Good Amp/Good Deal!!L@@K


saw this amp while i was crusin ebay and its a good amp for the price... one of the best audiobahn produces &

Bronze Member
Username: Alias747

Post Number: 63
Registered: Apr-05
What are the odds that Anon here is the seller of this amp?

Very good, but ANON- your wrong actually i bidded on this amp without thinking(don't have the money lol) so i thought if i gave it some publicity it would increase the chance of my bid being outbid so ANON i won't get a Non-paying bidder wich enables me to buy stuff of ebay and i live of ebay soooo ANON your wrong

Silver Member
Username: Sevin7

Post Number: 130
Registered: Apr-05
whats the chances its a scam since the seller has no feedback?
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