New member Username: Gostboyee4zxPost Number: 4 Registered: 12-2003 | This is a forum to discuss different reasons why Sony sucks.... For example, Its overpriced crap that sounds like electric dirt, and that their head units couldnt be called good if they had wings and could Just go to school with this one... |
JohnLeefe Unregistered guest | Sony cost me and my firm $5.5M initially and more than $15M by the time all was said and done. My firm had to recall all Sony equipment (which had to be thrown out), repurchase it from our customers, and replace it with German NSM replacement equipment. In addition to costing a huge sum, we ended up nearly destroying our customer base and business by trusting Sony which had designed special large capacity CD players for us and our customers. Sony intentionally built a bug into the systems which caused them to shut down and require service (thus putting our customers out of business) with a special Sony service pack. The service pack and labor cost almost as much as the players themselves, and was offered only by Sony through their own service departments after a couple of hundred or hours' use. Sony knew the players were going to be running 24 hours per day when we entered into contract with them. They nearly destroyed my firm. And you're right. They didn't care at all. Sony is one of the worst examples of corporate greed, raping, and pillaging gone wild in the world today. I STRONGLY recommend that anyone considering the purchase of Sony equipment look elsewhere. Sony only cares about your money. They care nothing about you. |
THOR Unregistered guest | HEY ! SONY SUCKS ! I WROTE AN EMAIL TO THEIR DAPC, AND THIS IS WHAT I GOT. OBVIOUSLY, THEY SEEM TO HAVE OUTSOURCED THEIR SUPPORT TO SOME TROPICL COUNTRY WITH SUN ABOVE, SAND BELOW AND PALM TREES AROUND - WHERE THE NATIVES CAN ONLY BE TRAINED TO COPY & PASTE WITH DIFFICULTY. JUST HAVE A LOOK AT THIS CRAP AND YOU WILL KNOW ; I WONDER, IS THIS PART OF SONY'S " TRANSFORMATION 60 " - BECOME A LEADER BY IGNORING THE CUSTOMERS ????? ----------------------------------------- Thank you for contacting Sony's Direct Accessories and Parts Center (DAPC USA). Your question was: Hi, What is the difference between SPVD-0012(I)and SPVD-004 (P). Does (I) and (P) and (V) mean anything ( like Image Mixer ) or are they just random occurences ? It's very hard for a person with limited knowledge to make a purhcase on your website - there are no pictures and no descriptions ! Someone should have a look at the shoddy work and do soemthing about it! I didn't expect Sony to show such a poor presence on the Internet. Thor! The Sony office that handles these types of requests is at another location. Please contact the Sony Direct Response Center at 1-800-222-7669 for assistance. Please visit our web site again for all your Sony parts and accessory needs. Sony Direct Accessories & Parts Center web site - Thank you for your interest in Sony. code: k0oa |
Silver Member Username: John_aPost Number: 756 Registered: Dec-03 | In HiFi Home Audio, their latest hook is SACD, in my opinion. Almost every magazine in May has their latest DSD-receiver/player on the cover. Buy just one SACD disc, and you need Sony to let you play it. Buy a player, and all you can play on it is Sony/Philip SACDs, or those made under licence. DSD is about encryption and copy protection, not about sound quality or value to the customer. Then there is their answer to the iPod, which only plays music in yet another esoteric proprietory format - which Sony just happens to own. What a coincidence. Sony once used to make quality products, and let them be judged for what they were. But it now seems to wish to become the Microsoft of consumer electronics. |
SONY JUS SUCKZZ Unregistered guest | OMG... SONy Does suck big time. they take 1 month to do the repair work(10 days promised), n GUESS WAt.. they give u BONUS stuff .SCRATCHES on YOUR LCD... |
Anthony T. Unregistered guest | Sony isn't that bad. Their PlayStation systems are extremely popular (more popular than Microsoft's crappy Xbox). Yes, the PS2 has "disk read errors", but that happens with any machine that reads disks. The laser inside the disk drive gets specks of dirt in it, and that is what causes the system to have "disk read errors." One bad thing about PlayStation 2 is that when Sony released their hard disk for the system, they failed to include any of the promised features (music downloading to the hard disk, downloadable content for online games, etc.). This is very strange, considering the Xbox has a hard disk built in, and it has all of these features... Oh well. I guess the reason Sony did not include these features in their PS2 hard disk is because: 1. They didn't feel it was necessary to enhance games. 2. They didn't have enough time to put the features in. I personally like Sony products. I have a Sony "liv Personal Audio System" CD/radio player, and it works just fine! If Sony makes such bad products, then why do people keep buying them? |
Anthony T. Unregistered guest | Also, the copy-protection is necessary for users to ensure full compatability with their products. Sony's upcoming PSP handheld game system uses copy-protected UMD (Universal Media Disks) as its media format. This is done to make sure people don't burn them and sell them illegaly. I am looking forward to the PSP. It looks very promising, especially the advanced 3D graphics. The PSP graphics look almost as good as PS2 graphics... I still want to get the Nintendo DS handheld, because I love Nintendo games. The addition of a touch-sensitive screen is very innovative, it lets game developers create their own unique ideas for games. |
Gold Member Username: John_aPost Number: 1275 Registered: Dec-03 | I always liked Sony TVs. Their "trinitron" tubes were the best around. It's their audio I once liked but have now backed away from. I have had a couple of of money- and time-wasting run-ins with Sony Centers, for repair, and would rather never have to go that way again. |
Bronze Member Username: AlpinepowerCanada Post Number: 33 Registered: Jun-04 | Sony makes some good stuff no doubt, but car audio from them is crap, no exception |
Bronze Member Username: JamtochristianPenn State , Pennsylvania USA of course! Post Number: 42 Registered: Mar-04 | Here is my opinion of sony. I have owned a few sony products. First, my sister bought a Sony PS2, it broke within 3 days. She took it back to walmart. My step brothers playstation 2, it doesn't always read cds, yes we know they have read errors, but I've never seen a xbox or gamecube have these kinda of constant read errors. I have also bought TWO sony net MD players. The first one I received, it turned out to be defective. So i sent it back, and they sent me a new one with which the product has yet to impress me. The only Sony product I own is my 51 in Sony WEGA tv, which without a doubt is really cool, but other than it, I have yet to see a GOOD sony product. Before I knew anything about audio, i was considering getting a Sony head unit for in my car. The salesman in Best Buy told me straight out that the Sony head units skip a lot and have a lot of returns. Its pretty bad if salesmen defer you away from the expensive sony to a less expensive brand. |
Unhappy in Syracuse Unregistered guest | Sony home stereo products, service and customer care is the worst I have ever encountered. Several years ago I purchased 1 receiver, 2-5 CD disc players and 1 dual deck tape player. The first to go down was the dual deck tape player. I hadn't used it much under warranty. About 1 month after the regular warranty ran out it began to malfunction. After some very rude treatment by their customer care reps they agreed to repair it at a reduced rate. The machine was sent back and forth 3 times and would work for about 1 week then malfunction again. I finally gave up and got a used Kenwood (about 10 years old) in a thrift store and it has worked great for 2 years. Next my CD changer started to act up. The door would open and close w/o me being able to change the CD. It would also toss the CD's around inside the unit. I took the cover off to see if I could spot anything broken but didn't. The second CD changer was purchased for a friend. That one skips all the time despite having it cleaned and aligned. I had bought my daughter an Aiwa mini-stereo system around the same time of the other purchases and the CD player stopped working shortly after warranty. She now hooks up a portable CD player to the unit. I hope SONY goes out of business, I will never buy another one of their products. |
Unhappy in Syracuse Unregistered guest | As a follow up to the post above I went to this site for advice on repairing my CD player. I found an interesting note, "Sony players seem to have a built in timer that triggers the belt to go bad after the warranty runs out." This site has a lot of useful information on CD player repair. |
Silver Member Username: RswanPost Number: 133 Registered: Apr-04 | hey anthony i guess you have never played xbox because if you did you would realize it is 10 times better than ps2. so ps2 has billions more games, whoopty do who cares. xbox has a better graphics processer and better performance so stuff it. sony is the nike of electronics. you pay for the name. whats in a name? if you ask me overpriced garbage. |
Jo Unregistered guest | Sony is a member of the RIAA 'nuff said got money? |
New member Username: SpirntcarcowboySeal Beach, Cal USA Post Number: 7 Registered: Jul-04 | I have a friend at work that is a serious Audiophile! He gave me this bit of advice. He said, "Only by their ES products and only when it first comes out." Apparently, when they come out with some new technology they do it right the first time and then try to cheapen out the next go round to make more money. As an example, he says that the Sony AVD C-70ES is and awesome value but their newer replacement stuff sucks. Joe |
Bronze Member Username: Graeme_kSomerville, Victoria Australia Post Number: 15 Registered: Jul-04 | Anthony, The only reason Sony sells PS2 playstations is because you can purchase burnt/pirated games for them ! if you couldn't they would only sell a 1/3 of there players See no matter what happens Sony winns, they make CD Burners, DVD burners, CDR's DVDR's DVD players to play Burnt disc's, HU's to play MP3 disc's etc etc. The giant company just keeps getting bigger and making more & more money while the artist suffers, this is the only reason they took Napster to court, they felt obligated to do something, if all the piracy stoped they would actually loose billions. |
Himmy Unregistered guest | Sony sucks all it does is copy other brands... let me show you which products they have copied: Nintendo 64-Playstation Ipod 20GB-Sony walkman 20GB GBA-Sony PSP I could go on... |
mimko Unregistered guest | Sony does suck! I had a NetMD player for 2 years and I loved it. The player began erasing all of the disc so I emailed Sony support,I did this on 6/17, I did not receive a response till 9/1. I wrote them back saying that the response was less than quick, and F*ck Sony, I bought and a new Ipod already and I would never buy another Sony product again. |
Anonymous | About the PS2. lets say u bought one of the first ones that came out (like my friend did)well If u did then u probably heard about all the problems that there are with them, such as the lens being easilly broken and so on, ansdifu want to play onluine u have to trade itin to get a new one, oh and dont even try to play any of the new games on the old PS2 unless u want tons of erros and super long load times, with all these problems in the playstation 2 no wonder that with all the recalls and broken models its the most numerous console in the market righht now! |
Brendon61 Unregistered guest | Micosoft X-box Sucks. Sony Sucks. Nintendo Rules!! |
New member Username: WhitebreadPost Number: 6 Registered: Oct-04 | I usually stay from the larger corperations products, Sony included, save for the PS2. I like the PS2. Mine has functioned for 2 years now without any problems, and I'll probably buy the new version when I go to college. Other than that, I stay away from Sony. I refused to invest in SACD because of the obvious restrictions SOny put on the technology. |
iDONUTh8U Unregistered guest | Sony has fisted people who spend $100 on the hard drive. With Sony releasing the PStwo (slim and smaller version of the PS2), they have dropped hard drive support. The HD has made the PS2 heavy and SLOW. Plus, this $100 failure has NONE of the features it promised (file save, music ripping, etc.) The XBox is not crappy. Its bloated like everything else Microsoft, but not crappy. The PS2 is crappy. Just imagine how the video game field would be if we just had Sony & Nintendo. Sony is money hungry. I thank them for the games the Playstation 1 & 2 have give me, but, I am not thankful for the hardware. The PSP,.... there is a 40% chance this will be a stillborn launch. People are placing battery life under the microscope. Sony also promised features for the PSP and I would not be surprised if only a few make it (PSX anyone?) |
Bronze Member Username: WhitebreadPost Number: 33 Registered: Oct-04 | Most of the good games for the PS2 were developed and published by 3rd party companies (go figure). Also, the fact that sony sucks is the reason why I do almost all of my gaming on my NON SONY computer. If GT4 was ported to the computer, I would never use the PS2, save for large get togethers with friends. |
Truth Unregistered guest | why are they keeping the battery life to a whisper? because its probably no more than 4 hours. They are gonna sucker people to getting the psp then wam disc errors stupidly fragile handheld and major battery issues. Well if you're one of the many sony fanboys nothing will detour your from getting this overpriced POS. I'm sony will release another handheld with all the same features has the DS i can guareentte that because they profit from being a bunch of copycats. |
Bronze Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 78 Registered: Nov-04 | Hey stop dissing Sony!!! Ha ha just kidding. I used to think Sony was it, but now I know they're nothing more than a greedy "microsoft". All they want to do is sue people for downloading songs or make products that'll only work with their product. I think they were the first ones to use copy protection on their stupid CDs without telling consumers (I could be wrong). I do agree with people that Sony always always overprice their products! I think Sony is trying to be like Microsoft, over price everything, copy protect, provide bad support etc. Oh I also had bad experiences with JVC! Their HU comes with no cable for attaching external audio. In their manual it says it's optional and can be purchased anywhere. Yea right, I called tons of stores and non carry them. So I called the head office, and they want... are you ready? $150! I told them that's costing a bit less than their 12 disc CD changer or 1/3 of the HU price! They didn't even bother to reply to my email. Some service. I think almost all the companies are learning from Microsoft and Sony. |
Unregistered guest | Hey, my friend is burning me GTA San Andreas... and I just wanted to know... if this hunk of sh!t waste of money can run the damn game or if im gunna have to purchase something else.... can someone help me out? |
Antney Unregistered guest | My PS2 simply does not work anymore. My Sony Cd Player doesn't work anymore. My Sony Discman doesn't work anymore. Whatever happened to quality. |
Silver Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 219 Registered: Nov-04 | It's called GREED. Sony used to make decent stuff looonnnnggg time ago but ever since they discovered slavery labour at foreign countries, they've been laughing all the way to the bank. If you notice, the prices didnot go down, instead it went up! So cheap labour + over priced items = greed. I think it's time everyone boycott Sony and JVC. |
SmarterThanU Unregistered guest | News Flash... Almost every car audio company uses foreign labor to make production cheaper. Even the precious Adire Audio is moving their production to Chile. Get used to it. Why would companies keep production in the US when they can get the same thing done cheaper? One other thing...Ive had a PS2 since 2001 and it works as good as when I bought it. Maybe its because of how you people treat your equipment. |
Silver Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 227 Registered: Nov-04 | Guy, this tread is for "Why Sony Sucks". So if you don't have anything to add, try different tread. |
