Convert from 5 1/4 to 6 1/2 ?


New member
Username: Bert2

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jun-04
I have 5 1/4 speakers and want to upgrade, preferably to 6 1/2, Can this be done easily and are conversion plates avaialable? Am I right that given the same quality of speaker the larger will give the better mid bass sound?

Bronze Member
Username: Jamtochristian

Williamsport, Pennsylvania USA of course!

Post Number: 74
Registered: Mar-04
Let me put it to you this way, I recently did something like this happen in my car. Okay, I have 5x7 holes, and I wanted to put 6 1/2 components in there. But, it is challenging to mount such a thing, so what I did, was I made my own customer plates to make it a 6 1/2, plus I had to rip my door panels to pieces getting it all installed. So after I welded up my new custom plates, I did manage it. I just have to make my own door panels beceause mine look stupid now. But like I said, I'm makin new ones tonight. You will prolly have to modify a lot if its in a door. If you're putting these on the rear deck, then it'll be a lot easier, because you can just use a plasma cutter(if you have one, or some other cutter) to make the hole bigger. Then remount the speakers. Its a lot of work, and if you're not good with car work and metal work, I suggest just getting the 5 1/4. Its a lot of work

Bronze Member
Username: Mattl

Bolingbrook, Illinois USA

Post Number: 16
Registered: Jun-04
This totally depends on the car. Donald had a pretty much worst-case-scenario and is totally right-- if they don't naturally fit, it can take a lot of work. AND, that's still assuming that the depth is accommodating (I've had that happen before -- not fun).

What car is it? Maybe someone here has it or has at least seen the mount.


New member
Username: Bert2

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jun-04
It's a Citroen BX; probably not known in the US.

Thanks boys. I will get hold of a scrap 6.5 and see if I can fabricate a step up adaptor before I admit defeat.
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