monitor for surrounds although the ADP surrounds from Paradigm are also very good. The PS-1000 and PS1200 would be matching subs. Very nice system as the Yamaha's are much less bright than previous models but still thin. Paradigm helps combat that tendency better than any I can think of.

Silver Member
Username: Rick_b

New york Usa

Post Number: 115
Registered: Dec-03

Elitefan is correct. Please do not match the Yamaha with Def/Tech. Not a good combo.



New member
Username: Okkin


Post Number: 4
Registered: Apr-04
Ok I had a great deal on the Yamaha 1400 ($484) but I found a Pioneer Elite VSX-43tx for $589. I keep hearing great things about these Pioneers, so would I be better to go with the Pioneer?

I do not have a Paradigm dealer here in AZ? the closet one is in CA. I cannot demo any of them.

Silver Member
Username: Elitefan1

Post Number: 341
Registered: Dec-03
If there is a PSB dealer in your area you should keep the Yamaha in mind. If not go with the Elite and I would recommend speakers such as Monitor Audio, maybe Klipsch and Dynaudio. The Dynaudio's are 4 ohm speakers and there is a bit of a disagreement whether the Elite can drive them. A rep from THX says any THX receiver has to be able to do so in order to meet the specs of THX but that has been a subject of debate on this board. I can heartily recommend the Elite/ Monitor combination which I have myself and really like. Even after hearing and being blown away by the Dynaudio 42 I plan on keeping my MA system for several years.

New member
Username: Okkin


Post Number: 5
Registered: Apr-04
Ok guys I have arrived..I went to Ultimate and made them hook and unhook the Following receviers mated to the Receivers through analog speaker cable. That was amps, filters etc...and these are my rookie findings for what they mean only to me.
Yamaha 1400 Didn't work running both Def tech's only left channel worked?

Yamaha 2400 Sounded FLAT, distant, muffled actually, nothing really stood out.

Denon 3803 Great Bass, but that's about it, the vocals were better and accurate, but the musical insturments seemed like they were coming from behind the band. Not encompassing at all.

Pioneer Elite VSX 47tx. WOW, WOW and WOW. Best choice hands down. the music sounded lifelike everything was where it need to be period.

You guys ROCK1 Elite Fan, thanks and to everyone else THANKS!!! all you crazy audiophiles, this is a habit forming hobby.

I was offered the now Discontinued 47tx for $1250, Open Box? Is that good guys? I see them online and they are MUCH mroe than this.

Ok now would the 45tx or the newer 55txi or 53txi sound the same. I really didn't want to spend $1200 on just my receiver.

What I want is a receiver to accomadate 3 Component INPUTS, One tv,DVD and XBOX. can this happen. I think the 47tx only has 2 Inputs for this?


New member
Username: Okkin


Post Number: 6
Registered: Apr-04
Hey guys I had a B&K rep call me??? Where did he get my number?? Hey was saying grea thigns about these receivers? I guess he would ,but what do YOU guys think? He said something about constant current is the high point compared to the Pioneer (jap receivers as he called them)

Is the B&K better?

Silver Member
Username: Gman

Mt. Pleasant, SC

Post Number: 407
Registered: Dec-03
If you don't want to pay the price for a Pioneer Elite 47TX, you definitely don't want to pay the higher price for a B&K. The $1250 price is excellent, so long as the warranty is full. That receiver has the same great amp section as the 49TXi and the 59TXi. It clips at 148 watts (8 ohms) with 5 channels driven simultaneously.

The B&K has to be more than double the price and the AVR307 model from 2001 clipped at 138 watts (8 ohms) with 5 channels driven simultaneously.

Jap receiver is just a perjorative that is meaningless. Be leery of salesmen from manufacturers. There are excellent receivers and mediocre ones made in the US, in China, Japan, and elsewhere. Lots of great high tech is made in China now.

As far as the less expensive Pioneer Elites, they will sound the same, but they will clip at probably less than 100 watts (which will probably occur rarely, as the 2002TL's have self-powered subwoofer sections).

New member
Username: Okkin


Post Number: 7
Registered: Apr-04
Gregory, THanks so much it looks like it is coming down to the 2 receivers for me, the older VSX-47tx at $1200 (I will have to check on the warranty) and the VSX-53tx whihc is newer. I know I will not get the same power, but will my sound be similiar? I don't I have the $1200 in the budget and I got the 53tx for $625 shipped to my front door, alsmost half the price?

Any comments on the comparisons? Is it an Apples to Oranges comparo?

Silver Member
Username: Elitefan1

Post Number: 345
Registered: Dec-03
If you don't have the $1200 in your budget then buy the 53 and you won't be sorry. This is a very good receiver and $625 to your door is a good deal. But it and enjoy. As to power the 53 has plenty and will not clip at below 100 watts, it has a very good power supply and delivers more than it's rated power with all channels driven. You will have a very nice system.

New member
Username: Okkin


Post Number: 8
Registered: Apr-04
Thanks for everything Guys. I am going to pick up the Elite VSX 53tx

Now does anyone know about the Pioneer Elite Multi disk Dvd/Cd CHanger FD707 and FD727? I need one of those units to remove all the clutter, BUT I don't know if anyone actually purchased one of these units and was happy with them?


New member
Username: Okkin


Post Number: 9
Registered: Apr-04
Picked up the 47tx for $1250 "OPen box" and the Def Tech BP2002TL's were $650 Each!! NEW!!! I couldn't believe it.

ANy receommendations on cables. I was headed to Radio shack...
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