SmarterThanU Unregistered guest | Just pointing out the rediculousness, really. Im gonna threadjack and make this into a thread about how you suck. You suck because you tell people to buy shitty equipment because you think it sounds good. Honestly, Youre crapping on Sony, then talking up Jensen and Audiobahn. I dont get it. You suck. |
Silver Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 232 Registered: Nov-04 | Man don't act childish, the topic was "Why Sony sucks". Simple. I don't get paid to help people so don't waste my time. |
New member Username: Gostboyee4zxSeneca Falls, NY USA Post Number: 10 Registered: Dec-03 | OK, Heres the down-low, on my opinion of SONY, I started this thread about 6 months to a year ago, and here is my analasys..... My Rampage.....Sony Still sucks, no I don't think that they are a "Microsoft" that is way out of context, because I love Microsoft, and can't bash it, because if I did that I would have to bash all the other Monopoly's IE: Wal-Mart, BJ's, Circuit City, LOWES, and all those other crappy monopoly's, but you know what Microsoft is nothing like sony, and never will be. Sony is the biggest piece of garbage I have ever seen. You know how when your friends try to detere you from bashing something by saying "Yeah but if someone gave you one for free you would use it" NO!!!!!! I wouldnt, I wouldn't even sell it, which is normally my second choice, no I would bring it out back and show it what my Louisville Slugger is all about....SONY is crap Playstation IS CRAP!!!! XBOX IS NOT CRAP......Although I used to think that PS2 was better, I am starting to love XBOX more and more everyday....Hell I dont even own one.....If the four letters S-O-N-Y Appear on an article of electronics in your home please dispose of it ASAP before contracting some for of VD, or STD.....I mean its hazardous to your health.....And if you think im wrong....I odnt care what you think, because I'm never wrong...haha no realy though, if you think im wrong then write back and I will either give you my honest and sincere opinion of whatever you haveto say, and or defend whatever you are trying to bash about what I said....Because with everything I say follows a damn good reason.... ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 257 Registered: Nov-04 | Hey I know this is Sony bashing, but I don't like Microsoft cause they're greedy too. Look at all their practices to kill competition. But I do agree, Sony sucks. |
Help2 Unregistered guest | So...Sony Wega TVs suck then too? I disagree. Ive also had a home theater reciever from sony since 1999 and it still works fine. I dont use it on my main setup anymore, but It gets the job done in the basement. Just some reasons for you people to think twice... |
Bronze Member Username: Gostboyee4zxSeneca Falls, NY USA Post Number: 11 Registered: Dec-03 | Microsoft doesn't need to kill competition because it's only real competition is Macintosh, because macintosh is quickly catching up, I like the IMac's I mean Mac OSX is untouchable... No but really Sony is so much more of a greedy piece of crap company....Microsoft actually tries to put out quality products, sony just throws half built CD players at you and says, well you got a 50/50 chance that it will works, odd are its crap.....I have a friend that bought 5 different sony CD players from when he was 16 to when he was 20, I mean seriously....It is his fault because he kept buying crap....But its Sony fault for making crap....Buy a rockford deck....Or if you dont want to spend much get a Pioneer deck....i got pissed off at my girlfriend and ripped out my Rockford deck, and in doing so I shorted it out, you know what kinda deck i got in, probably the first pioneer deck made that had a blue screen, its gotta be like 4 years old and it still runs liek a please people no sony... Old School 8-) ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Gostboyee4zxSeneca Falls, NY USA Post Number: 12 Registered: Dec-03 | "Help2" No you are right.....Some of the Old Sony products you find can still be descent.....And Yes, my friend has a Sony WEGA and that is my honest opinion of one of the few things that sony makes that isnt total crap.... ![]() |
Silver Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 262 Registered: Nov-04 | Well those were the good old days. Now Sony just wants to rob you blind. I wonder where Sony's getting all their cash to pay for expensive lawyers that are busy sueing average joes downloading mp3 songs off the internet?? Could it be us suckers buying their crappy products? I despise Sony for sueing even grand parents that let little kids use the computer. How stupid is that? I saw one of those headlines here, man did they ever look greedy. The kids were like 10 years old. Can you tell how much I hate Sony? ![]() |
Anonymous | Hello! I am totally in agree that SONY SUCKS. As I am becoming an electrical engineering I know that highend DVD players are very cheap. Yet, when I bought my first PS2 SONY invested for disabling for their customers. A DVD player is relativerly simple, still SONY put time and effort to disable the possibility for me to watch my movies with full RGB quality cable. I have to watch them with much poorer quality than really needed. I'm pissed of about this. I finded out that it was simple to modify it so I was able to watch my movies with full quality for a while, then after 4 months it broke down. I sold it in parts and bought a new one, V7 of it. That can't be fixed to watch movies with RGB quality. This seems to be a small problem only, but knowing they put time and money to piss customers off like this, it's just frustrating and I'm very angry. I sold it and bought an XBOX and now I'm pleased, I'm able to watch my movies with very high quality! NEVER EVER SONY AGAIN!! |
biteit Unregistered guest | The only good rockford fosgate deck ever made wasnt even made by them. Denon made it. I agree with people who say PS2s suck on DVDs... well I bought a Sony DVD player like 4 years before PS2s were out anyhow and it still works great.. 5.1 channel/progressive scan and the whole works. I think its a PITA to use a console to play DVDs. Sony does not suck, entirely.. but you wouldnt see me caught dead with and of their car audio stuff. |
New member Username: QimdsPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-04 | It's a shame that Sony is this way but they have never ever been the best at what they do. I lived in Japan for 12 years, (just returned to the US in '96). Their reputation in their own homeland is much like here. What most Japanese folks say about Sony is this: Sony many times is the first company to make a new type of item, IE the "Walkman", but they never make GOOD QUALITY new products. In their rush to be first they sacrifice quality. Buy something that copies Sony and you will undoubtedly get a better product. Sad thing about Japanese products like Sony is that none of them are made in Japan anymore. When I left Japan even in '96 it was getting hard to find "Made In Japan" on the boxes. Now it's almost impossible. I recently went back and was going to buy some quality made in Japan stuff but all I found was Taiwan, Mexico, Malaysia etc... Even though all this is stacked up against Sony I have to be honest and say I bought a Sony Cassette Deck for my truck. Didn't want a CD player cause its a work truck, too much vibration. Sony was the only company I could find that had the features I needed. I know it's a $100.00 gamble on this radio so if it breaks maybe I vent some frustration on it at the pistol range. LOL. I'll send pictures when I do ![]() |
Anonymous | I wouldn't touch anything Sony does with audio but I have had good luck with my relatively inexpensive Sony LCD monitor (the higher end ones have more interesting cases but aren't much better interestingly) and I have an awesome Sony DVD player. The picture quality coming out of that thing kicks the crap out of the Toshiba DVD player I had before. |
sony hater Unregistered guest | look here is the truth and no one can deny it. 1.SONY SUCKS F***ING A**!!!! 2.MICROSOFT is ok..i like their products 3.NINTENDO will always rule no matter what,everything they make is always good. you can always trust NINTENDO to give you a proper well thought out FUN!!!!game. THE REAL PLACES IN THE MARKET SHOULD BE NO.1 NINTENDO NO.2MICROSOFT NO.3..... thats right sony shouldn't even be there! why u ask? beacause they don't make their own games!!!! everything on sony is on xbox!!! i have a playstation 2 and its sucks alot. all the games exclusive to playstation are always last minute pieces of s***!!! like i said before, SONY SUCKS !! MICROSOFT IS SO-SO BUT... NINTENDO WILL ALWAYS BE THE BEST!!!! |
Silver Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 747 Registered: Nov-04 | Although the letter "S" in Sony represents "suck", Microsoft isn't that far behind. Let me explain why. Have you read Microsoft's warning messsage when you install their msn chat? First they said any information they collect, wouldn't be sold or given to anyone, then they changed their mind and said any info they get, they have the right to sell any or all of it as they please. If it weren't for some lawyers using msn chat, we all could've been had by Microsoft without knowing it. They're sneaky like that. Change rules and don't tell anyone. If any one of you use Microsoft's passport account, you will/should know what I'm talking about. They will link your ip/machine code with your passport account. Now let's say you decided to have your credit card information stored with passport. Microsoft now has you identified with your computer. No matter what name you use, Microsoft will know it's you. Even if you use someone else's computer, just by logging on, they will know it's you. Now imagine Microsoft taking this information and selling it to spam company. Wasn't it bad enough when your email got spammed with junk emails? Now what if they knew your full name, address, ip address, phone number etc... Doesn't that get you angry? I never hated Microsoft, but the way they do business like that, makes me want to buy something else. |
Sha_Na_Na Unregistered guest | The games that where played on the PSP at the Tokyo show where on memory sticks. What about the UMD? Well, since it needs to spin, its something that sucks up way too much power, so battery life has yet to be addressed. The PSP is GARBAGE. SONY IS GARBAGE. Their Viaos are overpriced WEAK PCs. Sony sucks, but we blow for buying their products. |
ContraDickShun Unregistered guest | The battery life on the PSP is 90 minutes on games like Ridge Racer. SONY SUCKS!! I HATE YOU!! Now, excuse me I have to go wait on line to buy a PSP. |
B.A. Davis Unregistered guest | I purchased a sony 27" Wega...32 days broke out in flames and burned the board out. It took 10 days for Sony to contact me on which service center to take it to.."3 Year Limited Warranty"-I finally got it to the service center..and they tell me 2 months later, that I need to pay $640 dollars to fix it, the damn TV cost me only $400. I didn't pay and they took the part out..Sony Customer Relations said it was my fault for not having the TV plugged into a batter back-up or UPS.. That is just one of the many examples of a huge waste of money Sony products are..I've had stereo recievers stop working for no apparent audio deck stop working, DVD players..And even their PS2 is crap..wish I would have gotten an XBOX.. |
Unregistered guest | I purchased a sony 27" Wega...32 days broke out in flames and burned the board out. It took 10 days for Sony to contact me on which service center to take it to.."3 Year Limited Warranty"-I finally got it to the service center..and they tell me 2 months later, that I need to pay $640 dollars to fix it, the damn TV cost me only $400. I didn't pay and they took the part out..Sony Customer Relations said it was my fault for not having the TV plugged into a battery back-up or UPS.. That is just one of the many examples of a huge waste of money Sony products are..I've had stereo recievers stop working for no apparent audio deck stop working, DVD players..And even their PS2 is crap..wish I would have gotten an XBOX.. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 1092 Registered: Nov-04 | Whoa, I can't believe Sony expects people to have UPS for a tv?? Are they out of their mind? Most people don't even use UPS on their computers. If I were you, I'd email/call/mail Sony about that till they give you a new tv. That is ridiculous. Since your tv is broken, you have nothing to lose. Keep drving them nuts. Go up the chain, start with the service mgr, then vp, and anyone else you can reach at the top. Oh one word of advice, don't sound angry on your letters, explain in detail why you are disappointed. It works better than swearing. I've tried this approach and it worked. Bought items that clearly stated "as is" with no warranty. Well I found out, if you explain carefully in detail without insulting them, they will bend the rules cause nobody wants to lose a customer... ![]() |
Diablo Sv Unregistered guest | You people are idiots. Did you know that the US gets products from Sony even though they are cheaper made and always break down? OMG! My grandpa has a brand new Sony TV for a year and NOTHING HAPPENED TO IT. It's because your stupid country gets lazy made equipment. Even my Sony VCR, it did not break down for 3 years. Not even my Sony DVD-RW. |
Mr. Samsung Unregistered guest | Sony DOES NOT SUCK!! ALL OF YOU SUCK!! |
HappyWraith Unregistered guest | Mr. Samsung, good argument. You are a retard. Just because you like your PS2 even though it's broken doesn't mean we want to hear it. anyway, i hate sony's products because they break. That is it. PS2 online is a joke, Xbox live is the greatest online service ever, and it's so cheap. My Gamecube has no online play, but it has never had a problem. Nintendo products can't break, when i was younger my mother slammed down my Nintendo 64 on a concrete floor because she is insane and it still works today. My xbox Has so many features i want to sh*t in a glass and pour it sony's balding hed. The built in Hard Drive is so awesome, i love playing my custom tracks while playing PGR. And the PS2 Doesn't Have Halo or Halo 2. Sony is g*y and only soccer moms buy there products because they don't know what they are doing at best buy. |
Bronze Member Username: Kojak28Augusta, GA USA Post Number: 16 Registered: Feb-05 | Yes, yes, Sony sucks big ones...Quite frankly I can't think of an electronics manufacturing company that sux more. My 2 cents worth: My first 12" sub was a sony xplod P5. These things are overrated bigtime(350w rms-1100w peak) I was running a 250w mono block(concept)I asked the salesman at BestBuy where I got this wretched thing what I could actually push it with,wattage speaking and all. He said it would hold 500w easy. I ran the concept about 3/4 throttle and it started rattling like it was fixing to blow. I took it to a REAL car stereo guy at a REAL stereo shop and he said that the dust cover was loose. I took it back to best buy and like an idiot, got another one. I put 450w true to it...It BLEW like a frickin' balloon. I have since wised up and installed a decent sub(Orion 12P2) AS far as PS2 goes, XBOX and NINTENDO have always blown it outa' the water in quality, resolution, games in general, as well as originality. WEGA tubes are okay, but I don't know of any really awesome flat big screen tv that ISN'T foreign made.I had a Sony DVD player ONCE. I have a pioneer that is actually 2 yrs older and it still works magnificently. On another note I recently commented on another thread, stating that I did some trading for subs. The amp that I traded was sony's infamous 1000w monoblock. Well, dude lied to me-he never hooked it up to 4 jbl12's. He hooked up to 2 sorry a$$ sony 10 p5's. Guess what, he blew both subs AND the sorry a$$ sony amplifier. Old sony stuff was actually alright, but today's sony crap-is just that-C R A P. Oh yeah, that bad little sony 480 I had-it caught fire. |
«no one» Unregistered guest | Sony sucks because everything they make is NOT original. THEY COPY EVERYBODY!!! I got one of their external floppy disc drives, and when the power went out (of course the computer went off but)... when I went turn it back on, the floppy disc drive was screwing up the computer. SO I HAD TO UN PLUG IT BEFORE IT CRASHED!!! .......... sony sucks |
tman Unregistered guest | i used to have a 1996 27" sony trinitron tv and i thought that sony was the best company ever because i also had a 56" sony tv, i was only 7 ok? i sold my bigscreen in 2000 and moved to green bay a year later, about 5-7 months later, i was watching tv on my bed when the dam thing just crashed no, there wasnt any kind of storm going on outside |
