Today was the final day of The Midnight Fantasies Car Show here in Lake Charles La. Today was a good day for our two rides.. The Show also doubled as a double or triple point USACi event. The competition turnout was sub-par. I won the 0-1000 Mod class with a 147.3 @ 41 hz. and our other ride won the 0-600 stock class with a 144.3 @ 41 hz. More on that later.. Here are a few pics of some of the cars at the show.. (sorry if there are any double posted pics.)
Back to the comp.. Yesterday I was only able to muster a 146.2 @36 hz.., and re-busted by roof in the process.. The 'burban got a 144.1 as of yesterday.
Well this morning we headed back up there to see where we were at in the standings.. Curiosity, getting the best of me I asked a guy to sit on my roof as i did a re-run. I was able to improve to a 146.6 As we were waiting for the comp. to end and get our trophies. another vehicle entered in 0-600 stock and burped a 144.2 @ 52 hz. Barely edging out our 'bourbon. So We decided to make one last run to better our scores.. I went first... As I pulled up A guy yelled out that I was running 2-18's and a small crowd gathered around me and started talking about how cool I was...
ROFL... Sorry dBLK... Had to say it.
I put two teenagers on my roof and did my personal best(with this system) 147.3 @ 41-42 hz.. No pic's.... If you don't believe me GFY! LMAO
Last up was Shawn's 'bourbon.. he put someone on his roof and hit 144.3@ 41 hz. Beating the Acura and reclaiming the lead by 1 tenth of a dB. was pretty cool.
\Well I pretty much narrowed down why My numbers were not what I expected.... Simply put... Under-power... The over-rated Hifonics (which have never givin' me a problem) just cant produce the power needed to push these subs to the potential.. I have to get Steve's RD5750.1. or equivalent. Any questions or comments are welcome... Thanks for taking the time to look at all this. Later
Steve, your a slacker lately. DQ isn't even bad, you can get away with anything. Why didn't you grow some balls and call him?
Lol. There was no reason for me to call him. I'm sure Sharon will hate me for a couple days but w/e. It doesn't even matter anymore. I've been screwed over plenty of times working there so just get over it.