Suggestions on what to power my sub with?


Im really becoming increasingly unhappy with my US acoustics 2150 because it doesint put out the power its slated to, so i think its time to get a new amp. I have a RF HE2 15(2Ohm DVC) and im wondering what would be a good amp to power it?

Also, is it allright to overpower your sub if you set the gains right?

my price range is about 250-300 and the amps im looking into are:
Rockford 1001 BD
JBL 1200
Avionixx- not exactly sure of which model, but i hear good things about their amps

any other suggestions?

autotek. the mx series are the sh*t better than the amps you are looking at.but if had to go with
one amp from the list. the jbl i like the price
and power.
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