LtChuck Unregistered guest | Yeah $ony does really suck. I hate to say this but the american public is a group of idiots who belive the hype when it comes to electronics and viedogames. the Ps2 is a peice of Crap and yeah i know its got tons of games but there the same thing over and over again. the only reason why sony PS2 does so well is because people buy into the hype. I hope sony falls flat on their faces with future gaming ventures. |
Diablo Sv Unregistered guest | I agree with Mr. Samsung. Sony doesn't suck, people who think they do are obviously jealous or have bought a faulty product. Join the Anti-Hate of Sony (AHS) today! |
sonyfan Unregistered guest | yeah man i get no probs and no faults with sonys products |
captain cheese dip Unregistered guest | i've never had any problems with any of my sony products(quality wise). i hear all the stories about the ps2 sucks and dies after a year. i was one of the fortunate people to get a ps2(and not have to wait) when they first came out in.. 01' and it still works fine. sony digital camera, 3 years old. sony dvd player, 2 years old. sony vcr, 7-8 years old. and a sony cordless phone, 9 years old. i got no problem with sony home products. car audio though(not counting decks), different story. you couldn't pay me to use a sony amp and subs. i'd rather have legacy or pyramid!! my $.02 |
Anonymous | Sony is wicked you jack*****. I bought a 26 inch Trinitron TV back in 1991 and its lasted for over a decade. Rite now it is having some minor problems with the picture - there's several white bands at the top of the screen, however at most the bands take up an inch of screen space and the remainder of the image is still perfect. Further, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT after 14+ years of heavy use? I am planning on replacing that TV, and yes I will be getting another Sony. So kiss my ***. |
Bronze Member Username: Skaman272Post Number: 24 Registered: Mar-05 | lick my balls buddy... sony sucks a$$ evry sony product i have ever owned has broken, i'm on my f.u.c.k'n 5th PS2 and the only reason i keep buy'n them is so i don't have to sell all my games... sigh... such a waist of money... xbox all the way for the next gen of systems!!!! |
A.H.S Unregistered guest | You're a fucktarded fool, Michael, seriously. Go get some respect for Sony. You probably bought those second handed. MICHAEL IS A SHIT CUNT. |
Bronze Member Username: Skaman272Post Number: 26 Registered: Mar-05 | yea ok, give me ONE reason sony is any good i got all new ps2's. and it's not just ps2, i also got 2 diskman's, a tv, 4 sets of headphones, don't u dare f.u.c.k.'n say a negitive thing about me you worthless computer nerd living in their parents basement. get some real friends. sony is a money hungry POS company and makes poor quality products. |
Anonymous | then why do you keep buying their stuff? you keep buying and buying then complaining and complaining. but you keep buying. you can't say it's the price. sony is not known for having low priced stuff. it's not because they are the only one that makes that stuff. lot's of companies make portable cd players, tv's and headphones. so why keep buying if they make an inferior product? because you LIKE IT!!! i'll tell you and everyone here. not all problems with products are a result of the company making poor products. it also has to do with the people handling it. i used to work at an unmentioned best buy and the things we used to do with the products sometimes when we unloaded a truck we terrible. sometimes we'd do it for fun. most times it was anger. |
Jomi Unregistered guest | I have been buying Sony products for many years. Sony really suck. All of that products are broken with some kind of problem. The all other products i have like Nad, LG, Technics, Samsung, Panasonic, JBL, Behringer are fine only sony have problems. Don't buy Sony. You will haste your money and time. For example my MD recorder in 1 year have been broken 3 times, after that i have sell it. Sony = Problems for sure. Jomi Portugal |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 2702 Registered: Nov-04 | There is a good reason why people are having so much problem with Sony products, look at where it's made. It used to be made in Japan, Korea, some even assembled in USA. Now everything is made in 3rd countries. Sony got too greedy like most North American companies. They charge almost the same price for a $hitty product. |
Unregistered guest | Sony is definately allowing their consumer electronics division coast on the quality of its past. People continue to purchase Sony products due to their past but eventually the lousy quality of their present products in an increasingly competitive electronics arena will cause them to fail. The whole situations reminds me of Pizza Hut. Back in the mid to late 80s Pizza Hut had the most incredible pizza around. Nothing, I mean nothing tasted better than their pan pizza. Then in the mid-90s all of that changed. Their cheese began to taste like plastic, the sauce became nothing more than red salt, and their crispy golden crust became an undercooked greasy doughy mess. It was like that in all their stores yet I continued to eat there. The food was so poor that I usually needed to hit a toilet to *ahem* make a runny deposit within an hour of eating there but I continued to visit them. Friends no longer liked the place yet I continued to defend them. It was definately a classic case of denial, and that can only end once enough bad experiences occur. I avoid the place like the plague now. Just like Pizza Hut, I was in denial about Sony. Sony's quality was definately taking a nosedive yet I continued to support them. In December of 2003 I bought their 60" Grand Wega TV (warning: never buy something with an unphonetic name) and that was the worst purchase I ever made. Sony had a major design flaw in the the entire series that resulted in the sets failing to turn on. Sony, being Sony, was extremely slow to act and took a painstakenly long time to repair the sets. It took over 35 days for my set to be repaired and it would have taken longer if I hadn't started pounding on Sony for a resolution. Sony screwed up first by having the wrong repair people take away my set. Sony told me to use them because they were a Sony AUthorized service center, they picked up the set, then a week later they called back saying they were going to return the set unrepaired because they were not a Sony Authorized service center. Insanity. It would have been OK had Sony been apologetic about the situation but they didn't care. After this entire incident (much more occurred than what I wrote) I decided to never purchase another piece of Sony technology again. Not only because of a personal boycott, but because I don't want to deal with their shoddy products in the future. Why risk another situation like that when I can try out one of their numerous competitors instead? Time will cause others to break their case of denial too. For some like me it will be after buying an expensive and highly defective product that is repaired at a glacial pace. For others it will be a negative user experience like will result with their ridiculous portable MP3 player that doesn't play MP3s. For others it will result from tiring with Sony's constant use of proprietary hardware and software that is often inferior to what's already available (i.e. the memory stick that requires flipping a switch to use 256MB of RAM in an era of cheap 512MB compact flash cards) To conclude: SONY SUCKS. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 2821 Registered: Nov-04 | That's why I always hated Sony. They insist on using proprietary hardware and software. Look at their new PSP gaming unit. It uses 1" cd instead of the standard 3.5". Now just to record, you will have to purchase Sony's 1" cd burner that's practically good for nothing and pay very high price. If Sony was owned by one person, I'd like to strangle him for being so greedy. If you noticed, Sony always goes after "female" consumers and newbies. That is they only way they'll stay in business. Most of the car audio shops I visit, it's always the females purchasing Sony products. |
Unregistered guest | Sony has a vested interest in shortened product cycles and proprietary formats because they produce the media as well as the hardware. It is their business objective to make consumers pay for the same media products again and again by continually moving them on to new formats. All Japanese consumer goods companies design failure into their products with the aim of getting the consumer back in the shop as soon as the warranty expires. Repair quotes are invariably within 20% either way of the replacement price. The fact that these products are now manufactured in SE Asia or elsewhere is irrelevant. There was a time in the early nineties when Sony export products seemed to be made more durably than those sold in japan but that now seems to have changed. I have a sony monitor and a 20 year old hifi amp which are great, but the Sony walkmans , CD players and telephones that I bought during my eighteen years in Japan quickly bit the dust. These days I rarely buy japanese brand products. My latest purchases have been from Nokia and Motorola. The Motorola phone, made in China, is bulky and clunky compared to the Japanese offerings but for that reason it should last longer. "You pays yer money and you takes yer choice". |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 3096 Registered: Dec-03 | Thanks, 99. I think you are correct. Planned obsolence is one thing, and it seems clear they have gone that route. Reason not to buy Sony; they own (not necessarily make) the medium, the content, and the hardware. At least for recorded music, I suppose it is the same for games etc. So of course they have a vested interest in proprietary formats. "SACD" has the added bonus, from their point of view, that it has encryption built-in, and cannot be copied, even for personal use. You are not just buying a product; you are paying them for your further dependency on what they, alone, can provide. Yes, Sony made quality products, once. That is how they acquired their position. They have now changed their marketing strategy. It seems to be the way of the world. |
Buddywha Unregistered guest | Sony's Audio Equipment appears to all have been made by A TEAM OF LAWYERS. On my Sony "MP3 player" (it's not really an mp3 player, it only plays their ATRAC technology, so it's just a music player, but they market it as if it is an mp3 player), I have no freedom to upload songs onto it without their shitty software. It has very very little MP3 support, as I can only upload mp3s on it with a dinky little program called MP3 File Manager, in which I can upload songs onto the player, but can't take them back off, can't rename them, can't organize them into albums, can't name or rename folders. All audio gets converted into some kind of unreadable .MSA format. If I go into the player's system files and change one single character in the text files with statistics, the player doesn't boot, but gives an error. I can upload the music I want onto my player, but if I want it back on my computer some day, I can't put it back. Even if I use their software it'll say "These music files didn't originate on this computer, transfer prohibited" Can you believe that? It gives me this message even when IT REALLY WAS THE SAME COMPUTER. But that's not the point: the point is that you can see to what lengths they are going to protect their own music, as they are a record company. I have some songs that I wrote, and I can't go over to a friend's house and upload them to his computer. Sony has no right to protect music this way. It's none of their business what music I listen to, or if I want to share it, or if I want a friend to have one of my songs on his computer. This mp3 player is an upload-music only device. This is okay for a small 256 mb mp3 player, but their 20GB player works the same way! Imagine converting your 20GB collection of mp3s into their crappy format, and then NEVER GETTING IT BACK OUT. I mean, when you have such a huge collection of mp3s, you would want to keep them on a player with complete freedom, you may even want to delete them from your computer, and have them on your player only, but you can't do this with the sony mp3 player, because you'll never get your music back. I do illegally download music (I'm in Canada, and our Supreme Court has, on several occasions, stood up for music sharing), and I will continue to do this, and I will only buy cds which I download and pre-approve for purchase, just like they screw us over. This player sucks when it comes to freedom of format. All other mp3 players are simply drag-and-drop mp3 files and play, while this player converts the files to its own music format, and then converts them to an unreadable, protected, unalterable data format. Garbage. Sony also advertises their ATRAC format, that you can fit 10X the songs that you could in regular mp3, that you can convert to 48kbps with "no loss in audio quality," which is a complete lie. I've converted down that low, and frankly, it sounds like it's coming out of a dog's anus. All music in the player sounds terrible unless it is at the top quality, which is at the same bitrate as mp3. Liars. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 3109 Registered: Dec-03 | That is a great post, Buddywha. You are right to be angry. I think part of the success if Apple's iPod is its flexibility. You can save files in a number of formats, including MP3, WAV, and AIFF (CD formats). Also you choose your own trade-off point between file size (number of songs) and resolution. When you buy off the internet, their iTunes files are in a format which permits a limited number of copies. If you make your own copy from CD, with free software, you can copy, share, and burn discs as much as you like. How Sony thinks it can beat that with a compulsory, brand-specific, copy-protected format beats me. They want to own their customers. They want it all. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 2909 Registered: Nov-04 | I think it's time everyone email Sony about how $shitty their products are and to fire all their lawyers. I hope the word "Sony" means a$$ in latin. That would be funny. |
JeffB3033 Unregistered guest | Sony products I've purchased and their status: 5-disk DVD/CD Player: Video/audio freezes; movie starts again (factory "repair" did nothing) Single disk DVD/CD Player: Video/audio freezes; movie starts again (factory "repair" did nothing) NOTE: I recently had an important ceremony taped and burned as DVDs. NONE OF THEM PLAY ON MY SONY DVD PLAYERS!! (fu**ers) Sony VAIO desktop: Tits Up as I write, no recovery software included, I had to purchase a recovery set Sony WEGA 32" TV, non-HDTV compatable, works great Sony MVC-95 Mavica, works great, 3.5" floppy, no stick, piss-poor battery life Sony MVC-97 Mavica, works great, 3.5" floppy and stick, piss-poor battery life SONY SUCKS WOLF C*CK! |
Jackp Unregistered guest | I have a 29'' Sony TV since September 2001 (3,5 years). Last week i opened it and there was no green colour. I called 2 authorized sevice centers and when i reported the problem told me that it can not be fixed and even if they could it would cost me double the price of a new tv. I have a 21'' noname colour tv for 15 years! i have paid once $30 to fix a minor problem and that was it. Stil playing without any problems. Guess what is the only brand i will exclude in my market research for a new tv set.... |
GeorgeC Unregistered guest | I have a 29'' Sony TV since September 2001 (3,5 years). Last week i opened it and there was no green colour. I called 2 authorized sevice centers and when i reported the problem told me that it can not be fixed and even if they could it would cost me double the price of a new tv. I have a 21'' noname colour tv for 15 years! i have paid once $30 to fix a minor problem and that was it. Stil playing without any problems. Guess what is the only brand i will exclude in my market research for a new tv set.... |
