Headphone Check: a Poll


Bronze Member
Username: Tfcolligan

White Plains, New York USA

Post Number: 15
Registered: Nov-09

I just wanted to ask some of you what headphones you have, favorites, etc. If you want to categorize by full-sized, portable, noise-canceling, earbuds, etc., by all means. Some friends and I are debating the merits of different headphones / buds, and I thought to myself, what better place than here to poll the members for what they own and consider top of the line.

For starters, I still have my old Koss Pro-4 AAA set, but you have to occasionally yank on the wire to get the right side working. But to me, they're still really nice.

Anyway, I'd appreciate your input.

Bronze Member
Username: Manualrebello

Kalyan, Maharashtra India

Post Number: 22
Registered: Feb-08
i too have my favourites, these are earphones that were supplied with my Samsung YP K5, these earphones are really great, i am a enthusiast when it comes to gadgets and like to collect some, the bass goes way low and the treble is unmatched with the likes of Sony, you need to try these out.

New member
Username: Nout


Post Number: 2
Registered: Dec-09
3 pair full-sized headphones:

Audio Technica ATH-A500
Audio Technica ATH-M40fs
Denon D5000

The Denons are my favorites, a euphonic sound
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