Performance Head Units


Bronze Member
Username: Bakerj72

Regina, Saskatchewan Canada

Post Number: 68
Registered: Jun-05
I am looking for an HU and I could care less if it looks like crap and has fancy colors and a g force meter. All I am looking for is performance. A good example of what I am into is the fact that i would pick the Alpine cda 9851 over the 53 and 55 if they were the same price because i dont care about looks or a useless glide touch. i have a 10w7 and 500/1 and want 8v preouts with 25 rms kicking out of it with just a play and pause button. this is a bit of an exageration but hopefully you get my point.

I was looking at eclipse models but i would prefer a detachable face plate I live in a bad city.

So if you guys could help me out that would be great. no looks but performance

Unregistered guest
nakamichi is what u need

Bronze Member
Username: Bakerj72

Regina, Saskatchewan Canada

Post Number: 74
Registered: Jun-05
i looked a nakamichi and thats preety sweet but it will be impossible to get a hold of... what's with the whole 24 bit thing

i want a mp3/wma ugly hu with awsome specs any other suggestions

nakamichi is sweet thank you for the input
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