Why the Hate? Unregistered guest | Alright, you are reading the post of someone who owns a PS2, Xbox, and someone who recently sold his Gamecube to get money for a PSP. I also own a PSP, DS, used to own GB, GBA, GBA SP, and I still own N64, PS1, Nintendo, Atari (forget which one, in the attic), Sega Genesis. I got my GC when it first came out, got my PS2 in 2002(year after), and I got my Xbox in 2003. So far, GC was great, but it had kiddy games that I didn't appeal to. PS2 had decent games, but I dislike the controllers and the graphics and game engine is shotty. Xbox: I love my Xbox. I got Xbox Live in 2004 and I can't stop playing. The graphics are great and the Controller Ss are extremely comfortable. Sony makes DECENT Equipment, but recently, their service has been horrendous and their products have been less than functional. My PSP has had nothing wrong with it... yet. I hope nothing happens, but I know something will. Between my friend going through 3 PS2s until finally getting a working one that didn't disk read error any games made after 2002, I have never trusted Sony products. Same goes with my friends Sony Walkman CD player... the strap broke when he took it out of the package and then when he tried to play a CD, it wouldn't play. He put a burned disc in... worked fine. He couldn't play any regular discs. He went through another one that had similar problems before just buying a 20GB iPod and putting his music on that. I can't say I hate Sony, but they have been lack-luster in the past few years. p.s.- Don't ANYONE call me a Fanboy and flame, ya rat bastads! ;) |
Anonymous | Got a NW-HD1 (20 Gig Atrac Player) and it worked fine but my son (it was a gift to him) somehow broke the screen (otherwise it's find. After explaining the problem to SONY they said $101 would cover it. Based on that I sent the player. They then contact me and ask for $370 to fix it. Well DAMN!!! I only paid $330 for it brand new. Needless to say I'm having it sent back without it being fixed. It takes some BALLS to pull that crap. Now I'm sure they are going to try and keep my $100!!! Imagine them expressing suprise at me not wanting to spend the money to fix it. I won't EVER touch another SONY crap pile again!!! |
Guest Unregistered guest | Sony never showcase their best product here. All the N. American consumers are exposed to Sony's cheap low quality products. Sony see N. A consumers as people who are not willing to spends alot. Sony believe if they can gloat N. American to believe Sony products are superior than others in N. America, then everyone would buy it. Well it seems Sony's dirty scheme works well here. Now you have Sony products which is low end and still cost alot. |
Anonymous | Hallo Sony Haters, Can you help me? Your website is really interesting! I am a business school student writing a paper about how Sony's poor marketing, customer focus and customer service is about to distroy the company. Since we all know that they are in trouble...could you answer the following about Sony electronics? REALLY Appreciate it!!!! 1) WHAT should Sony do to get you back as a satisfied customer? What would be the first thing you would do if you took over the company tomorrow? 2)What do you miss most in Sony-and which competitors do you prefere..WHY do you prefere the competitor? 3) The fact that a website called "Sony Sucks" is excisiting-is a strong indication that Sony has provoked its customers instead of creating customer delight.... what is their 3 main problems in your opinion? 4) Are there other things (like social responsibility, Sonys image in your country, political issues or stories/myths about Sony that are destructive for your view of the company? 5) Do Have any stories about how poor Sony service ruined you day? How are you treated by Sony customer service? I would be really glad to hear from you today!!! You would contribute in a academical presentation about just why and how "Sony Sucks" :') TA-MBA |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 3207 Registered: Dec-03 | Here is an hypothesis, TA-MBA. Sony's founder and chairman took pride in the name and the quality of the product. He did not care much about market research. He was an engineer. From scratch (a transistor radio) he and his company built an international reputation for high-quality, good value consumer electronics. He continued to care about the name and the products associated with it. It was his life. Some time in the mid-1990s, he died. The people who took over saw an opportunity to make money by using up the consumer trust built by an engineer who cared first about the product. So they spent the reputation to return profits, instead of investing profits, as he did, to make a better product and a better name. Their R&D was turned to trying to make a captive market, not a better product that would compete. His goal was long-term; theirs is short-term. He was an engineer; they are mostly in marketing and management. He understood the products; they have MBAs. I could be wrong. By all means check it out. And good luck! |
Anonymous | Thank you John A and other contributors! Do you think the Sony products are loosing credibility by making lower quality compared to competitor and it's "old self"-or is their main problem that they have poor customer service, high prices or bad branding? Technology is rapidly becoming a commodity.... Thank you! TA-MBA |
TA-MBA Unregistered guest | Hallo Sony Haters, Can you help me? Your website is really interesting! I am a business school student writing a paper about how Sony's poor marketing, customer focus and customer service is about to distroy the company. Since we all know that they are in trouble...could you answer the following about Sony electronics? REALLY Appreciate it!!!! 1) WHAT should Sony do to get you back as a satisfied customer? What would be the first thing you would do if you took over the company tomorrow? 2)What do you miss most in Sony-and which competitors do you prefere..WHY do you prefere the competitor? 3) The fact that a website called "Sony Sucks" is excisiting-is a strong indication that Sony has provoked its customers instead of creating customer delight.... what is their 3 main problems in your opinion? 4) Are there other things (like social responsibility, Sonys image in your country, political issues or stories/myths about Sony that are destructive for your view of the company? 5) Do Have any stories about how poor Sony service ruined you day? How are you treated by Sony customer service? I would be really glad to hear from you today!!! You would contribute in a academical presentation about just why and how "Sony Sucks" :') TA-MBA |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 3208 Registered: Dec-03 | TA-MBA, My impression is lower quality than its "old self". Other posts here seem to support that. As regards competitors, its strategy seems to be to try to eliminate them, which speaks for its confidence in its products, it seems to me. Case 1: SACD (compare DVD-A; technically the natural extension of CD). Case 2; its portable music player, and the file format it owns. I forget the name. (compare MP3 and Apple iPod). These observations are contentious - we have been here before. In my view the Sony strategy seems to be "protectionist". That is my view. Others disagree. They will most likely respond. Others think every one else is protectionist, too, so it is OK. Having no vested interest, it is amusing to see Sony pitted against Microsoft for the games console market. You will find many customer service anecdotes on this and other threads. Let someone else comment, now. Please don't re-post every hour. These threads are difficult enought to read! |
TA-MBA Unregistered guest | Again thank you to John A! I would be very happy to hear other peoples view about Sony (please read my questions from TA-MBA) above. I am going to make a presentation about Sony and think it would be great to have interviews from real ex-customers instead of just presenting numbers and theories. Is anyone disagreeing with john A? Is he right? I believe Sony is both making less quality (losing credibility with old quality oriented customers) and also do worse marketing than f.example Apple (customer service, focus on customer needs and trends, and even advertising)-meaning not getting new customers eighther. Anyone disagreeing with me? Why do people love Apple and hate Sony????? |
TA-MBA Unregistered guest | Steve Steve-could I use your comments in a presentation about Sony? TA-MBA |
krisclake3221 Unregistered guest | Okay here it is. Sony car audio is not the best, but it is cheap, and that is what it is made for to be cheap so all you cheapy people out there can buy it all up. 2nd, if you had a bad experience with sony, then I appologize, but I promise everybody here has had a bad experience with something else as well. 2nd, their service department, if something happened to your screen and it was scratched, you should have took it up with an authority, but again, same thing happens with every other company as well. My point, all electronic companies can do the same. Sony makes excellent products, that is why they are rated under consumer reports as Number 1 for all their TV's. Why is it the number 1 most recognized brand name is the WORLD!!! Who was the first out with the Location Free TV?? Who was the pioneer in CD and DVD's? As for proprietary formats as SACD and ATRAC. Okay, so we have our own formats, but so does Apple. Anybody heard of AAC??? How about Apples copywrite on MPEG4? Same reason there is Dual Layer DVD and Double Layer DVD. Every electronics company uses them. If there ever was such a thing as a univeral format that actually was a high quality format, and everybody could use, they would be idiots because they wouldn't make any money off of it. If you designed something, and you took a lot of money and invested it, wouldn't you want to be paid off for it??? Now, as far as the internet??? I have no idea what site you are on, but if you go to the offical website, I assure you that they have pictures of the product on there. Secondly if you looking for a paticular product, and you have questions on it because you can't decode the model #'s, why don't you check out one of the stores??? Anyways, if you can't tell already, I work for sony. And we try out best to please everybody out there. And if one bad experience is going to ruin you view on a company, then I promise that every company out there will be out of business. Because all of them have dropped the ball on somebody. It's their ability to make it right that makes the company a good one or not. And I promise that we try to make it right as much as possible. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 3216 Registered: Dec-03 | Good for you, kris. I once had long-term brand loyalty for Sony based on the Trinitron TVs and the excellent Sony Walkman Pro. No proprietary formats there. "Every electronics company uses them". Not so. Some have the confidence to rely on quality, and open standards. Sony did, once. Apple still does. Witness its OS being based on UNIX, and able to run all sorts of open source software. Furthermore, offering a new, propriatery format is one thing; the customer can try it, and decide for himself if he likes it. That is, for example, AAC. You can use iPod and iTunes with MP3, WAV, AIFF, etc. However, obliging customers to use one format to the exclusion of everything else - that is ATRAC and SACD - is a big mistake. Hiding the fact behind BS about technical improvements is not going to win friends. While you are there.... "The Compact Disc - perfect sound that lasts forever" (Sony 1983) "SACD - giving higher quality sound than conventional CD" (Sony 1999; forgetting to inform us you can't share or burn DSD files). But, really, it is great that you write as you do. Thanks! |
krisclake3221 Unregistered guest | And now I must say to this. Sony offers many network walkmans, that are not only atrac compatable, but also mp3 and other formats as well. Apple has a great OS, but why are they the only one out there that doesn't support windows based format programs with out needing to but their on special programs. Untill about three or four years ago, apple was well on it's way out the door. If prodcuts such as the Imac and Ipod came out, they would have been. Now as far as sony using windows on their VAIO's. If we where to offer any other brand other than windows, consumers would not buy it. They would look at us like we are trying to be propriatery again and down on us even more. SACD is great quality, have you ever heard it. Just because you can't illegaly copy, burn or whatever you want to do on your own time is not something that is a bad thing. IT"S ILLEGAL. And i assure you in the next two years all advanced formats will be the same. |
SONY SUCKS I RULE Unregistered guest | SONY SUCKS ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS but i think ill buy ps3 only bacause its better than xbox and xbox 360 put together.. SUCK MY HUGE C*CK SONY!! |
Gradma Unregistered guest | HI I Think that sony and all crappy comapainis try to suckmoney out of ya so suck my dick big companys... Stacy (randmother of 5)(with mustache and dick) |
Gradma Unregistered guest | HI I Think that sony and all crappy comapainis try to suckmoney out of ya so suck my dick big companys... Stacy (randmother of 5)(with mustache and dick) |
tgan Unregistered guest | Sony financial promised me no money down no interest for 14 months on a Wega TV. At the end, I paid the entire amount amount. They billed me for $853 in back interest claiming I had defaulted on the loan by two weeks. The statement showed 'minimum amount due $0.00. Sleazbags! Product is ok....Sony Financial sucks! |
SONY RULES Unregistered guest | In this communist world, Sony hearts you. In this world, the haters can go fücking die on their American fücktarted Ku Klux Asses. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 3756 Registered: Nov-04 | If you love Sony, then name one product that is NOT made overseas. In the past, Sony used to make/assemble products in Japan/US etc, where quality could be measured. Now it's all dollars and cents. Sony should also quit suing teens and grandparents for downloading songs. Very lame. Instead of spending money on R&D, they waste it on lawyers. |
Reinhart Unregistered guest | "If you love Sony, then name one product that is NOT made overseas." Various Sony bigscreen televisions are either assembled in Mexico or the United States. Various kinds of professional broadcast equipment is sometimes made domestically. "In the past, Sony used to make/assemble products in Japan/US etc, where quality could be measured. Now it's all dollars and cents." What manufacturer doesn't follow this trend? And, Sony isn't the biggest offender. Believe me, there are companies that are A LOT worse. Thomson (RCA/GE/ProScan) comes to mind, although they sucked in the very beginning. "Sony should also quit suing teens and grandparents for downloading songs. Very lame. Instead of spending money on R&D, they waste it on lawyers." Not just Sony BMG (BTW, Sony BMG is very different from Sony Electronics, Sony Computer Entertainment, and Sony Pictures: related only that they are owned by Sony Corporation and have the Sony name), but any member of the RIAA. This includes EMI, NBC Universal, AOL Time Warner, and etc. As for Sony itself, it really is losing its reputation when Akio Morita died, but not nearly as bad as what happened to RCA when David Sarnoff kicked the bucket. - Reinhart |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 3821 Registered: Nov-04 | "Various Sony bigscreen televisions are either assembled in Mexico or the United States" Not true. You won't find any TV in Canada that's made in USA nor assembled in Mexico(not that great either). "Sony isn't the biggest offender" Sony is ONE of the biggest offender period. They used to make great electronics, now everything is made elsewhere with very poor quality. "Not just Sony BMG" Sony stands out more cause of poor products they produce now plus shaddy business practices. Have you seen the lawsuits against Sony for false advertising? They faked some reviews to inflate their movie's value. |
55 Inches Unregistered guest | FOR SALE... **LCD 55 Inch Sony Grand Vega Adult Toy** Specifications ... 55 inches divided by 5 days = 11 inches per day This TV , err I mean Toy is in slighlty used condition, I used it for 5 days before it became completely useless. Is currently in the process of being shoved up The Brick's rear-end, but can easily be cleaned off and sold... as as is. Asking 3 Grand ( what I paid for ) Bargain for this size of lube-toy... Call 1-877-899-SONY...Ask for "Thief" or "Jerkaround" Operators are standing by. |
New member Username: ElredonPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | I will never ever buy another Sony. I have sent the computer in so many times for repairs the warentee should have been extended a extra year. Buyer beware. Know any more boards or outlet where I can complain about this terrible company LET ME KNOW Thanks |
godofhek Unregistered guest | If any of you are familiar with lik-sang imports you know why im posting his here if not well sony is sueing them because they made psp's availible to europe which they are unrealeased there except in asia, where lik-sang is based, it is leagle to export to any country as long as its availible elsewhere. |
