Yo Glass, or someone


Bronze Member
Username: Mrdark

Post Number: 24
Registered: Dec-04
I have an amplifier that I overdrew, because I used a 1 ohm load when it only goes stable down to 2 ohms. Now, when I power it on, the woofers get power, but totally out of synch with my music. They sound like machine guns "bump bump bump bump...." really rapidly. I can slow these bursts down or speed them up with the frequency control knob, so I know the amp gets power and the frequency knob and gain knob works...I want to repair it, anyone know what part on the board could have gone bad?

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 7403
Registered: Dec-03
a: bad ground or b: blown amp.
most likely b.

this is why I told you not to run the amp at 1 ohm.

Bronze Member
Username: Mrdark

Post Number: 31
Registered: Dec-04
well the amp is fine. turns out, the rca input jacks are loose, thus causing much signal interferance. i just need to find a good way to secure them better, maybe resolder the to the board.

Bronze Member
Username: Mrdark

Post Number: 32
Registered: Dec-04
okay...not out of the woods it seems...the amp works when the engine is off. When at 13.8-14 volts(engine running)the amp exhibits the same behavior, "Bump bump....". Anyone have any idea why the amp works at 12v and not at 13.8v? I know it has something to do with the power regulator in the amp...anyone else? All help is GREATLY appreciated.
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