New member Username: Rayi23Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | I would like to keep this thread alive. I bought a Sony hand held cd player that lasted less than 3 months. My Playstation I and 2 held out. I also get annoyed that other brands have more features that costs much less. You think that if you buy a Sony, you will get something better but that is probably not the case. I bought a Sony DVD player and it doesn't even show the name of the mp3's on the screen like my mother's JVC. I don't think their remotes are very good, considering the amount of money you are spending. I think you are better off to not spend the extra money on a Sony product. Maybe at one time Sony ruled but not so much anymore. |
Unregistered guest | I agree that sony isn't the company that it once was.In 96 I bought a A/V recerver it died in 2000.For a while I used my Father yamaha that he bought in 1980,yes I still have it.I retired it in 01 for a newer Yamaha.Sony HI-FI products suck buy only YAMAHA,Denon,Kenwood,Pioneer,and onky.In '01 I bought two Sony TV an 27 and 20.The 27 died less then a year.I was very made.I replace it with a Panasonic.The Panasonic work fine.I also collect old school Sony Trintrons.I have one made in 1970 it still works.My 20 wega is going strong.Don't buy any Sony speaker they suck.Yamaha is much better.I must say my sony DVD player works well.I also bought a Panasonic DVD recorder much better than SONY.For a much happier life buy Panasonic for DVD RECORDERS and TV,Yamaha for HI-FI because YAMAHA rules |
Gold Member Username: IlluminatorPost Number: 1495 Registered: Apr-05 |
Source: Very interesting read. The Blu-Ray DVD is an integral part of Sony's success. I wonder how it will do, especially when Toshiba has a similar technology but nowhere near as important to Toshiba's success as a company. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4079 Registered: Nov-04 | I hope Sony's Blu-Ray fails. Last thing we need in this world is a technology that Sony owns. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4081 Registered: Nov-04 | I'll give you a hint. Sony memory sticks. When it first came out, it was 2x higher in price. It offered nothing special over CP nor SD memory cards. The only reason why it's cheaper now is cause of other companies making their $hitty memory cards. |
Booyah Unregistered guest | I just purchased a 42" Grand POS 45 days ago. I was just autoprogramming the tv and boom. Freakin TV stopped working. Called Sony support and they sent a technician out 2 weeks later with a useless part. Now just waiting for them to send out another tech to fix the problem. How bout "just send me a new TV" Wow what a concept, but hey that would make to much sense. SONY SUCKS |
Unregistered guest | I have a SONY Cybershot DSC-T33, nice camera, except if you have to deal with SONY service. I cracked my lcd while camping, I was changing into some swim trunks, had the camera in my pants pocket and ended up stepping on the screen. Well I called the SONY store, they gave me a number to their service depot. I called them, I got a machine, I gave all my details to an answering machine. No response, never. Found another SONY service depot in my city, called them, a human took my info, never called me back. Found the SONY parts store online, couldn't search this part by the camera model, so I sent them a message, they replied a few days later (wow! a reply!) with the part # and I was able to go back to the site and find the price: $192 USD, the only problem being that I am in Canada and this webiste only ships to locations in the USA. Argh. Call back to the SONY service depot where I first talked to a human that never called me back and got the number for their parts distributor. Their price astounded me: $355 CDN + TAX!! The camera sells for $550! Will never purchase SONY again. They do make some good products but their greed is overwhelming. They love making their products proprietary so when you need a replacement they make you bend over and take it. Greed is bad, I will not support their greed. SONY is very greedy. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4259 Registered: Nov-04 | Welcome to the club. Wait till you try their MP3 player, the one that uses the MD disk. Not only do you have to install their stupid program, the software monitors your usage and activity! They are so sure that you will be pirating songs, that there's a limit on the number of times you can download the song to the unit. How lame is that? It doesn't matter that you PAID hard earned money for a cd. The software will not it after x number of downloads. If you have 3rd party software for downloading songs to mp3 players, Sony is the only unit it doesn't support. Not because they don't want to, it's Sony asking for royalty fees. They are like leeches. Microsoft does similar business practices. |
Jed Redeker Unregistered guest | I have owned a Sony Vaio for 6 months. Never again. After being ignored, I was able to "chat with Chad". It was a wonderful experience. Following is the text. user Jed Redeker has entered room analyst Chad_ has entered room Chad_> Welcome to Sony online Support. I will be glad to assist you. Chad_> Hi Jed. Jed Redeker> Hello Chad. I have a problem. Jed Redeker> My hard drive fried. I bought the computer on in late February. I have been trying to go through customer support to get it fixed. I talked to Adrian on 6 Sept (my time). He was very helpful and said that he would see what he could do to get my problem taken care of with the international desk so that I could forego shipping the computer to the U.S. (I am on active duty in Japan). Chad_> Are you trying to ship the unit for service? Jed Redeker> No. I am trying to get the computer fixed in Japan. I live in Japan. The international desk (specifically Marvin) was supposed to work something on this. Sony is Japanese. Chad_> Did you purchase International Warranty? Jed Redeker> No. I am active duty military. I live on U.S. property. I get my mail at a U.S. Post Office. I am technically, legally, and in all other ways except de facto on U.S. property. Not Japanese property. If you tell me that I have to have an international warranty, I will be done with Sony forever. The computer only worked for 6 stinking months and the customer service has been anything but service so far. Chad_> Please give me a moment. Jed Redeker> Sure thing. Chad_> It is taking a bit longer than expected. I apologize for the delay. Jed Redeker> By the way. Every time I try to send an email through the site, when I hit send email, I get sent directly to "this page cannot be displayed." Jed Redeker> That's okay. Chad_> Please give me a moment while I get this information. Jed Redeker> Okay. Chad_> I am sorry to keep you waiting. Chad_> Jed, I suggest that you contact our International Support Team at :1-239-768-7676 to check for any avialable option, however, you may also try contacting the Sony Service Center in Japan and check for the available option. Jed Redeker> Out of curiosity, does your computer fill in stock phrases like, "I am sorry to keep you waiting" if you haven't typed anything in a certain time frame? Jed Redeker> Your basic solution to my problem is to fob me off on someone else? I have already seen that movie. I would like some big person's name and phone number. You know, someone up in middle management who can really get things done. Not a service center, a freaking person. One who has a number that goes to the phone on their desk. And who answers their phone and actually comes to work. Can you help a brother out? Chad_> I can understand how you feel, Jed, however, we are Sony Online Technical Support Team and can provide technical support to our customer, however, you will have to contact our International Support Team for more information in this issue. Chad_> Jed, I truly wish I could help you. Jed Redeker> So no number, huh? Chad_> I am sorry, Jed, we are not authorized to reveal any such information. Jed Redeker> Well, you did your best, and your best is all I can ask of you. You never answered my question about whether your computer fills in stock phrases. Or is it merely that you are yourself a computer? Chad_> I am for real. Jed Redeker> Okay, just checking. Chad_> I truly wish I could have helped you, Jed. Jed Redeker> Do you know the hours your International Support Team works? I can never seem to get them. At least, I can't get Marvin, whose number I have. Chad_> They are available 24hours, 7days a week. Chad_> To avoid peak traffic hours, we recommend you try calling either first thing in the morning, or as late as possible in the afternoon or evening. Jed Redeker> That must be, "they are theoretically available 24 hours, 7 days a week", because they aren't available whenever I call. I call at non-peak traffic hours. I live in Japan. My time zone is GMT+9. I still can't get them. If they would only email me, I think I would feel better. Do you have Marvin's email? Is he well-known around there? If you could dash off a quick email to him telling him that I am trying to get in touch with him, I would appreciate it. I would even consider being your best friend. I know you can't give out that information, but maybe you could do it for me. Chad_> I can understand your concern, however, you may try contacting our email Support Team. Chad_> I will forward a link where you can contact them. Chad_> Chad_> Please click on the link. Chad_> Are you able to view the page? Jed Redeker> That page does not work. I have tried it 11 times today. I urge you to try it for yourself if you think that I am daft. Chad_> Yes, the link is working at this end. Jed Redeker> Give me a second. I'm going for number 12. Chad_> Please copy and paste the link in an address bar of the new browser window and check if you are able to view the page. Jed Redeker> I think I understand the confusion. I can see the page. It is just that after I spend the time to fill it out, I always like to finish by hitting "send email". Then the next thing I see is "The page cannot be displayed". I suppose that it is possible that my emails are getting through. However, when trying to reassure frustrated customers that they are being heard, perhaps this type of feedback is less than satisfactory. Chad_> I can understand that, Jed. You may try contacting them for further information, however, we recommend that you contact our International Support Team. Jed Redeker> HOW DO I CONTACT THEM? All I ever get is voicemail. The voice messages I leave are then followed up with...nothing. My emails don't go through. You are at least a living person (or so you think), but you are presumably constrained from giving me any information that is actually helpful. This whole episode reminds me of the Grisham book where the insurance company keeps putting off the mother until her son dies of leukemia. At this rate, my warranty will have expired by the time I get this taken care of. Chad_> I can understand your concern, Jed. However, you may also try to contact (if possible) the Sony Service Center (in the US) to evaluate the unit physically. Jed Redeker> I am in Japan. Sony is a Japanese corporation, is it not? Chad_> Yes, you are correct. Jed Redeker> So? Do you think it might be possible for someone from this Japanese corporation to look at my computer in Japan? I'm not asking you to have all the answers, just refer me to someone who does. Not a service center. They don't like me. I just want a person. A flesh and blood human to whom I can speak and with whom I can reason. Not the international service center. They don't ever come off of their coffee breaks. Chad_> I sincerely regret any difficulties you have experienced. Chad_> We support the Sony product that is intended for sale in the US, however, we recommend the customer to the International Support Team, if the customer is presently not in the US. Jed Redeker> The International Support Team, doesn't. Chad_> I truly wish I could help you on this issue, Jed. Jed Redeker> Okay, well you have a good night. Or day, depending on where you are. As I said before, you did your best, and that is all that I can ask of you. Tell Sony that I am still ticked at him though. And Marvin, I'm ticked at Marvin too. I think he's cheating on me. He never calls, won't email. Chad_> Jed, I will forward this feedback to our concerned department. Jed Redeker> It has been great. Really. Have a good 'un. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 3759 Registered: Dec-03 | Jed, that is wonderful. You must have the patience of a saint. Just so you know a human being read that one! Hope you get it sorted out. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4274 Registered: Nov-04 | I think Chad was a simulated Japanese program made by Sony. How else can you explain all the "scripted" lines and words. "I will forward this feedback to our concerned department". That's an oxymoron. The day Sony actually cares about anything besides suing kids for downloading songs and money, will be the day when their products will last more than 30 days. |
Gold Member Username: John_aLondonU.K. Post Number: 3760 Registered: Dec-03 | Yes, Chad fails the Turing test. There might have been a human deciding on the scripts. It is difficult to tell. Or perhaps it was one of their robots. |
Jed Redeker Unregistered guest | I have to be fair. I finally got an email from a Sony rep (seems to be human, but I could be wrong) who is sending me a new hard drive. This must be a new record, 10 days! I will suspend judgment on the rest pending the repair of my computer. |
Bluemichi Unregistered guest | Sony Electronics used to be the best that you could get. Apparently their television market is still relatively problem free. However, I just spent $2300 on a VAIO laptop in March 2004. I had problems with the onboard DVD recorder from day one and went back and forth with their customer service a few hundred times. In March of 2005, with all of that documentation their customer service informs me that the Machine is now out of warranty, and i can go get the thing serviced on my own. I will NEVER purchase another sony product, even though i have been loyal to them for about 20 years. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4296 Registered: Nov-04 | That's what those greedy, money sucking leeches are banking on, that customers will buy Sony based on their past history. They also advertise heavily towards females. If it weren't for them, Sony wouldn't be doing so well. Sony represents everything I hate. They're greed driven company that leeches off people, lies and cheats (look at their "fake" movie reviews), loves suing little kids and old seniors for downloading music, and most of all, they screw consumers by making their proprietary. That way they can charge 2x - 5x the actual value. Good example is their memory sticks. They used to charge over $100 for 16MB card! Thanks to SD and compact cards, Sony only charged 2x the value. Now it is within competition, only cause clones make memory sticks. Sony leeches again by collecting royalties/fees. I hope people will just STOP buying Sony, period. |
king sony artificial intelegince Unregistered guest | THESE MESSEGES WILL SELF DESTRUCT ON JUGMENT DAY |
Anonymous | I HATE SONY SO DAMN MUCH!! I hope they don't sell a single PS3! I'm not in love with Bill & Co, but I go with all their stuff. Besides, the new xbox actually looks and sounds pretty cool. Have you guys heard that jap guy who introduced the first PS? I heard him at this conference saying how the xbox 360 is actually competing with the PS2 and that the ps3 is the only real next-gen console! Can you believe that dick? The 360 is WAY better than the stupid ps3! He then promises all this over-the-top crap for the next system and its games that everyone know won't see the light of day. I really really hope Microsoft has the coolest effing Windows Vista ready for the world. I don't have a prob with Windows, I just wish it was a bit more stable, more beautiful and faster on the net. Bill is a genius and while a lot of people say he's created a monopoly and ruthlessly slughtered any opposition, I think he was just making good business decisions. I mean who makes business decicions based on being fair to opposition should your company go absolutely massive?! You take what you can. It only makes sense. I would do it if I was in his shoes. PLEASE PEOPLE NEVER BUY ANOTHER SONY PRODUCT AGAIN IN YOUR LIFE!!! DON'T BUY THE PS3!!! GET THE XBOX 360!! BETTER GAMES, BETTER GRAPHICS, BETTER ONLINE PLAY, BETTER QUALITY & NO EVIL 'SONY' LOGO ANYWHERE!!! MICROSOFT 4 LIFE!!! |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4375 Registered: Nov-04 | I was watching the history channel this morning and saw the WW II. You won't believe the things the Japs did to the war prisoners. I used to think the Jewish torture was bad, till today. Maybe the Japs are the worst war criminals ever. Did you know that the Japanese doctors fed anthrax to babies and little starving kids to see how human body? Blasted living prisoners to see how they will survive a bomb blast. The ones close to the bomb died of mercy, the ones that survived, were cut open without any anesthetics to see which body parts were damaged. They made a giant freezer and put the prisoners inside with certain body parts exposed to study frost bites. What's unbelievable is that, they performed unimaginable experiments on woman and children without remorse/guilt. In fact, most of them were proud cause they were serving their emperor. You might ask why I posted this. Well unlike German war criminals that got prosecuted, the lot of the Japanese war criminals escaped prosecution. Some of them are living wealthy. I think they have a shrine/memorial for the dead soldiers. Somehow, the criminals have become legends/heroes to Japanese. Now would you people still buy their products with joy, especially the Sony? That is like Microsoft to America. Think twice before you fork over your hard earned money to them. Hurt them by making Sony fail!!! |
Unregistered guest | I've worked for Sony for 12 years, the last two years going to school so I can get the hell out. You all are very aware of the decline of Sony products, which I won't buy even with my discount. I'd rather pay full price for good product than for junk at a discount. Additionally, you have no idea the policies SonyBMG, rather BMG,...dont be fooled, was a buy out,..not a merger....are changing and enforcing, as well as forcing, upon employees. I don't have the time or energy to explain to you how these policies are alienating and discouraging employees. They have absolutely no regard for the people who had made them successful, thats why they are failing now and will continue their downward spiral. DO NOT SUPPORT SONYBMG IN ANY WAY OR FORM, TRUST ME,...THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU!!! |
Anonymous | I have a Sony NetWalkman - the unit worded just fine at first, but the software (OpenMG) has been broken ever since I "upgraded" it. Even after uninstalling, the program will no longer register itself proplerly with Windows XP. (It won't create a new copy of the database necessary to track the songs that have been "copied" to minidiscs, therefore the only thing I can do is "record" directly from CD to minidisc at highest bitrate.) NO MORE "managing" ripped CDs, playing music from the computer or using the advanced formats that increase the efficiency of the discs... smart if you want to sell more media or more players, but stupid if Sony wants brand loyal customers. Sony blamed it on Microsoft Service Pack II but never bothered to release a software patch even after they bought OpenMG. Sony online automated customer service never provided me with anythying but frustration. As far as I am concerned Sony F*cked me by providing a product that only allows me 50% of the advertised functionality, and they did purposefully (by crippling the software after they figured out their mistake). They are busy protecting their music business revenues even from customers they sold products that would allow legitimate copying. Sony are unscrupulous in their pursuit of profit. I won't knowingly buy anything from Sony for some time, and that includes music from their recording labels. (They conspire to limit legitimate use of technology in order to pursue monopolistic power.) The business practices Sony employs are immoral and illegal. The only reason it hasn't been with a class acion lawsuit is that consumers are unfairly limited from pursuing global action by the same systems that corporation use for that very purpose. Individuals are an afterthought to companies that operate WTO concerns; just look at the previous post from one of their CSRs (above). |
tyj Unregistered guest | I hate sony. I have a PS2. But it should be called just regular playstation because it plays most of those only plays one out of my twelve PS2 games. In other words i blew around 300 dollars on games plus the 200 my aunt blew for when she bought the system. true all systems have disc read errors, but this one has an error every single time. Before you ask, i've tried the games on other ps2's. Guesss what? they work. It only gets worse from here. I originally owned a JVC DVD player. It crapped out after about a year. So i bought a sony. it crapped out in 8 months. Now i have a panasonic. And my inspiration for writing this message, my third sony product died today. Well, that's not true, it didn't completely die. It's a stereo system and the only thing that's wrong with it is that it doesn't play CD's anymore!!!!! I have to admit it though, i have one last sony product, a portable CD player. it's been working fine for a few years now. reat Cd player best one i've ever had. Congratulations Sony, one out of every four products of yours works!! |
Anonymous | I hate sony. I have a PS2. But it should be called just regular playstation because it plays most of those only plays one out of my twelve PS2 games. In other words i blew around 300 dollars on games plus the 200 my aunt blew when she bought the system. true all systems have disc read errors, but this one has an error every single time. Before you ask, i've tried the games on other ps2's. Guesss what? they work. It only gets worse from here. I originally owned a JVC DVD player. It crapped out after about a year. So i bought a sony. it crapped out in 8 months. Now i have a panasonic. And my inspiration for writing this message, my third sony product died today. Well, that's not true, it didn't completely die. It's a stereo system and the only thing that's wrong with it is that it doesn't play CD's anymore!!!!! I have to admit it though, i have one last sony product, a portable CD player. it's been working fine for a few years now. reat Cd player best one i've ever had. Congratulations Sony, one out of every four products of yours works!! |
zoomer Unregistered guest | Sony definitely, no longer rules. My playstation 2 no longer works; actually hasn't worked in a while. Yet, my Sega and older Nintindo still works. My expensive Sony DVD player will not properly play DVD's that I have burned from my home movies; yet my mother's JVC player plays them flawlessly; not like I used this SONY DVD player that much. Not much features either compared to the JVC player. But I should be happy that it says SONY. Nice to see that this thread is still alive. |
Justin Carstarphen Unregistered guest | SONY SUCKS!!!! So I have a DVD/RW and it is external. Well... After the 1st couple of weeks of having this $300 product, it would not read DVDs or CDs anymore. So I was within warranty and SONY did not have a problem with fixing it. Okay, no sweat, but three years later... it starts doing the same thing. I was like screw sending it in again, I took the writer apart to see what the problem was. How about SONY puts this Rubbery piece (size of a quarter) of protection that goes over the CD to protect it. It was totally out of place and it was keeping the CD or DVD from clamping down so it can be read. I was like, "SONY would do some s*h*i*t like that." Put something into a product that after time, it would come lose and make the product not work anymore, but it would not mess up the product totally. Then the customer would have to pay the repair fee and wait for the product to return, and it wouldn't cost SONY a thing!!! All a SONY tech would have to do is replace that damn Rubbery thing! Which in time, the same thing would happen and the process would start all over again!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!! Stupid SONY! |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4969 Registered: Nov-04 | You just discovered how Sony rips off it's loyal customers. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4976 Registered: Nov-04 | Here's another reason why Sony sucks and you shouldn't support them. Sony Music CDs surreptitiously install DRM Trojan horses on PCs Posted by David Berlind @ 8:56 am Reports are beginning to turn up around the Web that discuss how certain CDs from Sony Music come with a Trojan horse-based digital restrictions management (DRM) technology that surreptitiously installs itself as a rootkit on Windows PCs. When software surreptitiously installs a rootkit, it's usually doing so to cover its tracks -- a technique commonly associated with malware such as viruses and Trojan horses. Rootkits generally latch themselves onto the foundation or "roots" of an operating system in a variety of ways that not only prevent their detection, but also their extraction. According to the Wikipedia's definition," a rootkit is often used to hide utilities used to abuse a compromised system." In a scary entry on his Sysinternals Blog posted yesterday (Halloween), Mark Russinovich provides an incredibly detailed account (many screen shots) of how his testing of the latest version of RootKitRevealer (a utility for exposing any installed rootkits) led to his own shocking discovery -- that a rootkit had been surreptitiously installed on his own system. Wrote Russinovich of his surprise, "Given the fact that I'm careful in my surfing habits and only install software from reputable sources I had no idea how I'd picked up a real rootkit, and if it were not for the suspicious names of the listed files I would have suspected RKR to have a bug." Upon further investigation Russinovich traced the installation to his usage of a Sony BMG music CD (Vant Zant Bros. Get Right with the Man) that he purchased through The CD's listing page on says the CD is copy protected, but makes no mention that the copy protection is enforced by way of surreptitiously installed software. According to some additional information regarding copy protection on Amazon's site: This product limits your ability to make multiple digital copies of its content, and you will not be able to play this disc or make copies onto devices not listed as compatible. Content/ copy protected CDs should allow limited burning, as well as ripping into secure Windows Media Audio formats for playback with most compatible media players and portable devices. In rare cases, these CDs may not be compatible with computer CD-ROM players, DVD players, game consoles, or car CD stereos, and often are not transferable to other formats like MP3. In rare cases? DVD players? Car CD stereos? Is Sony BMG nuts? This is another DRM trainwreck just waiting to happen. In the Berlind household for example, CDs are played exclusively through the central 6-disc DVD player that's a part of our whole-home theatre system. I can't imagine buying a CD only to learn it doesn't work. By the way, have you ever tried to return a CD after you open it? (maybe the "R" in DRM should be for "Ripoff"?). According to Russinovich, when played on a computer, the music can only be played using playback software that comes packaged with the CD (the implication is that usage of the media player is what resulted in the surrepititious installation of the rootkit). Near the end of his thorough investigation Russinovich identifies at least one major problem that could result from Sony's employment of DRM in this fashion: The entire experience was frustrating and irritating. Not only had Sony put software on my system that uses techniques commonly used by malware to mask its presence, the software is poorly written and provides no means for uninstall. Worse, most users that stumble across the cloaked files with a RKR scan will cripple their computer if they attempt the obvious step of deleting the cloaked files. Another question that comes to my mind is, given the way rootkits intercept certain system level functions, what will happen when some other music label uses a rootkit that's different from the one used by Sony BMG. For example, if I already have one rootkit on my system that's intercepting specific system level functions and another CD installs a different rootkit that attempts to intercept the same system level functions (essentially overwriting the first rootkit), will that interfere with my ability to listen any of my DRM-protected CDs? Russinovich isn't the only one who discovered the problem. ZDNet reader Barry Ritholtz pointed me to his own account (see DRM crippled CD: A bizarre tale in 4 parts) of an encounter with a DRM protected CD (also from Sony): Morning Jacket's Z. In his tale of DRM woe, Ritholtz points out another restriction that turned up in with the CD's Digital Restrictions Management technology. In what I'll refer to as the third trainwreck of DRM, he can't transfer the music to his iPod (I suspect that the same barrier to transferring music to the iPod will also prevent transfer to a Microsoft PlaysForSure-compliant device, but am not sure). Ritholtz then discovers that the artists (Morning Jacket) aren't exactly on-board with this idea and points to their official statement regarding the application of DRM technology to their music: |
People arn't Stupid Unregistered guest | There is a VERY simple way to bypass their protection.. one that will frustrate them to no ends after the money and time they've put into developing and distributing it. Here's the deal. Every soundcard generally has a line-in. Just plug your cd player into the line in, set levels, use a flat EQ. Anyone can get simple line-in audio recording software. Get a 24-bit card, and normalize if you want to reproduce the cd's audio to it's original quality. You can the play the audio on your computer to your hearts content. Sony don' suck, they may just seem to think everyone else is too stupid to realize the simplicity of audio recording on computers?? |
Anonymous | I used to love Sony. Sony stood for quality and reliability - but no longer. I bought a Digi Video Cam with serial port adapter, then I moved house, lost the CD of the serial port (memory stick) adaptor ... and there is absolutely no way on Sony's website to download software or driver to make it work again. After 1 day of searching, I have given up and bought a new NON-SONY multiple card reader. Taking into account that on top of that, my VAIO crashed with a black screen only 15 minutes after I purchased it (12 month garantee) and Sony wanted 20 Euros upfront just to "look at it" ... just sucks. The funny thing: my cheap non-brand EMC Taiwanese laptop still works superbly after nearly 4 years of daily use. $ony - NEIN DANKE - NO THANK - NO GRACIAS. |
Anonymous | Sony is really bad. Why? All my Sony CDPs, Discmans, walkmans, DVDs and receivers never break, but they sound like SH*T, the DVD has problem reading scratches, and supports practically nothing. Also, most Sony made equpt. owned by people I know broke after little time. The real reason of why my Sony equpt. didn't break is that almost all of them are made by the older Sony. And look here: You see a lot of piracy, spyware, intellectual proprety, etc. with 15,000 results. Did you know that there is "Sony Financial" in Japan? (Insurances &/or bank, I don't remember, but they have both) The good thing is that Sony just changed president I think. He wants to focus on TVs and A/V receivers instead of insurances, bank, recording company, portable player, etc. The post about "they do it right the first time and save money on the next generations" is true form what I know. That's the case of the PSX. The 1001 is great but they cut the costs after. Nintendo Gamecube is not the most powerful, but it DOESN'T break. I know someone who had a car accident, he felt on the NGC, and it didn't break. The copy-protection on most CDs is not working. You use a player with DAE and diskwriter and you have a 1:1 digital copy and the copy-protection is removed. Maybe the rest of the info will not be there any more (Unlocked features, etc.) but what you want is the music. |
New member Username: SpradioPost Number: 4 Registered: Nov-05 | I had to put in my 2 cents on Sony. I operate a technical electronics repair shop for car stereo. I do not sell or install, however I have customers who do. I can tell you that Sony car stereo has several problems: Poor performance. The longevity is lacking. The replacement parts cost structure is unreasonable. Factory support is unsatisfactory. A product is poor if competing products have a better value. All things are valued by comparison. Sony CD mechanisms were used in Ford, Nissan, Delco/GM and some others for years. They have largely been replaced by better brands. That's bad for me. I made a lot of money repairing those Sony CD mechanisms! I have found that all man made products fail in certain repeating ways. A particular product of any kind will have a short list of one, two or three things that will be the primary cause of failure. A similar product made by a different manufacturer will also have this short list of most often found failures, but the list will not have the same items. Once you learn these failures as they apply to specific models, you can repair them quickly. These built in repetitive deficiencies are a good thing for the repair technician. Once the deficiencies by model are learned, future repairs are quite quick. The parts required can be purchased ahead of time with reasonable certainty that those parts will be consumed. Parts on hand expedite the repairs providing customers with quick service. So what makes Sony car stereo so bad? The short list of most frequent failures is not short! Poor initial performance makes the used product very difficult to bring up to an acceptable performance level. Failures manifest early enough that the product will almost definitely fail before the vehicle does. Replacement parts cost is higher than competing brands that are better products. The best products in my opinion are the products that are purchased by the auto manufacturers. They are Alpine, Clarion, Panasonic (Matsushita), Pioneer, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu (Eclipse). Your radio may say Acura or Nissan or any other Vehicle name, but the radio manufacturer will be one of those listed. The domestic big 3 produce their own radios, but the Cassette and CD mechanisms are purchased from those listed as well. (Bose does not make car radios. See my other postings for details.) My experience is car in stereo. As far as other products Sony makes, I have no direct knowledge. I will leave that critique to others. |
RAM-RAM Unregistered guest | Sony Sucks. Period. End of Story. S-O-N-Y Severely-Overpriced stuff -Nobody-Yearns for. (But you do get great added value things like free stealth spy programs on your computer that make it crash, invade your privacy, and never go away...unless you want to make it worse by using their "un-install" program.... Sony Sucks. When in doubt, return to top of this post. |
Angry Mom Unregistered guest | any one have problems with "inital setup" block popping up continually? |
bleu Unregistered guest | i bought a sony md player a year and a half ago. i bought a mac a few months later and found that md players are completely incompatible with apple computers. soooo i emailed sony, and never really got a response or any help on it. why? because they suck a**. at least apple doesn't make completely proprietary CRAP like sony does. my next purchase is definitely going to be an ipod. |
DeLarge Unregistered guest | I don't have any problems with my Sony products. Either you neglect them all! |
DeLarge Unregistered guest | Oh and by the way, how do I chat with a "live" agent with an alternative way to prevent 404 errors and timeouts? |
Unregistered guest | Sony Sucks. Sony illlegally hijacks your pc. They install malicious software using Trojan horses. Root kit and whatever crap. Ask Thomas Hesse for more. He seems to think that you give a damn about it. |
Unregistered guest | Look, why did anyone buy a PS" at the time? Because they wanted a dvd player. That's it. Nintendo give there costomers great products- no over priced crap but good decent fun. Even Microsoft do a good job with their Xbox 360 because of its countless features. But Sony churn out repetative crap, yet Nintendo are the ones that make a difference. |
phoney electronics Unregistered guest | Sony sucks so hard!! They cani½t even make blank cd-r's correctly! I bought a stack of fifty and one out of ten work. As been said before...Sony at one time did make quality products. But with the surge of NEW companies making competitive products, Sony has decided to decrease the quality and increase the headaches. I will never purchase a product from any company that contains these words: SONY I am floored that they continue to ignore their future relations with the consumer. |
phoney electronics Unregistered guest | old news and a remedy...but why would a coporation such as Sony need a remedy? |
insane Unregistered guest | this damn thread has been going on for two years.....crazy |
Jader7777 Unregistered guest | Sony is the worst for replacing or repairing their consoles, look at the Nintendo DS, they replace the DS even if it has only 1 dead pixel but PSP has to have 7 dead pixels before you can replace or repair it. So if you see someone smashing their PSP on the wall, they want more dead pixels. =( Oh, and Microsoft are usualy pretty good at replacing stuff, but the Xbox360 has tainted thier record. Nintendo > Microsoft > Sony Thats how I see it. |
JSF Unregistered guest | Here's something new about why sony sucks. Hasbro has ended its contract with Rhino (or it was bought out by Sony Wonder, I forget which) either way I am a big fan of GI Joe and they own the rights to distribution of the series now and won't release the last half season of the show. Thanks Sony BLUNDER and Hasbro if you are listening, get another distributor who doesn't rip off customers. |
DFM Unregistered guest | I've been satisfied with Sony audio & video products in the past, but my experience with a Sony VAIO laptop has, indeed, sucked! Strike 1: They failed to pay the rebate I was promised, claiming the necessary information wasn't on the box label I sent them. Strike 2: I sent a question to their technical support, and after I told them (politely!) their response didn't help, they sent me a condescending message telling me to refer back to their first response. Strike 3: The machine crashed, and I had to recover from the System Recovery CD. After two attempts, each one ending in a "Critical Error: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?", I was told by their Tech Support that my recovery disks (never before used) were defective. But, I was in luck because I could still get new ones which they would gladly charge me for. You're out! Sayonara, Sony! |
Unregistered guest | Hey, all of you that said that stuff(complaints) should be ashamed. Your all lucky you have a playstation 2 or even 1. Just think of all those children in africa that don't even have FOOD and all of you are worring about a playstaion and disks. I myself have a sony PSP(playstation portable) and the only thing I want to say to sony is, I've been on and I wanted to download a song that Ireland and united kingdom would know and what do I find but stupid songs that I didn't even know, so please get new and better songs. Anoter thing was, I went on to another site to download a song and all I seen was "become a member now" or "join now" so you click on it and what comes up but it's only £10.55 but usually it comes up in dollars but I'm from Northern Ireland so we say pounds, sersily I'm only 11 years old and you need to use a credit card and none of my family would ever give me that much money only on my b-day or Christmas. Any way I think sony is great and all of you that sent complaints should be thankful that you even get any sony things(although they are quite expensive but I blame the shops for that) and that sony was smart enough to come up with the things. Anyway bye from me, Odhran Feeney + I HATE XBOX. |
Silver Member Username: TjmutlowPost Number: 964 Registered: Sep-05 | Myabe good in other areas, but they are leaving the car audio business and laying off about 9000 employees. they must be doing something right. |
Unregistered guest | sony sucks!!!! I live near seattle and purchased a sony monitor and had problems with it and called tech support and the nearest service center is san diego california, THEY TRIED TO GET ME TO SHIP A 30 POUND MONITOR TO SAN DIEGO!!!!! THATS THE LAST TIME I WILL EVER BUY A SONY PRODUCT !!! |
Bad Sony.... Unregistered guest | I was a loyal fan of Sony for many years, but no longer! In the past two months I have had five Sony products just friggin break! One laptop had the LCD backlight burnout, another had one memory bay cease to function, I had to replace the power button on my digital camera (I opened up the old part to find out that it is held on with tape, regular scotch tape!!!), my dvd/vhs player just stopped playing discs and tapes, and now my dvd burner in my computer is wiggin out and keeps closing everytime you try to eject it. I'm done! I guess it is time to just embrace the cheap Walmart crap, and when it breaks throw it away and buy more cheap crap. At least all the broken electronics will make nice targets for my shotgun! lol. My advice for them is to stop trying to copy other companies after the idea, and start creating new ideas like they did in the past. I wonder if their new hack and slash CEO will help them or cripple them. Actually who cares, let em burn. |
Anonymous | According to experience: reasons NOT to buy SONY PRODUCTS: Minidisc player - format is proprietary, CD to minidisc recording is as slow as a casette player (compare this to MP3!), sound quality on MD sucks, you have to buy your own sound cables to transfer music, manually label your song titles (compare to MP3 again!), and the worst of all... after 6 months of use, the MD with all my favorite songs gets corrupted, tracks stop playing after a particular number (like 5 songs or so then it stops) due to the stupid MD data corruption. Erasing the MD DOESNT WORK!!! Solution is to buy a new MD and record from beginning --- better off buy iPod or some other MP3 player compared to the stupid proprietary MD format! Digital camera - The focus sucks, photos grainy, photos look like crap in low light even when following the proper settings... and when I bought the camera it was damn EXPENSIVE -- compare with Kodak or Canon which are MUCH BETTER and MUCH CHEAPER. The provided rechargable batteries have the "memory effect" - fails to fully charge after a few uses.... and best of all: you have to buy their PROPRIETARY Memorystick/MS Duo format which are MORE EXPENSIVE AND HAVE LESS CAPACITY compared with SD/CF. Sony CDROM Drives for PC Fails to read lots of discs. Have to use my other computers/drives to read data MOST OF THE TIME. Enough said. Not to mention their unethical practices of adding rootkits into CDs!!! |
Pi88ed 0ff Unregistered guest | SONY SUCKS. BIG TIME. I'LL NEVER BUY ANOTHER PIECE OF THEIR CRAP AGAIN. I bought a 'top of the line' $500 SONY DVR/VCR combo 9 months ago. After about an hour of DVD recording (as the unit gets warm) it stops recording DVDs, locks up, ruins the DVD disk, and the only way to recover from the situation is to UNPLUG the ac power cord. This defect is even noted in their FAQs on the service website. I've sent it in for repair twice for this issue. It came back with scratches and nothing was done to fix it - the form returned with the unit just says NO TROUBLE FOUND. The Sony people running the business are crooks. The people doing the service work are idiots. I was a fool for buying their crap. But never again. SONY SUCKS. SONY SUCKS. SONY SUCKS. |
PS3=CRAP Unregistered guest | I really hate sonys shoddy products. I especially hate the Playstation line, don't buy a PS3, buy an Xbox 360 or Revolution, and join the REAL next generation |
Bronze Member Username: MakmillionUnited States Post Number: 58 Registered: Apr-06 | Sony, in my opinion, should never have expanded their company into the car audio/video field. I owned a sony deck a couple years back, cd player stopped playing and wouldn't eject the disc. Sent it in for repairs, got a REFURBISHED TAPE PLAYER back by mail, almost 5 weeks later. Turned out that the model number was only "a number or two off from the cd player" I originally purchased. I was told to send in the tape deck and they would send me a brand new cd player as a replacement. Sent in the tape deck, never heard from Sony again. Shame on Sony, Shame on them forever! |
New member Username: NiemivhPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | Sony is a criminal organization who take from musicians who sign to its label. Sony has released audio CDs with built-in rootkits that attack your system and leave you open to attacks from other viruses all in a paranoid attempt to prevent you from *gasp* burning CDs of the music you bought with your money. When the CEO of Sony was asked about the rootkit that Sony audio CDs were installing, he said that: "Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?" What an @$$. An interesting fact is that none of the so-called "anti-virus companies" (Symantec, McAfee, etc) acknowledged the Sony rootkit as a virus or did anything to stop it, except F-Secure. It begs the question, is it a virus if it released by a multi-billion dollar corporation? I'd say yes. And I'd also say for Sony, Symantec, McAfee and the other fake anti-virus companies to go burn in hell. I will never buy another Sony, McAfee, Symantec, (or other would-be-anti-virus) product for as long as I live. |
New member Username: Donnie60Denton, Maryland U.S Post Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | I purchased a E series Sony receiver because it had a (5) year warranty. I mailed the remote to their repair facility in Laredo,TX. for repair well they don't repair remote controls; their remotes only carry a (1) year warranty, I overnighted the damn remote for $ 20.00 and now I have to choke up $ 185.00 for a refurbished remote due to the fact that they have discontinued the remote, I could have used the ($20) towards the replacement instead of shipping it over night to a facility that is called a repair center. FUCKED HARD! |
New member Username: EdanaterPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | omg to those people that said the play station was better than x-box wtf man the x-box makes the play stations look like the ds (which sony) |
New member Username: SolidsoliPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | LOL its the first time ive heard that xbox is better than ps2, who ever says that has to get glasses, xbox was released WAAAAAY after the ps2, and it was supposed to make ps2 look like it was a joke compared to it, but if you look at it today, there aint much diffrence between the consoles, so stop talking crap and play BOTH consoles before you start to make acusations ![]() |
New member Username: Me010101Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-06 | I have a sony walkman radio. The volume controll knob is a conventional pot. One of the stereo channels is almost silent. You only hear sound from one channel of the stereo. It has a clock button that doesnt ashow the time while the radio is on. THe clock button only works while the radio is off and is only used to go into set mode. I had a sony cd walkman adapter used to play music through a car tape deck. It had cogs meant to spin like a real tape so the tape deck thinks its playing a tape and won't automatically eject it. The cogs freeze up after a while so that they can;t spin freely. The tape deck thinks its at the end of a tape and keeps automatically reverising playing sides for playing a tape. |
New member Username: WilxlPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | THE ONE THING SONY knows how to do correctly are mass market products that look nice but inside their craftsmanship sucks! For years I believe the hype that SONY products were great until I discovered for myself. I work in music production and in the last 15 years I've owned two SONY DAT recorder decks, one portable DAT recorder all of which broke under delicate to normal use. A CD player broke under normal use. I owned 4 SONY headphones breaking under delicate to normal use. Please note in all cases mentioned above occurring 12 -18 months into ownership! When we buy stuff we intend to use it for the long run. It wasn't long before I took notice of the lack of quality being delivered from the SONY brand. It wasn't much of a surprise to me when I started to hear the same stories from friends and associates. Nowadays I prefer to invest my money in products from start up companies who have great reviews and display a passion for their work and at the same time have something to prove to the public! I encourage everyone to do the same. |
Silver Member Username: Wolfman1966WEST MONROE , LOUISIANA USA Post Number: 401 Registered: Jan-06 | Sony vaccuums really do |
New member Username: SocomplicatedNY US Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-06 | Well, have you guys ever played Socom (1/2) online? If so, they were originaly made by ZIPPER (a third party company). The games were GREAT. So what does SONY do? They buy out ZIPPER, fire the employees and replace them with SONY employees. Its all for the money, Socom 3 is crap, the service is crap. They patch one set of problems and create 20 new problems. This proccess taking months at a time.(SONY apologizes a lot because they know they are terrible.) heh. God only knows what the PS3 has in store for us. $600, $60 per game! I don't care if its blu-ray or if you can play online with Jesus himself. We all know what to expect from SONY, they already covered Overpriced, next is crappy and more lies. I realy don't have a lot of money to expirement with other products when I want, but I will say SONY SUX. I never liked their walkmans and the nnew TV my grandma got has horrible picture at times. Anyway, their monopoly just keeps getting bigger and it sucks. |
New member Username: SocomplicatedNY US Post Number: 2 Registered: Oct-06 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to all spammers, grow up. If what you type is stupid and random just shut off your computer and stop waisting space. Anyway, I hope the Nintendo Wii crushes the PS3. I don't know about ya'll but when PS1 got big I just kept my N64 and said, "screw Sony". I ened up getting a PS2 with out problems, but it had been out for some time anyway. Oh well. I would like to see Sony having some class with their customers and make a quality product, if thats too hard then let their compition crush them for all I care. |
New member Username: SocomplicatedNY US Post Number: 5 Registered: Oct-06 | One more thing, glad to see this threas has been goin for so long. If anyone plays Socom 2 or 3 my name is Killah28. even though sony sux Im addicted to socom. heh great game backed by a bad co. |
New member Username: IllphateJoplin, MO United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-06 | I agree, Sony sucks... I will never buy as sony computer again. It works really great, until you try to upgrade. All i freaking want to do is add 1g of ram to my sony vaio. I have went through 3 major companies that make ram. Sony will not work with any of them. I keep getting error after error, the specs match exactly, there is no reason other than sony is a stupid, and wants to be a monopoly why it is not working. I even tried to contact Sony to buy ram from sony cause im so desperate to upgrade. They don't even offer ram from sony to buy. They want you to buy a whole new computer... Tell me they don't suck now... lol |
New member Username: KeanzuPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | My Sony exposure started and ended with the horrible ATRAC nonsense. Ever since then I've avoided their products and started a website to help others avoid them too: Sony Sucks |
New member Username: WingnetengineerPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | I have a 32" SONY WEGA that only gives the OSD display at the expense of the brite and contrast all the way up and the Vivid mode turned on. The set is less than 2 years old! My PIONEER Elite 54" is 12 years old and my Mitsubishi 27" is 20 years old and they both work fine. I do have to mention the WEGA was a freebe from an upset customer who did not want to fight to get it fixed. These sets have a history of the "B" board going bad in a very short time frame. The Grand Wega had a software issue that turned them off after 6 months. This issue is documented on the SONY support site. I have 8 SONY products, 2 I payed for and 6 that people became disgusted at and gave to me. It is definately a quality problem with their products. They used to ofer 5 year picture tube warranty, now it is 2 years. The initial warranty was 1 year parts and labor, now it is 1 year parts, 90 days labor. As a service tech, I know 90 days is not long enough for a defective part to fail. It sometimes wil take up to 3 years for a casually used piece of thechnology to show a defect. Use your new technolohy heavilly for the first 60 days for a proper "burn in" of the components. Do not believe a label that says it had a "xx Burn-in time" on it, because you do not do that on an assemly line. |
New member Username: Mattman585Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | I recently had the CRT's in my Sony 57" HD, rear projection TV fail. It was just outside warranty and the repair estimate was $1500 (TV originally $2800 in 2002). The repairman said it was quite common for these TV's to have this kind of failure and that they don't even repair them unless there under warranty because the picture quality is never as good and the customers complain. Additionally he said the CRT's have phosphurous in them which almost guarantees they'll fail within five years, that's if you can find them since Sony stopped making them! Sony actually extended the warranty on these to four years because of a "flicker" issue. The recommended service was to replace the CRT's, which of course would keep the TV running past the warranty date (which I believe happened to me when I had it serviced under warranty). I think I got a "Lemon", but Sony's no help. I've found consumers on other websites who had this problem, but not here. Has anyone else here had this problem? |
New member Username: SonysucksalotCyberworld, Bitland Space Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | I HAD PLAYSTATION 2 WITH OVER 30 GAMES AND ONLY 4 WORKS! NINTENDO RULES, SONY SUCKS, NO MATTER WHAT! SONY SUCKS @$$! RAWR! ![]() |
New member Username: Ssp2979Post Number: 2 Registered: May-07 | I am so glad to have found a place where people reported having similar problems with sony. They have redefined what happens when a nameless, faceless corporation gets too big. A while back I dedicated a web page to my dealings with sony, here it is (language warning!): |
New member Username: TiggerpawsPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | I bought a dvp-ns575p in 2005 and it just screwed itself today. I diagnosed it to the main chip overheating causing the crashing, it will be on for a few minutes, then crash and restart, heh, much like a windows machine. Sony of course, stating that the warranty was out, expected me to buy a mew one??? I told them bullstool and said I for the record, will NEVER buy from Sony again. Sony has lost me as a customer. |
New member Username: I_hate_sonyPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | I will never buy another Sony product again. I warn everyone I can about how much their quality has gone down. They used to be GREAT, but now you can't trust their electronics quality, or even that they don't have intentional disabling, planned obselescence, and DRM. I have a stereo I got from them in the late eighties, works great! My PC's new Sony, top of the line internal CD burner from last year sounds like a wind tunnel, and goes really slow. My Sony DVD player takes FOREVER to load up, or decide to eject... My list of grievances, (like everyone else above) goes on and on. It took me a while to even figure out that it was a trend with their stuff, that's how high was my level of trust with them! It will take an unbelievable amount of convincing to make me go back to them. Everything they make is just junk. They stopped making the Aibo, because the company no longer has any heart. They just care about your short-term money! They don't understand how to create long-term value for their company by building customer trust. |
New member Username: George1234Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-08 | Sony has two sets of online consumer pricing - Retail and MSRP. Even their Retail price is WAY more than what others sell their products at. But if you try to use Sony Points to buy something, they charge you MSRP, which can be hundreds more than their own retail price. They do this by cashing the points from a different website. Ask either website about the discrepancy and they deny any affilliation with each other ... except that they are both Sony Corporation run sites. A real rip off. |
New member Username: George1234Post Number: 2 Registered: Jan-08 | When I call with questions, the reps know nothing. If I ask for a supervisor, they promise one will call back, but no one ever does. But what really took the cake was a recent mailing asking for my opinion and offering me a chance to win a free camera. I answered the questions honestly - that I wouldn't recommend their products to any one - and before the survey ended a message poped up saying they had collected enough responses so "good bye". They never even asked my name to enter me in the contest. I guess they were only looking for positive responses. |
New member Username: ManlyslutDoncaster, England United Kingdom Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-08 | Hi, I searched "Sony sucks" in google and this came up, so I had to tell my story here. I got a Sony handycam for christmas 07 and it seemed pretty promising. It recorded vids, took pics, and had usb link to computer. The only problem is my computer doesn't recognise it. What's the f*cking point in having a camera if you can't make movies? I checked the box for like help and a contact number but no, that's too convenient. Instead it's packed sh*t of adverts of stuff I would never use. Every now and again it says "Sony disk recomended" why don't it just call itself the iCam. I tried everything, but the computer still doesn't recognise it, even the programs that I installed from the disk that came with it won't recognise it. Is this some sort of joke? What's worse is that I'm a lefty, yet the strap to hold it is on the right side, and you have to see through it with your right eye, which I just can't do. Luckily there's a part to open to see what I'm recording. So much for being in the 21st century. Also, there's a website on one of the adverts, but that doesn't f*cking work. That's real nice isn't it. I went on, but apparently that hasn't heard of the handycam. And what's really stupid is when it's connected to the computer. When it's connecting it says "connecting", when it's connected to the computer it says..."connecting". No change. The only way I tell is when my computer makes that found new hardware sound, but that could mean something completely different. Anyway, DON'T BUY SONY PRODUCTS. PS2/3/P are all pieces of sh*t. The only reason I had a PSP is because I got 5 games with it for £100,(I still feel a bit cheated). PS1 was pretty good, but I was like 8 when it came out, and it's basically SNES CD with Sony pasted over it. Anyone think they can top that? I think you probably can. |
New member Username: JohnnysstangPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-08 | PS3 disc reader went out after 6 months of use on a 80GB.I sent it back to them for warranty work,only for them to tell me that since i bought it new off of ebay that it was still considered used after arguing with the support dept. supervisor that the warranty doesn't state exactly what stores i should have bought it from.I told them i'm not paying another 149.00 for a system that was 499.00 to just send it back.I found a laser blu ray reader on EBAY AND HAVE SOMEONE FIX IT CHEAPER.So here is a word to the wise go to (wal-mart,bestbuy,etc)and be sure to keep your reciept because they do not try to help the customer.This is the last sony product for me and my family... |
New member Username: TechdojoorgPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-08 | Found this thread by Google image searching on sony sucks. I've got a story to tell, myself: |
New member Username: EcpcPerth, West australia Australia Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-09 | Sony has cost me more than $1000 and many hours of frustration..I am planning to smash my near new video camera and then set fire to it on you-tube..It is beyond repair and does not work in several ways..The HDD/DVD 'recorder' RDR-HXD890...apart from numerous basic design flaws,simply does not work after several months of light use..If you ever lose the remote,or it stops functioning,.well good luck because there are no channel buttons etc..Too many faults to mention...I try not to hate anything about life,..but in Sony's case,.i would love to see them all rot in hell.Good luck sending feedback or getting any help.The best thing you can do is SPREAD THE WORD...People like sony are helping to destroy the planet and peoples lives.. |
New member Username: Mr60spotDallas, TX United States Post Number: 3 Registered: Jun-09 | My 2 year old Sony Grand Wega $2700 50" LCD recently failed due to a faulty component in the system called the optical block. After some research, it has become clear that Sony was selling these TV's with full knowledge of the bad technology. With that knowledge, they extended the service warranty for a short duration which expired precisely 3 months before my TV did. I am not alone. In the states, there are apparently tens of thousands of others with the identical problem. Sony has offered the following as compensation. 1. They will reimburse up to $400 of the repair, which costs $1300 plus labor ($400). This option will cost about $1,300 net, approximately the price of a brand new TV from any of their competing brands. 2. They will sell me another TV, the current model, for only $1350 plus tax. After considering that offer and researching the TV, I have learned that it also has a known defect. Please click the link below to absorb the sentiment shared by nearly 100,000 American and Canadian customers (and have a laugh). PLEASE AVOID THE NIGHTMARE AND DO NOT BUY A SONY PRODUCT OF ANY KIND. |
New member Username: McdozerPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-09 | I've already stopped buying Sony products in the 80s when I only regretted having payed money for an over-priced piece of Sony crap I had to take to the shop every few weeks to be repaired until it finally gave up the ghost completely. But since most Sony Entertainment owned video clips aren't available in some countries anymore, I'd say those guys are just about murdering music and culture per se, which isn't really surprising, but to say "Sony sucks!" is really, putting it mildly. |
New member Username: Bill_will_in_the_hillsPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-10 | The reason Sony sucks is because they went the way of WMG and BMG and removed all of "their" music from youtube. Want to listen to Bruce? Nope. Some Billy Joel? No way. Keep in mind that this is outside of their official channels, so if you don't want to hear all the run of the mill pop songs they came out with "Born in the U.S.A., Dancing in the Dark" etc. then you have to buy the album. I buy enough crap from Sony, this is just complete corporate elitism. |
New member Username: Sonyis666Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-11 | Sony sucks all right. OK let's start with the products that "work." 1) A portable CD player that, when shut off, forgets the volume level it was set to. Next time you fire it up, it blasts your ears off. 2) Car stereo whose ON button is not the OFF button. You turn the thing on by hitting the mode selector; if you hit it again figuring it's also the OFF button, you switch modes. So you push it for OFF and suddenly you are listening to earsplitting static because you just switched from AUX to radio. The real off button is microscopic and doesn't make the unit turn on when you push it. Why the hell not? 3) DVD player, that when you power it on, *immediately* switches to standby mode. Does it take a lot of imagination to figure that when someone turns on the unit they will want to USE it now? Seriously, who is in charge of ergonomics there? All three of the above mentioned are just stupid design. Ok, here's the thing that broke: I bought some of the noise cancelling headphones. Right ear muff fell off completely. It's attached to the headstrap with a screw. Guess what? The screw's head is inside the earmuff and cannot be accessed, at all. What idiot engineer came up with that one? Put the screwhead in the headstrap if you have to do this with a screw at all, so people can fix this when it happens (and it happens a lot). Incompetent engineering, all around. You'd think they were headquartered in Detroit. |
New member Username: AleenajoeNottingham , Nottinghamshire UK Post Number: 4 Registered: May-12 | I anticipate they were the aboriginal ones to use archetype aegis on their brainless CDs after cogent consumers (I could be wrong). I do accede with humans that Sony consistently consistently overprice their products! I anticipate Sony is aggravating to be like Microsoft, over amount everything, archetype protect |
New member Username: JannebkkPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-12 | Dear all unhappy Sony consumers. We are a creating a group of unsatisfied Sony consumers. If we united, we can give some hot steam back to Sonyâ¦anyone interested, hang around and we will post a link for further actions |
New member Username: JannebkkPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-12 | Soon we send you a link where you can registere your information |